I visited Ashkelon

Originally posted by roudy
Is that the terrorist leader who's scorched wheelchair parts were found in Mars, courtesy of the Israeli Air Force? Besides, shouldn't you be happy he became a shaheed and got his 72 horny male virgin donkeys?

Yes, just one of the hundreds of palestinian refugees murdered by american Hellfire missiles that eventually returned to Uncle Sam in the form of jumbo jets turning 3000 american civilians into hamburger meat.

Like a boomerang that comes full circle and hits its thrower in the face.
1st post
Our homeland is stolen.

I have a home and a land in Ashkhelon, others in Jaffa.

We ask for our right... nothing more.


We have four million palestinian refugees living outside Palestine.

Who has more right in this land?

russian immigrant? Who left this land over 2000 years ago?

Or the one who left 40 years ago?

Who has more right?

We don't hate the Jews... we just want them to give our rights.


Right? Is this about right?

Not really, this is about having Muslims who have, for a long time, seen winning as more important than improving their own lot.
Really Fridge that was a Weird comment...the Gazans do not send money overseas this is done by the Saudis mainly...me thinks you have taken the wrong train track...steve

Had the Muslims been doing what the Jews were doing, then they'd not be in the mess they're in. They're playing the victim, they stick millions outside of their country and do nothing for them as a way of playing politics.

WRONG FRIDGE,try the Saudis

What's your point here?
Not all Muslims,mainly the Saudis stick millions outside,you know Americas Allie,the Palestinians certainly DON'T

I really am not understand what you're talking about here.
You should have said "UNDERSTANDING" what you are etc.,...I THINK WE WILL LEAVE IT THERE Fridge...steve
Originally posted by frigidweirdo
I consider myself to be a logical person and as a logical person I understand that there is a certain amount of illogic in people's minds that you have to accept.

What is a natural right to live in their homeland?

The Earth is over 4 billion years old.

Homo sapiens have existed for about 200,000 years of that. (Maybe 300,000) Such a small, small percentage of the Earth's time. 0.005% of the time, give or take.
Humans have settled down only about 12,000 years ago. 0.0003% of the Earth's time.

Rights have only existed for 1,400 years or so in some sort of concept, but the view you're talking about is only about 200 or 300 years old. 0.0000075% of the time of the Earth.

So, you're talking rights to land when the reality is, in the view of the world, it's nothing. Hardly a scrap on existence.

If natural rights are just a subjective belief created and held by human beings what's the problem with murdering a few million european Jews?

Why did the arab people of Palestine have to pay for the actions of europeans that didn't even violate any "objective", "real" concept?

Why did american Jews fight tooth and nail for the end of segregation in the US if it's all subjective?

Why did the world Jewry help black South Africans in their struggle against Apartheid?

And while we're at it, why do we need a judicial system, law enforcement, prisons, why do we even punish criminals if right and wrong, just and unjust, moral and immoral are just subjective notions?

It's funny how most people only support moral relativism when they're talking about a group of people they want to dehumanize.

Anyway, I thought I wouldn't live long enough to read this kind of "argument".

Geology, the natural history of planet Earth, being used to legitimize a supremacist state!!!!

Never underestimate people's ability to make up pathetic excuses to rationalize just about anything they want!!
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Originally posted by frigidweirdo
So who has a right to land? The people who used to live on it?

Would Americans be willing to give up the US and move back to Europe so either Muslims "get their land back" or Jews "get their land back"? No, it's not going to happen. Americans will sit there and talk about how this one group has a right to the land when the logic they're using wouldn't give them any right to the land they're actually on.

The deal is that Jews lived in Palestine, Palestinians lived in Palestine, they probably have very similar DNA,

Jews Are The Genetic Brothers Of Palestinians, Syrians, And Lebanese

"Jews are the genetic brothers of Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese, and they all share a common genetic lineage that stretches back thousands of years."

Jews, Palestinians have close genetic ties, say researchers - Beliefnet News

"As many as 90 percent of Palestinians in some areas have close genetic ties to Jews, according to researchers."

