I Resigned from U.S. Government After My Own Leaders Began to Act Like the Autocrats I Analyzed


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
I know the trump people won't read it but I didn't put it up for them.
I'm a Trump person, and I read it!!! :woohoo: Can you believe it?
Yeah, were entering a civil war - haven't you heard? Is this your first day at USMB? Do you think all this bitching and talking past each other is inert, or something? Did you notice the burning buildings and fireworks and IEDs at those peaceful protests? Did you notice that they were toppling statues using ropes with people crowding the pedestal, rather than dismantling them safely with cranes and hard hats and stuff to do it correctly???

You're one of those really smart people that I never got to meet, because of my white privilege - aren't you?

Do you think the peaceful protesters know how to run government better than Nancy Pelosi, and Alexandria Ocasic-Cortez, and the rest of the Democrats?
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America more divided now, than at any time since Civil War
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America’s Coming Civil War Election
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This is an interesting article.

I know the trump people won't read it but I didn't put it up for them.

All others please read this.


I read it. It's an opinion.

Opinions are like ... well, you know.
I Resigned from U.S. Government

Now you can get a useful job and quit leeching off the taxpayer.

The use of intelligence elements to monitor citizens engaging in constitutionally-protected activity is deeply disturbing and strikingly similar to illegal domestic spying that prompted the Church Committee in 1975 and resulted in our modern intelligence oversight structure

I know, Obama was a total twat!
I saw this guy interviewed tonight, and he presented a very frightening picture, which has been borne out by trump's actions in office. We have to take his authoritarianism seriously for all our sake's. Using the military to chase protesters out of Lafayette Park just for a cheap photo op and then sending anonymous feds to Portland, made what trump is trying to do glaringly obvious even to the most obtuse. But before that, there was a whole lot of tearing up subpoenas, forbidding people to testify and other attempts to keep his actions secret from the American People, failing to honor the system of checks and balances, and much more. He is dangerous.
“I saw several patterns repeated in the behavior of foreign leaders who lacked majority support and refused to respect their constitutions and constituents. They ignored or manipulated facts, rejected legitimate criticism, sought to disenfranchise opposition voters, invited foreign interference, and planted seeds of doubt about their own institutions and electoral processes. They also identified security elements willing to spy on their own citizens and to use force to put down protests calling for the leader to step down. Sadly, the similarities to current events in the United States are striking.” ibid


And Trump’s reprehensible effort to interfere with voting by mail is yet another example of this.
I saw this guy interviewed tonight, and he presented a very frightening picture, which has been borne out by trump's actions in office. We have to take his authoritarianism seriously for all our sake's. Using the military to chase protesters out of Lafayette Park just for a cheap photo op and then sending anonymous feds to Portland, made what trump is trying to do glaringly obvious even to the most obtuse. But before that, there was a whole lot of tearing up subpoenas, forbidding people to testify and other attempts to keep his actions secret from the American People, failing to honor the system of checks and balances, and much more. He is dangerous.

Yes he is a very dangerous man.

I used to think he was just a stupid buffon but time and his actions prove he's a clear and present danger to our nation and people.
“I saw several patterns repeated in the behavior of foreign leaders who lacked majority support and refused to respect their constitutions and constituents. They ignored or manipulated facts, rejected legitimate criticism, sought to disenfranchise opposition voters, invited foreign interference, and planted seeds of doubt about their own institutions and electoral processes. They also identified security elements willing to spy on their own citizens and to use force to put down protests calling for the leader to step down. Sadly, the similarities to current events in the United States are striking.” ibid


And Trump’s reprehensible effort to interfere with voting by mail is yet another example of this.

That is so true.
failing to honor the system of checks and balances, and much more. He is dangerous.
The checks and balances do not work. Haven't you notice each side accuses the other side of violating them?
The three-part theory of separation is inadequate for the tremendously expanded government and diverse society the nation has evolved to since 1787.
And Trump’s reprehensible effort to interfere with voting by mail is yet another example of this.
Where does it say in the almighty Constitution that mail-in voting is a secure method?

WTF? Where does it say it is not?

President is trying to sabotage the mail service, just so he could force states to restrict mail voting. That seriously doesn't register as abuse of office to you???
I saw this guy interviewed tonight, and he presented a very frightening picture, which has been borne out by trump's actions in office. We have to take his authoritarianism seriously for all our sake's. Using the military to chase protesters out of Lafayette Park just for a cheap photo op and then sending anonymous feds to Portland, made what trump is trying to do glaringly obvious even to the most obtuse. But before that, there was a whole lot of tearing up subpoenas, forbidding people to testify and other attempts to keep his actions secret from the American People, failing to honor the system of checks and balances, and much more. He is dangerous.
Hitler GIFs | Tenor

You are a joke. You advocate forcing people to wear muzzles contaminated with bacteria for hours on end, for nearly a year now, and closing down bars and restaurants and turning schools in to near prison camps, and you want to talk about oppression?

