I think Trump is going to do it again.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Four years ago, I was in a bowling alley on one of my Tues. league nights and the presidential election returns were televised on large screens all over the place. The media was in a jocular mood very similar to the 2008 Super Bowl when the New York Giants with their mediocre 10-6 record showed up to play the New England Patriots brandishing a perfect season. Sly comments that this was just a formality dominated the conversation. Back then, Trump was seen as a fluke or some kind of breakdown of US politics. No one in media took him seriously. Breathless ridicule was ubiquitous and most of the media commentators were looking at their watches contemplating a sure Hillary Clinton landslide.

We know the Patriots fell to the upstart Giants and just five years later it happened again. History has a way of repeating itself because there is a predictable algorithm in play that dictates outcomes with uncanny precision. Trump is the quintessential underdog quarterback that the crowd loves. Even when the other side cheats, bribes officials and uses every dirty trick in the book, Trump keeps throwing unbelievable pass completions keeping his team in the game. He never takes a game off.

Trump’s fans are fiercely loyal, much like NY Giant fans that stuck with Eli Manning with all his flaws, in the toughest times. Trump’s imperfections are part of the package and this is understood. Like the Giants in those Super bowls, Trump is laughably seen by the specialists as a misfit, pair of brown shoes with a tuxedo. To his fans Trump is beautiful thing; he is mud in the eye of his pompous critics.

Unlike his flashy superstar competitors, Trump’s team has no sexy media cheerleaders. His die-hard supporters are in the seats and those seats are never empty. Trump’s fans know what they have got, and they are good with it. They know that he is one of a kind and a phenomenon that may not come again for a long time. He was not the pick of the litter; he was a walk-on that succeeds in the big game where it counts.

Trump’s concrete game plan is always the same. It is not to look good and impress; it is to get the job done and score more points than the other team. I think he is going to do it again.
I agree, he will do it again.
Ive been saying since Ive joined this forum, Trump will break all-time voting records.
Trump = Landslide Victory !

I could be all wrong, but here is why I think he will win: In another thread I quoted an article:

" . . . Even 20 percent African-American support for Trump would all but dismantle Democratic Party presidential hopes for 2020. Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election with 88 percent of the black vote. That was about a six-point falloff from Barack Obama’s share of the black vote in 2012.

But far more importantly, an estimated 2 million of the African-American voters who cast ballots for Obama in 2012 simply did not show up at the polls in 2016 to vote for the off-putting Clinton.

Even a small drop in African-American turnout or anything less than the usual 85 percent to 90 percent supermajority for a Democratic presidential candidate on Election Day can prove fatal
. . . "

And now, this just came out:

You do the math.
I agree, he will do it again.
Ive been saying since Ive joined this forum, Trump will break all-time voting records.
Trump = Landslide Victory !

I could be all wrong, but here is why I think he will win: In another thread I quoted an article:

" . . . Even 20 percent African-American support for Trump would all but dismantle Democratic Party presidential hopes for 2020. Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election with 88 percent of the black vote. That was about a six-point falloff from Barack Obama’s share of the black vote in 2012.

But far more importantly, an estimated 2 million of the African-American voters who cast ballots for Obama in 2012 simply did not show up at the polls in 2016 to vote for the off-putting Clinton.

Even a small drop in African-American turnout or anything less than the usual 85 percent to 90 percent supermajority for a Democratic presidential candidate on Election Day can prove fatal
. . . "

And now, this just came out:

You do the math.

Interesting info for sure.
Its to my understanding that Trump has been very gracious and fair to minority groups for many years.
I have no doubt Trump will win.
My worry is that the Democrats keep the house and gain a seat or two in the senate.
In a Good world the republicans would gain enough seats to be the majority in both houses. it Would be even better if most states went red. But unfortunately I think most areas of the country have been dumbed down.
Four years ago, I was in a bowling alley on one of my Tues. league nights and the presidential election returns were televised on large screens all over the place. The media was in a jocular mood very similar to the 2008 Super Bowl when the New York Giants with their mediocre 10-6 record showed up to play the New England Patriots brandishing a perfect season. Sly comments that this was just a formality dominated the conversation. Back then, Trump was seen as a fluke or some kind of breakdown of US politics. No one in media took him seriously. Breathless ridicule was ubiquitous and most of the media commentators were looking at their watches contemplating a sure Hillary Clinton landslide.

We know the Patriots fell to the upstart Giants and just five years later it happened again. History has a way of repeating itself because there is a predictable algorithm in play that dictates outcomes with uncanny precision. Trump is the quintessential underdog quarterback that the crowd loves. Even when the other side cheats, bribes officials and uses every dirty trick in the book, Trump keeps throwing unbelievable pass completions keeping his team in the game. He never takes a game off.

Trump’s fans are fiercely loyal, much like NY Giant fans that stuck with Eli Manning with all his flaws, in the toughest times. Trump’s imperfections are part of the package and this is understood. Like the Giants in those Super bowls, Trump is laughably seen by the specialists as a misfit, pair of brown shoes with a tuxedo. To his fans Trump is beautiful thing; he is mud in the eye of his pompous critics.

Unlike his flashy superstar competitors, Trump’s team has no sexy media cheerleaders. His die-hard supporters are in the seats and those seats are never empty. Trump’s fans know what they have got, and they are good with it. They know that he is one of a kind and a phenomenon that may not come again for a long time. He was not the pick of the litter; he was a walk-on that succeeds in the big game where it counts.

Trump’s concrete game plan is always the same. It is not to look good and impress; it is to get the job done and score more points than the other team. I think he is going to do it again.
I certainly hope so. I cannot imagine having a senile, lying dingbat and a vicious bitch in the White House.
No need to worry boys. Biden is more conservative than Don, though he likely is a much bigger warmonger. So, expect war under Joe. Don’t cons love it when the Empire attacks nations for the benefit of the billionaires? You guys win no matter who wins next week. Right?
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Watch Tucker Carlson tonight. He is dedicating the bulk of his show to Hunter Biden laptop whistle blower, Tony Bobulinski. The game is close and the laptop scandal is like an interception in the fourth quarter putting Trump's team on the 20-yard-line poised to win with a field goal.

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