So you're dealing with something very similar. What separates Jews and Muslims is their religion.

However the politics that is going on in the region is nasty, it separates, distinguishes and ultimately it's bullshit.

Do the Muslim people want to make a good life for themselves or not? If they do, then they can work hard.

Israel has a GDP per capita of $36,250 according to the IMF

Israel's neighbors have GDPs of:

Lebanon $19,486
Jordan $12,487
Egypt $12,994
Syria $2,900 (if it even has a GDP any more)
Iraq $17,000
Iran $19,000

Why do they have GDPs much lower than Israel's? It's always been the case, they sit around waiting for things to happen, not making them happen, and they've carried on doing it since 1948, blaming others for their inability to get their fat ass out of the chair and actually do some fucking work.

Your miserable failure to provide any evidence that Palestine was not the homeland of Ahmed Yassin was duly noted.

So stop being a morally depraved individual who falls in love with supremacist states and spend his waking hours creating ways to blame the victim and concede the fact that Palestinians fight not for power but for their right to live in the homeland of their jewish ancestors.
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Only a fool asks someone else to prove a negative. I can see why the arab development isn't what it should be. It is all about pining for what is lost rather than moving forward.
Originally posted by frigidweirdo
Right? Is this about right?

Not really, this is about having Muslims who have, for a long time, seen winning as more important than improving their own lot.

Had the Muslims been doing what the Jews were doing, then they'd not be in the mess they're in. They're playing the victim, they stick millions outside of their country and do nothing for them as a way of playing politics.

So prove to us that Ahmed wasn't born in Askhelon, that the region of Palestine was not the historical homeland of his family, that they did not have property there.

If you are able to prove all these things I will agree with you the conflict is about power.

But if you can't prove any of the above... it is a clear-cut case of a group of people fighting for their natural right to live in their homeland.
It s, to me, the whole point of your screed pointless. The Israelis have made a pleasant place despite the nonsense from Hamas. Hamas has made a pesthole of a very nice place, in terms of the ground. If Hamas has built hospitals kindergarten, markets they would live very nicely ,
Which to me is the point of the exercise . And if schools were better they could live better yet. Sulking because one bunch of clowns vs another runs jerusalem is stupid . Getting ahead is the better way.
5th post
Right? Is this about right?

Not really, this is about having Muslims who have, for a long time, seen winning as more important than improving their own lot.
Really Fridge that was a Weird comment...the Gazans do not send money overseas this is done by the Saudis mainly...me thinks you have taken the wrong train track...steve

Had the Muslims been doing what the Jews were doing, then they'd not be in the mess they're in. They're playing the victim, they stick millions outside of their country and do nothing for them as a way of playing politics.

WRONG FRIDGE,try the Saudis

What's your point here?
Not all Muslims,mainly the Saudis stick millions outside,you know Americas Allie,the Palestinians certainly DON'T

I really am not understand what you're talking about here.
You should have said "UNDERSTANDING" what you are etc.,...I THINK WE WILL LEAVE IT THERE Fridge...steve

You're right, finally understood something.

A bit disappointing you couldn't get your point across though.
Originally posted by teddyearp
Let's qualify this. If the folks in control of Gaza would just quit their bs and allow all those $$ to go towards the community, then perhaps then Gaza would no longer be considered "the largest open air prison". Hell, they could rebuild their airport then. And so much more.

Oh, I didn't visit Ashkelon, but I did visit Sderot. Closer, but not as visited by 'tourists'.

Originally posted by a loss for words
It s, to me, the whole point of your screed pointless. The Israelis have made a pleasant place despite the nonsense from Hamas. Hamas has made a pesthole of a very nice place, in terms of the ground. If Hamas has built hospitals kindergarten, markets they would live very nicely ,
Which to me is the point of the exercise . And if schools were better they could live better yet. Sulking because one bunch of clowns vs another runs jerusalem is stupid . Getting ahead is the better way.

