I Swear- LOL


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
“The Republican Party was always, from its inception, the party of big government in America,” Thomas DiLorenzo observed in his book Lincoln Unmasked. As the successor to the Whig Party, the GOP was in many ways the antithesis of the Democratic Party, which in the mid-1800s still clung to its Jeffersonian roots. Democrats favored small, decentralized, constitutional government. Republicans stumped for high protective tariffs, “internal improvements” (that invariably benefited their cronies), and central banking, as the first Republican president, Abraham Lincoln, described his own platform in 1832, when he made his initial foray into politics as a Whig. Even the GOP’s supposed opposition to slavery — the party actually sought to protect the “peculiar institution” via constitutional amendment — “was motivated much more by politics and economics than by humanitarianism,” noted DiLorenzo.

How to Tell RINOs From Elephants

The GOP remained the big-government party into the 20th century, with presidents such as William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt increasing its size and scope by, among other things, “trust busting,” creating new regulatory agencies like the Food and Drug Administration, and starting the United States down the road to empire in the Spanish-American War.

Since BOTH sides subscribe to the Neocon global hegemony financed by borrowing to spend and subscribe to Public Education I'm not sure there is a difference between anyone who is a part of the Duopoly, no matte how he/she/it is categorized.
The party of Trump is no longer conservative.

It's now some weird mix of pseudo-populist / Keyensian / authoritarian / white nationalist / isolationist that spews out random libertarian talking points for some bizarre reason. All of it led by a profoundly damaged child.

Holy crap.
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I didn't know Trump had "a" Party- I thought he ran as "a" Republican- that would be GOP and as the author pointed out, they have always been the Party of Federalist- the anti-Federalist were the origin of the Southern Democrat, which leads us to the UNcivil War that got 100's of thousands killed, led by, the Republican Abraham Lincoln- the GOP claims (and it's constituent voters) to be for smaller and less powerful gov't, yet, historically they have been the opposite of that- AND inside the Beltway Democrats subscribe to the Neocon policy's of world wide hegemony and colonization to support it- and vice versa with the Republicans- NEITHER strives to secure our Liberty- and going back to inception I don't think they ever have as the anti-federalist, with all their good intentions, failed with the Bill of Rights insertion into the constitution- since the federalist mind set has always been about power over the people.

Neo con- that is "new" conservative- the more things change the more they stay the same.

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