I Served During Cold War, I’ll Be Damned If I Lose To Socialist Now


May 23, 2014
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Who are these bunch of faggoty cocksuckers that think they have the right to corner Trump supporters? Try this shit in my country you queer sonsofbitches. Asshole Stalinist.
Trump supporters barricaded in London pub by police after being surrounded by protesters
Free people all over the world reject socialism and always have. London has had the freak show of a dumb fucking Mayor for years. Grow your nuts back England.
100 Years of Communism—and 100 Million Dead

The problem is, they don't really reject it until it is inflicted upon them.

socialist scum are the greatest liars in human history, and people, quite honesty, aren't particularly smart most of the time.

So they fall for the bullshit.

And when it's too late, they rebel against it, usually with great loss of life.

The thing about socialism is, once installed, you can't get rid of it without violence. And socialist scum will kill as many of you as they need to keep their power.

If we could give socialism a try and, if it didn't work, just get rid of it? That would be one thing.

But that NEVER happens. Maybe one time..... Sweden in the 70's but that is highly debatable whether they were ever even socialists in the first place.

You usually end up with totalitarian rulers who aren't the least bit afraid to kill as many of their own people as necessary to retain power.

Which is why socialists are scum. Not their beliefs, which are just stupid, the fact that they're totalitarian, murdering scum.
Who are these bunch of faggoty cocksuckers that think they have the right to corner Trump supporters? Try this shit in my country you queer sonsofbitches. Asshole Stalinist.
Trump supporters barricaded in London pub by police after being surrounded by protesters
Free people all over the world reject socialism and always have. London has had the freak show of a dumb fucking Mayor for years. Grow your nuts back England.
100 Years of Communism—and 100 Million Dead

The problem is, they don't really reject it until it is inflicted upon them.

socialist scum are the greatest liars in human history, and people, quite honesty, aren't particularly smart most of the time.

So they fall for the bullshit.

And when it's too late, they rebel against it, usually with great loss of life.

The thing about socialism is, once installed, you can't get rid of it without violence. And socialist scum will kill as many of you as they need to keep their power.

If we could give socialism a try and, if it didn't work, just get rid of it? That would be one thing.

But that NEVER happens. Maybe one time..... Sweden in the 70's but that is highly debatable whether they were ever even socialists in the first place.

You usually end up with totalitarian rulers who aren't the least bit afraid to kill as many of their own people as necessary to retain power.

Which is why socialists are scum. Not their beliefs, which are just stupid, the fact that they're totalitarian, murdering scum.

They always fall for it. Its always the same "if we get our people in there, it'll be perfect".............and then 100 million plus people are killed.
Stupid weak minded greedy confused Moon Bats could give us the disaster at the polls that the Communists could never militarily inflict upon us. They sure as hell tried with Obama and Clinton, didn't they? The next Democrat Presidential nominee will be a Left wing asshole. They can't help themselves.

Kind of like these idiots in Venezuela that elected a Communist government. What in the hell were they thinking?

Stupid weak minded greedy confused Moon Bats could give us the disaster at the polls that the Communists could never militarily inflict upon us. They sure as hell tried with Obama and Clinton, didn't they? The next Democrat Presidential nominee will be a Left wing asshole. They can't help themselves.

Kind of like these idiots in Venezuela that elected a Communist government. What in the hell were they thinking?

They were thinking like Londoner’s, Parisian, Berliners, New Yorkers, Chicagoians, and Seattle freaks.
they infiltrated your government and have taken over.
Who are these bunch of faggoty cocksuckers that think they have the right to corner Trump supporters? Try this shit in my country you queer sonsofbitches. Asshole Stalinist.
Trump supporters barricaded in London pub by police after being surrounded by protesters
Free people all over the world reject socialism and always have. London has had the freak show of a dumb fucking Mayor for years. Grow your nuts back England.
100 Years of Communism—and 100 Million Dead

London was once a haven for Vladimir Lenin and his pals while they brainstormed heading back home to Mother Russia with a neatly wrapped gift known as Marxism. I wonder if old Vlad ever paid off his library fines . . .
Who are these bunch of faggoty cocksuckers that think they have the right to corner Trump supporters? Try this shit in my country you queer sonsofbitches. Asshole Stalinist.
Trump supporters barricaded in London pub by police after being surrounded by protesters
Free people all over the world reject socialism and always have. London has had the freak show of a dumb fucking Mayor for years. Grow your nuts back England.
100 Years of Communism—and 100 Million Dead

Trump salutes commie sob's - how bout that?
Who are these bunch of faggoty cocksuckers that think they have the right to corner Trump supporters? Try this shit in my country you queer sonsofbitches. Asshole Stalinist.
Trump supporters barricaded in London pub by police after being surrounded by protesters
Free people all over the world reject socialism and always have. London has had the freak show of a dumb fucking Mayor for years. Grow your nuts back England.
100 Years of Communism—and 100 Million Dead

Trump salutes commie sob's - how bout that?

You don't salute the man, you salute the uniform.

But with your head up a real communists ass you cannot see anything but the shit he dumps down on your stupid simple minded body every day.
His name tRUMP!

Who are these bunch of faggoty cocksuckers that think they have the right to corner Trump supporters? Try this shit in my country you queer sonsofbitches. Asshole Stalinist.
Trump supporters barricaded in London pub by police after being surrounded by protesters
Free people all over the world reject socialism and always have. London has had the freak show of a dumb fucking Mayor for years. Grow your nuts back England.
100 Years of Communism—and 100 Million Dead
But tRUMP insults an american service man that served his country and hails a communist.
Who is the stupid ass now.
You!Of course.