Loss for words visited Askhelon while Earp got even closer to the Gaza strip (Sderot) but their lack of knowledge of the desires and aspirations of palestinian refugees is directly proportional to that proximity.

Two totally, hopelessly clueless individuals portraying a grotesque caricature of a palestinian population willing to recognize Israel but subjugated by a ruthless leadership that opposes the will of its constituency.

One of the reasons earp and loss are not immediately exposed to ridicule after saying this insanity is the fact that the other members of the Board are probably as ignorant, as clueless as they are.

Teddyearp and a loss for words are shinning examples of how the whole issue of visiting/living in the state of Israel is greatly overrated.

You can live your entire life in Israel and still be a total ignoramus about the conflict.
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Originally posted by roudy
Is that the terrorist leader who's scorched wheelchair parts were found in Mars, courtesy of the Israeli Air Force? Besides, shouldn't you be happy he became a shaheed and got his 72 horny male virgin donkeys?

Yes, just one of the hundreds of palestinian refugees murdered by american Hellfire missiles that eventually returned to Uncle Sam in the form of jumbo jets turning 3000 american civilians into hamburger meat.

Like a boomerang that comes full circle and hits its thrower in the face.
Funny how you weep for a terrorist Islamist piece of shit with the blood of innocent children on his hands.
Originally posted by Roudy
Funny how you weep for a terrorist Islamist piece of shit with the blood of innocent children on his hands.

The so-called "Islamist piece of shit" didn't do anything in his entire life the super patriotic american clowns of the US Message Board wouldn't, if the american homeland were invaded by russians, poles and ukrainians of jewish faith, herding the american people into ethnic corrals surrounded by giant walls and barbed wire and spent the next 50 years shooting anyone who dared return home.

If you don't believe me, just look what the US did to a country that didn't do to America 0,001% of the harm done to the arab people of Palestine:

10th post
Originally posted by Roudy
Funny how you weep for a terrorist Islamist piece of shit with the blood of innocent children on his hands.

The so-called "Islamist piece of shit" didn't do anything in his entire life the super patriotic american clowns of the US Message Board wouldn't, if the american homeland were invaded by russians, poles and ukrainians of jewish faith, herding the american people into ethnic corrals surrounded by giant walls and barbed wire and spent the next 50 years shooting anyone who dared return home.

If you don't believe me, just look what the US did to a country that didn't do to America 0,001% of the harm done to the arab people of Palestine:

You are off your rocker.....as usual.

Hiroshima and the damaged caused to life and property, and how long it took for both cities to recover because of nuclear bombs.......you compare to invading people of Arabia living in Palestine who did nothing but attack the Jewish indigenous people of the land because the Arabs, Muslims and Christians, could not stand the idea of the Jewish people not being under their feet, to kick, spit on, tax, torture, etc, etc.......

If you ever read, or watch the factual history of the region, you may get somewhere instead of nowhere with your endless nonsense.

What is it like to live in Ashkelon under constant rocket fire from Gaza?

Of course you do not care.

14,000 rockets fired at that area in 11 years. Not important to you.
It is the Israelis who are to blame for it.