Go to Hell Mask Nazi.

It is your DemNazi Globalist Pigs and their RINO Globalist Allies running these states and DemTard cities that are oppressing people, not the president.
This is an interesting article.

I know the trump people won't read it but I didn't put it up for them.

All others please read this.

Is that asshole talking about Obama?

Nope tRump!
WTF? Where does it say it is not?
There is no way the people would have approved of mail-in voting in 1787.

President is trying to sabotage the mail service, just so he could force states to restrict mail voting. That seriously doesn't register as abuse of office to you???
Okay, I'll agree with you - what are we going to do about it? Where's the checks and balances - what's the hold up? How is he getting away with it? Right in our faces - he's telling us what he is doing!

Ever thought of the possibility that the whole damn system is a farce, because it was designed two hundred years ago in compromise with racist slave owners for a much less diverse society?
WTF? Where does it say it is not?

President is trying to sabotage the mail service, just so he could force states to restrict mail voting. That seriously doesn't register as abuse of office to you???
Okay, I'll agree with you - what are we going to do about? Where's the checks and balances - what's the hold up? How is he getting away with it?

Ever thought of the possibility that the whole damn system is a farce, because it was designed two hundred years ago in compromise with racist slave owners for a much less diverse society?

Simple - spread the word and VOTE.

Trump can play those loser games, but in the end he is no King and this is no Bannana Republic. He can skirt around the edges, but a strong showing of a vote against him cannot be denied.
I saw this guy interviewed tonight, and he presented a very frightening picture, which has been borne out by trump's actions in office. We have to take his authoritarianism seriously for all our sake's. Using the military to chase protesters out of Lafayette Park just for a cheap photo op and then sending anonymous feds to Portland, made what trump is trying to do glaringly obvious even to the most obtuse. But before that, there was a whole lot of tearing up subpoenas, forbidding people to testify and other attempts to keep his actions secret from the American People, failing to honor the system of checks and balances, and much more. He is dangerous.
Hitler GIFs | Tenor

You are a joke. You advocate forcing people to wear muzzles contaminated with bacteria for hours on end, for nearly a year now, and closing down bars and restaurants and turning schools in to near prison camps, and you want to talk about oppression?

Go to Hell Mask Nazi.

It is your DemNazi Globalist Pigs and their RINO Globalist Allies running these states and DemTard cities that are oppressing people, not the president.

So you would rather spread disease among your fellow Americans than follow a few simple rules for the good of the all our people. You already have a brain disease. Why spread it? trump is a filthy authoritarian. He has demonstrated this for over three years now. Stop acting like a spoiled brat. Apparently you were raised this way, but you can change.
I saw this guy interviewed tonight, and he presented a very frightening picture, which has been borne out by trump's actions in office. We have to take his authoritarianism seriously for all our sake's. Using the military to chase protesters out of Lafayette Park just for a cheap photo op and then sending anonymous feds to Portland, made what trump is trying to do glaringly obvious even to the most obtuse. But before that, there was a whole lot of tearing up subpoenas, forbidding people to testify and other attempts to keep his actions secret from the American People, failing to honor the system of checks and balances, and much more. He is dangerous.
Hitler GIFs | Tenor

You are a joke. You advocate forcing people to wear muzzles contaminated with bacteria for hours on end, for nearly a year now, and closing down bars and restaurants and turning schools in to near prison camps, and you want to talk about oppression?

Go to Hell Mask Nazi.

It is your DemNazi Globalist Pigs and their RINO Globalist Allies running these states and DemTard cities that are oppressing people, not the president.

So you would rather spread disease among your fellow Americans than follow a few simple rules for the good of the all our people. You already have a brain disease. Why spread it? trump is a filthy authoritarian. He has demonstrated this for over three years now. Stop acting like a spoiled brat. Apparently you were raised this way, but you can change.
There is no spreading of disease that is not part of nature and evolution. Either you believe in Evolution or you do not. So let your DNA prove you belong in the human race, otherwise perish, and since you don't believe in God, your life does not matter. No Lives Matter. That is why you advocate for the Abortion and Genocide of 60 Million Black Babies at the hands of Planned Parenthood Ghouls.

Abort yourself now moron.

Quit pretending you care about life other than treating people like cattle and human capital and tools to achieve your warped agendas.
I saw this guy interviewed tonight, and he presented a very frightening picture, which has been borne out by trump's actions in office. We have to take his authoritarianism seriously for all our sake's. Using the military to chase protesters out of Lafayette Park just for a cheap photo op and then sending anonymous feds to Portland, made what trump is trying to do glaringly obvious even to the most obtuse. But before that, there was a whole lot of tearing up subpoenas, forbidding people to testify and other attempts to keep his actions secret from the American People, failing to honor the system of checks and balances, and much more. He is dangerous.

What military unit exactly was used to clear the park?

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