I sure see a lot in my backyard - UFOs


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Unfortunately the sky isn't as black as once was, Californians moved in, they like a lot of lights. But that didn't take away from the last two times.

First time no doubt about it. 5-6 years ago my peripheral caught a bright light 20 degrees east, can't really say, maybe 1/8 to 5 miles from me. Perhaps close low flying aircraft in appearance only no sound, though I'm not sure it was flying. Split second later it took off 70 degrees north on a straight line, I saw it travel into space, it was just that fast and distinct, 6-7 in I lost site, which IMO was due to distance (space dust & atmosphere). Not a sound, no trail of any kind, it broke all kinds of laws as we know them, I know what I saw.

Second time was a few months ago, though I won't swear to it. In the Northwest I see this "plane" traveling East at a distance of maybe 20 miles? perfectly steady at about 25 degrees. What caught my attention is it was an odd flight pattern and the lights didn't blink. As I'm watching it there was one very light cloud on an otherwise clear evening much closer my direction, far southwest of this object. A big-ass flash came from that cloud, but it was so fast I can't say it wasn't my imagination, however the object disappeared.

And tonight traveling from the southwest to northwest of me, to what's a common flight path to the airport 40 miles away, Say 35-40 degrees and dropping. No big deal right, but riddle me this......................There were two objects on the same flight path and both within questionable proximity (1/4-1/2 mile?). I watched this for about 20 seconds or so. The front object was clearly a commercial aircraft, light blinking. Equally bright was the aircraft behind it, no light blinking. They were traveling the same speed, though the rear object seemed to gain some speed northwest of me, still clear of site is the commercial aircraft, but the rear object was gone.
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I wonder if this is true? "

"Aircraft have both, l as required:

All aircraft must have an approved anti-collision light and position light system for nighttime operations. The position lights consist of an Aviation Red on the left side, an Aviation Green on the right and an Aviation White Taillight (REF. FAR 23.1389).

The anti-collision lighting system is required under FAR PART 91.205(c)."

Interesting. So if one is flashing and the other on the same flight path isn't, what gives? Apparently Beacon lights are supposed to flash anytime an engine is running.........https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqeHOo90jDg
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I have never seen anything that I felt might be a UFO or UAP.

However I have had people I have known for years tell me about something they witnessed that sounds hard to explain. Obviously if this person tells a lot of stories I ignore his UFO tales but if he never tells such stories I tend to believe he did see something. Of course that doesn’t mean he saw a alien craft from a different solar system.
I have never seen anything that I felt might be a UFO or UAP.

However I have had people I have known for years tell me about something they witnessed that sounds hard to explain. Obviously if this person tells a lot of stories I ignore his UFO tales but if he never tells such stories I tend to believe he did see something. Of course that doesn’t mean he saw a alien craft from a different solar system.

Right, and now I have too many stories :auiqs.jpg: I won't swear to the last two, but hmm!, but the first one, as Tony Baretta would say "take that to the bank". It's why I look into the sky a lot. I'll always remember every detail.

I have suspicions "they" live here anyway, and anywhere they feel like within unknown restrictions.
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