I Remember the Democrat Argument FOR Homo "Rights"

What does this video have to do with sex, perv?

You're okay with "men" entering women's bathrooms with someone's daughter?

I hope it tries. It'll be a bloody pulp on the floor of a woman's bathroom in Kansas
Just come out of the closet and be done with it.....everybody already knows anyway.....

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This all started with letting fags get married.

When we let fags get married and let them become mainstream we knocked over the first domino that lead us to tranny kids and trannies sexually abusing kids.

Everytime a society lowers it's standards, morals and values for a group like the fags we lower the bar. Everytime you lower the bar all you did was accept something you once didn't accept, and you put that bar closer to the group below them. We lowered it fags, then we lowered it for drag queens, then we lowered it for trannies, now the pedophiles are trying to grab ahold of it. If we never lowered it for fags to begin it wouldn't be anywhere near the kid diddlers now.

Why were Conservatives so weak and feckless that they allowed gays to be treated as real people??

They should have kept it illegal..that way, our children would have never became gay or trans...

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