Trump "I should have left them in jail"


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
I knew this would happen. The UCLA basketball players home from China are being pillaged by the narcissist Trump for not bowing and kissing his ring. They did not offer enough praise and hosannas for his, in his view, bigly intervention to keep them out of jail.

Well we all know that Trump lives and dies by the amount of praise and/or criticism he gets on a daily basis. Why doesn't he just hold another cabinet meeting and require that all of the members offer sycophantic praise as they did once before. To them it is truly an honor to serve in the worst Presidential administration since Richard Nixon. And, that's no exaggeration!
I knew this would happen. The UCLA basketball players home from China are being pillaged by the narcissist Trump for not bowing and kissing his ring. They did not offer enough praise and hosannas for his, in his view, bigly intervention to keep them out of jail.

Well we all know that Trump lives and dies by the amount of praise and/or criticism he gets on a daily basis. Why doesn't he just hold another cabinet meeting and require that all of the members offer sycophantic praise as they did once before. To them it is truly an honor to serve in the worst Presidential administration since Richard Nixon. And, that's no exaggeration!
Link to the (assumed) Tweet?
In a Chinese jail the might have learned to behave like people rather than apes.

In time.

Lots and lots of time.
Apes??? Got that good 'ol Trump racial bias, eh. Figures.
Right. Apes. Monkeys. Lesser humans who see something shiny and are compelled to steal it.

Did Trump really expect gratitude from the chimp families? Give this issue a bit of time and they will have it worked out that Trump's action was motivated by racism.
I knew this would happen. The UCLA basketball players home from China are being pillaged by the narcissist Trump for not bowing and kissing his ring. They did not offer enough praise and hosannas for his, in his view, bigly intervention to keep them out of jail.

Well we all know that Trump lives and dies by the amount of praise and/or criticism he gets on a daily basis. Why doesn't he just hold another cabinet meeting and require that all of the members offer sycophantic praise as they did once before. To them it is truly an honor to serve in the worst Presidential administration since Richard Nixon. And, that's no exaggeration!
Link to the (assumed) Tweet?
Are you kidding?
I knew this would happen. The UCLA basketball players home from China are being pillaged by the narcissist Trump for not bowing and kissing his ring. They did not offer enough praise and hosannas for his, in his view, bigly intervention to keep them out of jail.

Well we all know that Trump lives and dies by the amount of praise and/or criticism he gets on a daily basis. Why doesn't he just hold another cabinet meeting and require that all of the members offer sycophantic praise as they did once before. To them it is truly an honor to serve in the worst Presidential administration since Richard Nixon. And, that's no exaggeration!
Link to the (assumed) Tweet?
It's on CNN. Check out their website at CNN.Com.
I knew this would happen. The UCLA basketball players home from China are being pillaged by the narcissist Trump for not bowing and kissing his ring. They did not offer enough praise and hosannas for his, in his view, bigly intervention to keep them out of jail.

You don't think what Trump did was a significant achievement that deserves substantially grateful praise? Those three shaved apes were heading for a minimum of five years in a Chinese prison, which they richly deserved for disgracing their Nation, their school, and their ethnicity.

Trump brought them home. And the father of one of those low-life thieving bastards, an ungrateful black sonofabitch, has the audacity to say Trump doesn't deserve praise for saving his son's ass by doing what no one else could have done.

I frankly am disappointed with Trump for intervening on behalf of those scumbags. What he should have done is announce his contempt for them and tell the Chinese to do whatever they would do with any Chinese who committed the same offense -- which is up to ten years in prison. Instead, what Trump did greatly enhanced the shame these three brought upon America.
I wonder, has Trump ever taken the high road in a public dispute? Can he even see it from where he dwells?
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I knew this would happen. The UCLA basketball players home from China are being pillaged by the narcissist Trump for not bowing and kissing his ring. They did not offer enough praise and hosannas for his, in his view, bigly intervention to keep them out of jail.

You don't think what Trump did was a significant achievement that deserves substantially grateful praise? Those three shaved apes were heading for a minimum of five years in a Chinese prison, which they richly deserved for disgracing their Nation, their school, and their ethnicity.

Trump brought them home. And the father of one of those low-life thieving bastards, an ungrateful black sonofabitch, has the audacity to say Trump doesn't deserve praise for saving his son's ass by doing what no one else could have done.

I frankly am disappointed with Trump for intervening on behalf of those scumbags. What he should have done is announce his contempt for them and tell the Chinese to do whatever they would do with any Chinese who committed the same offense -- which is up to ten years in prison. Instead, what Trump did greatly enhanced the shame these three brought upon America.
You call that shame on America. How about the pats on the back Trump gives to the pedophile Roy Moore by not condemning him? That is shame to America beyond the pale. (Of course, being a groper himself makes it kind of hard to condemn another groper.)
You call that shame on America. How about the pats on the back Trump gives to the pedophile Roy Moore by not condemning him? That is shame to America beyond the pale. (Of course, being a groper himself makes it kind of hard to condemn another groper.)
Nice try -- but kinda desperate.
You call that shame on America. How about the pats on the back Trump gives to the pedophile Roy Moore by not condemning him? That is shame to America beyond the pale. (Of course, being a groper himself makes it kind of hard to condemn another groper.)
Nice try -- but kinda desperate.
Well, IMO, it just goes to show how two faced Trump is. He will comment and tweet all over the place, when he thinks he gains an advantage. But, he is strangely silent on things that make his party look bad. And, Roy Moore makes the GOP (grand 'ol gropers) look bad, real bad! Bigly.
I said from the first day that he should leave them for Chinese justice. It would be the first time in their lives that they got what was coming to them.

The reason why they were shoplifting is that they were told since birth, that shop lifting is no big deal. Now that the efforts of President Trump, on their behalf, were successful, the Chinese should just ban them for life from ever going to China, even if they have squeezed onto a team. The team gets stopped at the airport.

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