Who are these bunch of faggoty cocksuckers that think they have the right to corner Trump supporters? Try this shit in my country you queer sonsofbitches. Asshole Stalinist.
Trump supporters barricaded in London pub by police after being surrounded by protesters
Free people all over the world reject socialism and always have. London has had the freak show of a dumb fucking Mayor for years. Grow your nuts back England.
100 Years of Communism—and 100 Million Dead

Trump salutes commie sob's - how bout that?

You don't salute the man, you salute the uniform.

I hate to say it but it's coming, Socialism is coming to the United States within the next 20 years. We will no longer be an Constitutional Republic, we will be Socialist and well on our way to Communism.

The Right in this country focused on Capitalism, making money and so called religious persecution all the while the Left flooded our education to indoctrinate young people. The Left said Socialism is equal rights and fairness and it must be true since a teacher or professor said it. People under 30 don't know what Socialism and Communism is.

It's too late!
Who are these bunch of faggoty cocksuckers that think they have the right to corner Trump supporters? Try this shit in my country you queer sonsofbitches. Asshole Stalinist.
Trump supporters barricaded in London pub by police after being surrounded by protesters
Free people all over the world reject socialism and always have. London has had the freak show of a dumb fucking Mayor for years. Grow your nuts back England.
100 Years of Communism—and 100 Million Dead

Trump salutes commie sob's - how bout that?
Siete, isn't that Commie for seven?
I hate to say it but it's coming, Socialism is coming to the United States within the next 20 years. We will no longer be an Constitutional Republic, we will be Socialist and well on our way to Communism.

The Right in this country focused on Capitalism, making money and so called religious persecution all the while the Left flooded our education to indoctrinate young people. The Left said Socialism is equal rights and fairness and it must be true since a teacher or professor said it. People under 30 don't know what Socialism and Communism is.

It's too late!

Your wrong. People are for Socialism when they are young, and become conservative as they get older. It is the way of life---------->when you have little or nothing, you want someone to TAKE from someone else and give it to you. But when you have stuff, you don't want someone taking from YOU, and giving it to someone else who didn't work, or pay for it.

The only adults who are massively for transfer of wealth, are illegal immigrants. They had nothing, and now live BETTER than they ever did in their home country, and need YOU to finance it!

CONSIDER-------------> Who here would pick up today and go to Mexico to try and improve their economic life? How about Cuba? Venezuela anyone?

So when they are streaming in here across the border, how much would YOU LAY DOWN A BET IN LAS VEGAS, that they are here for anything other than economics?!?!?!?! The whole concept the Leftists are feeding, is a joke! Anyone who allows it to go by, is just screwing themselves in the end!

This is why the Democrats fight EVERYTHING on the border, fight all deportations, and call all of us every dirty name in the book to try and shut us up. HELLLLLOOOOOO, do any of you think for an instant, that California just magically turned into a one party state? You do understand their logic, don't you? If they can keep the border open long enough to flip Texas, a Republican can NOT win the Whitehouse, it is IMPOSSIBLE; unless of course you think you are going to flip back one of the other Big blue states, and good luck with that.

Trust me----------->if they flip Texas, we will be the ones screaming for popular vote, which will still probably be a loser, but it is the only chance we would have.

And then, FLORIDA-( They miscalculated, I know, I have been down there 8 years in a row taking surveys. What Democrats don't get is----------> all Hispanics do not think alike. Cubans DESPISE Democrats, and that kept Florida able to stay red.

But back to Socialism-)

You a Republican? Conservative? Moderate? Independent? Well then, if you don't want the crazies on the Left, PERMANTLEY running the country, you have to get Trump elected to term number 2, get people in congress who are going to slam the border shut to illegals, and insure your healthcare stays open market, and in fact, get the government involvement out of healthcare as much as possible.

Always remember-------------> The BIGGEST INCREASES in costs over the last 30 years, have been in 2 areas-------->

1. Higher education, and

2. healthcare.

What do they have in common? The government controls almost 45% of BOTH!
I hate to say it but it's coming, Socialism is coming to the United States within the next 20 years. We will no longer be an Constitutional Republic, we will be Socialist and well on our way to Communism.

The Right in this country focused on Capitalism, making money and so called religious persecution all the while the Left flooded our education to indoctrinate young people. The Left said Socialism is equal rights and fairness and it must be true since a teacher or professor said it. People under 30 don't know what Socialism and Communism is.

It's too late!

The U.S. has been partially socialist since the 1890s. Socialism and capitalism work very well together. Neither can exist for very long without the other in an industrialized society.

YOU don't know what socialism is.
Who are these bunch of faggoty cocksuckers that think they have the right to corner Trump supporters? Try this shit in my country you queer sonsofbitches. Asshole Stalinist.
Trump supporters barricaded in London pub by police after being surrounded by protesters
Free people all over the world reject socialism and always have. London has had the freak show of a dumb fucking Mayor for years. Grow your nuts back England.
100 Years of Communism—and 100 Million Dead

It wasn't "socialism" you were fighting (unless you fought against Sweden) you dolt...it was communism and Russian expansion.

You are currently FAVORING Russian expansion
Turns out you don't have to be a socialist to think Trump is a piece of shit, all it takes is a functional sense of decency and the ability to remember all the crap he says.

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