How original !!!!
How original !!!!
The Arab village of al-Majdal or al-Majdal Asqalan (Arabic: المجدل‎; Hebrew: אל-מג'דל, מגדל‎), was established a few kilometres inland from the ancient site by the late 15th century, under Ottoman rule. In 1918, it became part of the BritishOccupied Enemy Territory Administration and in 1920 became part of Mandatory Palestine. Al-Majdal on the eve of the1948 Arab–Israeli War had 10,000 Arab inhabitants and in October 1948, the city accommodated thousands more refugees from nearby villages.[3] Al-Majdal was the forward position of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force based in Gaza.[4] The village was conquered by Israeli forces on 5 November 1948, by which time most of the Arab population had fled,[5] leaving some 2,700 inhabitants, of which 500 were deported by Israeli soldiers in December 1948.,[5] The town was initially named Migdal Gaza, Migdal Gad and Migdal Ashkelon by the new Jewish inhabitants. Most of the remaining Arabs were evicted by 1950.
Ashkelon - Wikipedia
"it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine"
Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia
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How original !!!!
The Arab village of al-Majdal or al-Majdal Asqalan (Arabic: المجدل‎; Hebrew: אל-מג'דל, מגדל‎), was established a few kilometres inland from the ancient site by the late 15th century, under Ottoman rule. In 1918, it became part of the BritishOccupied Enemy Territory Administration and in 1920 became part of Mandatory Palestine. Al-Majdal on the eve of the1948 Arab–Israeli War had 10,000 Arab inhabitants and in October 1948, the city accommodated thousands more refugees from nearby villages.[3] Al-Majdal was the forward position of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force based in Gaza.[4] The village was conquered by Israeli forces on 5 November 1948, by which time most of the Arab population had fled,[5] leaving some 2,700 inhabitants, of which 500 were deported by Israeli soldiers in December 1948.,[5] The town was initially named Migdal Gaza, Migdal Gad and Migdal Ashkelon by the new Jewish inhabitants. Most of the remaining Arabs were evicted by 1950.
Ashkelon - Wikipedia
"it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine"
Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia
"it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine"
Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia

As long as the non Jewish communities in the region of Palestine do not declare war and endlessly attack the Jewish community, causing harm, death and expulsion to any Jews.

Which is exactly what happened between 1920 and 1948:

1920 expulsion from Gaza
1925 Attacks and expulsion from TransJordan
1929 Attacks, many Jews murdered and expelled until 1967.
1948 Attacks, many Jews murdered and then expelled from the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem, from all of Judea and Samaria.

The endless indecency to bring up the not doing harm to non Jews, but when it comes to Jews being harmed from the very first Arab riots against them......

Shhhhhh.......don't tell anyone.
How original !!!!
The Arab village of al-Majdal or al-Majdal Asqalan (Arabic: المجدل‎; Hebrew: אל-מג'דל, מגדל‎), was established a few kilometres inland from the ancient site by the late 15th century, under Ottoman rule. In 1918, it became part of the BritishOccupied Enemy Territory Administration and in 1920 became part of Mandatory Palestine. Al-Majdal on the eve of the1948 Arab–Israeli War had 10,000 Arab inhabitants and in October 1948, the city accommodated thousands more refugees from nearby villages.[3] Al-Majdal was the forward position of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force based in Gaza.[4] The village was conquered by Israeli forces on 5 November 1948, by which time most of the Arab population had fled,[5] leaving some 2,700 inhabitants, of which 500 were deported by Israeli soldiers in December 1948.,[5] The town was initially named Migdal Gaza, Migdal Gad and Migdal Ashkelon by the new Jewish inhabitants. Most of the remaining Arabs were evicted by 1950.
Ashkelon - Wikipedia
"it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine"
Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia
"it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine"
Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia

As long as the non Jewish communities in the region of Palestine do not declare war and endlessly attack the Jewish community, causing harm, death and expulsion to any Jews.

Which is exactly what happened between 1920 and 1948:

1920 expulsion from Gaza
1925 Attacks and expulsion from TransJordan
1929 Attacks, many Jews murdered and expelled until 1967.
1948 Attacks, many Jews murdered and then expelled from the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem, from all of Judea and Samaria.

The endless indecency to bring up the not doing harm to non Jews, but when it comes to Jews being harmed from the very first Arab riots against them......

Shhhhhh.......don't tell anyone.
"As long as the non Jewish communities in the region of Palestine do not declare war and endlessly attack the Jewish community, causing harm, death and expulsion to any Jews."

You made that up, it was not part of the Balfour agreement

Occupation has a price to pay
military intelligence chief Maj. Gen. Herzl Halevi stated
“The humanitarian condition in Gaza is progressively deteriorating, and if it blows up, it will be in Israel’s direction.”

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