I realize the mere mention of Rachel Maddow's name makes Trumplton's apoplectic, but..........

Maddow is an intellectual

Most conservative hosts have just a HS education and get by on hate and fear


Dr. Glenn Beck, Dr. Michael Savage and the great one, Mark R. Levin all have a high degree of education.

Beck is NOT a Dr, and ONLY has a HS Diploma, he is also ADHD and used drugs and alcohol extensively.
Savage got a PhD in Nutrition... come on Nutrition? And THAT makes him qualified for radio and politics?
Levin is the only one with a real education, but being a lawyer he knows how to talk and talk without saying
anything substantial.

Glenn Beck is an alumni of Liberty University, he was granted the Doctorate of Humanities and spoke at their commencement in 2010.
She is the Rush Limbaugh of the left.
Crazy as all get out.

Mr. Limbaugh is the recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom as well as a past nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize. Ms. Maddow isn't in his league.
You're right. Rachel's not in rush's league. Here's a link about this limbaugh character doing drugs. Looks like Rachel is a decent human being which seems to turn off a lot of republicans.
She got her job because she's a snowflake and even better a lesbian snowflake. She sets everything up for story-time, clears the table and then acts like she knows something.
Maddow is an intellectual

Most conservative hosts have just a HS education and get by on hate and fear

Can you please provide the statistics to back up your second comment ?

Maddow is not an intellectual anymore. She's a lockstepping piece of shit.
Can you please provide the statistics to back up your second comment ?

Rush Limbaugh: High School Education
Sean Hannity: High School Education
Candace Owens: High School Education
Glen Beck: High School Education
.................if you would like to see a comprehensive explanation of how Trump has corrupted the CDC, in this case with respect to their guidelines for re-opening schools, watch this.

During the segment she shows a document that was part of the CDC's original guidelines, the ones they issued before Trump forced them to be changed. It shows a large STOP sign indicating consideration for school re-opening by local officials should stop at the point when the area the school is in is experiencing difficulty in handling the spread of COVID.

Anyway, the video is self explanatory.

It is my contention that during any other presidency this would be a scandal of enormous magnitude. There would be unrelenting coverage of a story showing how the POTUS pressured the CDC to modify its guidelines despite there being no change in the science on which the original ones were based. A story leaving no doubt in people's minds that the public's safety is knowingly being jeopardized by an official policy of a US government agency, after being directed to do so by the POTUS, that does not reflect the best available scientific information.

Normally, this would end whatever increasingly slim chance Don had for a second term. It would be front page news on the cover of every newspaper and the lead on every news show. The Sunday morning talk shows would be speaking of nothing else.

As it is, the story will likely be dropped from the news cycle by tomorrow. Replaced by the next scandal that would normally end the presidency of any other politician. And so it goes.

I am totally in favor of closing the bricks and mortar public education system and using the internet for educating children

we could fire half the reachers and administrators and prevent much of the liberal brainwashing that has practically ruined this country
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Rush Limbaugh: High School Education
Sean Hannity: High School Education
Candace Owens: High School Education
Glen Beck: High School Education
The list of influential conservatives with advanced degrees is 100 times that long

I deeply respect engineering and science which require a college degree

but the liberal arts, including political science, can be self taught

as your list of 4 excellent political commentators prove
The list of influential conservatives with advanced degrees is 100 times that long

Conservative Commentators used to be intellectuals
William F Buckley, George Will, William Safire, Charles Krauthammer

Now, all you need is a High School Diploma and a list of insults to Liberals
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Dr. Glenn Beck has a degree in Humanities from the world's premiere Christian university, Liberty U.

Got a link on that?
About what I expected from you
Dr. Glenn Beck has a degree in Humanities from the world's premiere Christian university, Liberty U.

Got a link on that?
About what I expected from you

If you read the story, you will see how humble Dr. Beck was when he received the degree. He couldn't afford to go to college unlike well-off families like the Obamas.
Conservative Commentators used to be intellectuals
William F Buckley, George Will, William Safire, Charles Krauthammer

Now, all you need is a High School Diploma and a list of insults to Liberals
George Will is no longer a conservative

but there are plenty of conservative commentators with college degrees

Mark Levine, Laura Ingles, michelle maulkin, walter williams, thomas sowell, hugh hewitt, larry elder, dennis prager, michael savage to name just a few
.................if you would like to see a comprehensive explanation of how Trump has corrupted the CDC, in this case with respect to their guidelines for re-opening schools, watch this.

During the segment she shows a document that was part of the CDC's original guidelines, the ones they issued before Trump forced them to be changed. It shows a large STOP sign indicating consideration for school re-opening by local officials should stop at the point when the area the school is in is experiencing difficulty in handling the spread of COVID.

Anyway, the video is self explanatory.

It is my contention that during any other presidency this would be a scandal of enormous magnitude. There would be unrelenting coverage of a story showing how the POTUS pressured the CDC to modify its guidelines despite there being no change in the science on which the original ones were based. A story leaving no doubt in people's minds that the public's safety is knowingly being jeopardized by an official policy of a US government agency, after being directed to do so by the POTUS, that does not reflect the best available scientific information.

Normally, this would end whatever increasingly slim chance Don had for a second term. It would be front page news on the cover of every newspaper and the lead on every news show. The Sunday morning talk shows would be speaking of nothing else.

As it is, the story will likely be dropped from the news cycle by tomorrow. Replaced by the next scandal that would normally end the presidency of any other politician. And so it goes.

Sounds like you're extremely butt hurt, contemplating the upcoming loss of Biden in the election.
Can you please provide the statistics to back up your second comment ?

Rush Limbaugh: High School Education
Sean Hannity: High School Education
Candace Owens: High School Education
Glen Beck: High School Education

Yes, you've already stated this.......

You made the claim that most conservatives had a high school eduction and get on by hate and fear. I specifically asked for back up for your "second comment" which (given there were only two...should have been easy to spot).

Of course, you missed that...or providing anything for it....but I get that your reading skills are pretty weak (making me wonder what kind of education you have).

So I will ask in a more direct way....

Do you have any back up for your claim that most conservatives have a high school education and something to support your comment that get on with hate and fear ?

Let me know if my request isn't clear enough.

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