I will call it now


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score
The Land of Sanctuary
I voted for Trump, and I make no qualms about it.


I have a big feeling that Cruz will win the nomination. Rubio will drop out after losing Florida to either Trump or Cruz, and Kasich will drop out if he loses Ohio to Trump.

When all is said and done, Cruz will be the nominee. That's how I see it.

Feel free to sling s**t in my direction now.
Why would any rational human vote for a blatant fraud?
I voted for Trump, and I make no qualms about it.


I have a big feeling that Cruz will win the nomination. Rubio will drop out after losing Florida to either Trump or Cruz, and Kasich will drop out if he loses Ohio to Trump.

When all is said and done, Cruz will be the nominee. That's how I see it.

Feel free to sling s**t in my direction now.

Why should anyone fling anything in your direction?
I voted for Trump, and I make no qualms about it.


I have a big feeling that Cruz will win the nomination. Rubio will drop out after losing Florida to either Trump or Cruz, and Kasich will drop out if he loses Ohio to Trump.

When all is said and done, Cruz will be the nominee. That's how I see it.

Feel free to sling s**t in my direction now.

I hope yo are right, but tonights results do not support such confidence.

Alot of the Kasich and Rubio vote will also go to trump. It remains to be seen whether the Rubio camp or Kasich camp are more composed of idealists or party hacks. The hacks will mostly for the winning bandwagon.
Why would any rational human vote for a blatant fraud?

No idea. But people keep voting Trump
Trump is the embodiment of ignorance. He displays the intelligence of many low education white individuals, his supporters. He's playing them like a fiddle. Pretending Mexico is "stealing from us." Rambling about his hatred of immigrants.
I will tolerate a Trump win, but barely. I will consider it the continuation of an idiocracy.

Cruz is the only rational choice.

I'm a Trump supporter, and proudly so!
All I want to say to you is that we vote not only to select a winner but also to voice our political beliefs and positions! Trust in your judgment and make the right decision for YOU, not for anyone else!
Also, I think Trump WILL get the nominee and become a great president!
I will tolerate a Trump win, but barely. I will consider it the continuation of an idiocracy.

Cruz is the only rational choice.

You don't want foam parties in the Oval Office? Have you ever been to a foam party? They're a hoot.
I voted for Trump, and I make no qualms about it.


I have a big feeling that Cruz will win the nomination. Rubio will drop out after losing Florida to either Trump or Cruz, and Kasich will drop out if he loses Ohio to Trump.

When all is said and done, Cruz will be the nominee. That's how I see it.

Feel free to sling s**t in my direction now.

Why should anyone fling anything in your direction?

The Trump supporters of course.
I voted for Trump, and I make no qualms about it.


I have a big feeling that Cruz will win the nomination. Rubio will drop out after losing Florida to either Trump or Cruz, and Kasich will drop out if he loses Ohio to Trump.

When all is said and done, Cruz will be the nominee. That's how I see it.

Feel free to sling s**t in my direction now.

Why should anyone fling anything in your direction?

The Trump supporters of course.

They would be stupid to so it

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