I really like RFK Jr.

Democrats in the JFK era { or decade } were known for
Kitchen table politics and working class jobs.Or Blue collar.
Hard hats.Now it is abunduntly clear that that inspiration is
what Defines the Conservative movement.
It is obvious by the crowds at Trump rally's. And also why
Biden couldn't attrack ANY crowds but the occasional half
parking lots where supporters remained in their cars,honking
out approval.I mean,talk about what a Twilight Zone episode
that woulda made in the early 60's.
Like Little Anthony Fremont from - It's a Good Life - { 1963 }
couldn't steal the show with Pops Biden on hand.
The D Party is the party of war, censorship, Wall Street, and big pharma. Of course so is the R Party, but maybe to a lesser degree.
Ike also never did squat about it while in office, except expand it, and built an interstate highway system across the country to increase its mobility. His big speech came after he retired and had his pension locked in. Not exactly a heroic sacrifice.
Agreed. I’ve long thought if anyone could have limited the MIC and the CIA, it was Ike. He had tremendous respect of the people and the military, due to his success as a general.

He had to know or suspect JFK’s murder was an inside job.

He also knew of Truman’s regret for implementing the CIA.
Alex Jones has been on this New World Order plot for
near 2 decades.About as long as Al Gore deciding he needed a new
venue after his attempt to Steal the 2000 Election.
Remember there is no such thing as a secret Bilderberg
group that meets to plot strategy.Or annual conference.
Like the one Hillary and Obama snuck off to in 2007.
Or was it 2008.
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You claimed that he said climate change is not caused by CO2 being released into atmosphere. He has said exactly that. He has advocated prison terms for industrial leaders who allow CO2 emissions.

He is an environmental extremist. Period.
I notice a complete absence of the subject's name.
Not a good sign.Like having yer parents introduce you to
an important person and you failing to stand up and shake hands.
You remain seated and kinda looking away.
Another small but telltale sign of what Leftists pull.
A complete disregard for manners if they don't cotton the
You claimed that he said climate change is not caused by CO2 being released into atmosphere. He has said exactly that. He has advocated prison terms for industrial leaders who allow CO2 emissions.

He is an environmental extremist. Period.
I notice a complete absence of the subject's name.
Not a good sign.Like having yer parents introduce you to
an important person and you failing to stand up and shake hands.
You remain seated and kinda looking away.
Another small but telltale sign of what Leftists pull.
A complete disregard for manners if they don't cotton the
I didn’t use his name because he , RFK Jr, is the subject of the thread.
The D Party is the party of war, censorship, Wall Street, and big pharma. Of course so is the R Party, but maybe to a lesser degree.
The Democrat Party quite simply putz is the Party of
Unamericanism.In most every area of Politics. Because they
cannot compete with rational and successful policies that benefit
We the People.So they just flip everything around.
Lie about We the People.Lie about good policies.
Lie about the Border.Lie about energy independence.
Lie about the Supreme Court.Push unamerican stuff like
adding more members to the Supreme Court.
Get rid of the Filibuster.They are already on board
with not discussing let alone debating the debt ceiling.
Now they got Pelican face Janet Yellen saying they need till
June 5th.
Make a state out of D.C. and Puerto Rico.
Refuse to honor Voter I.D. Refuse to honor those with
a Pro Life platform.
Target any and all who don't cotton this New Democrat Machine.
Unless he supports the 2A backs down a bit on climate change I won't support him. Those are two big ones for me

Maybe he'll pick Tulsi as his VP that would be good
RFK Jr. supports more restrictions upon your 2d amendment right to bear arms. Tulsi Gabbard is not as far left on some issues, but she’s close.
RFK Jr. Is definitely a vast improvement over recent high level Democrats. Of course I disagree with him on some issues but he likely is more honest than Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton. I think I could live with him as President without swearing at the TV all the time like I do with Joe Biden.
RFK Jr. Is definitely a vast improvement over recent high level Democrats.
He’s not. He’s more extreme on several issues. Just his economic, domestic social and environmental ideas would destroy the economy.
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You claimed that he said climate change is not caused by CO2 being released into atmosphere. He has said exactly that. He has advocated prison terms for industrial leaders who allow CO2 emissions.

He is an environmental extremist. Period.

I didn’t use his name because he , RFK Jr, is the subject of the thread.
I get it.No I doesn't.Because it's crap.Imagine someone talking
about the President { whether Trump or Biden } and never using
their last name.
You're so full of crap even yer crapper mite feel the need to go
on strike.
I get it.No I doesn't.Because it's crap.Imagine someone talking
about the President { whether Trump or Biden } and never using
their last name.
You're so full of crap even yer crapper mite feel the need to go
on strike.
Huh? That was bizarre.
He's alright but he talks kind of funny. Does it not bother you? What if he kicks the bucket the next day you elect him? Throat cancer or something.
Have you been keeping up on current events? That already happened.
What are you talking about? I just told you that RFK Jr. is an extremist loon on several issues. I didn’t say anything about what has or hasn’t happened.

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