"I Had an Abortion"

Bold print- wow you must be right
Of course, since the other part says "prohibiting the free exercise thereof"
and apparently you are a big supporter of the 1st Amendment ...

then no doubt you are happy with today's ruling

The Left and Obama apologists just had another setback
for their radical leftist agenda:

DC appellate court rules against HHS contraception mandate, for religious liberty

The Obama administration said that the requirement is necessary to protect women’s health and abortion rights. The judges were unconvinced that forcing companies to violate their religious rights was appropriate.

Brown wrote that “it is clear the government has failed to demonstrate how such a right — whether described as noninterference, privacy, or autonomy — can extend to the compelled subsidization of a woman’s procreative practices.”

“The provision of these services — even without the contraceptive mandate — by and large fulfills the statutory command for insurers to provide gender-specific preventive care,” she wrote. “At the very least, the statutory scheme will not go to pieces.”

The HHS mandate burdens their exercise of religion by pressuring them to approve and endorse the inclusion of objectionable coverage in their companies’ health plans. “They can either abide by the sacred tenets of their faith, pay a penalty of over $14 million, and cripple the companies they have spent a lifetime building, or they become complicit in a grave moral wrong.” (Slip op. at 20; see generally pp. 17-23.) The government’s supposedly compelling interest is nebulous (slip op. at 23-28), and even if it were compelling, the HHS mandate is not the least restrictive means of furthering that interest (slip op. at 28-32.)
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Well it would seem to violate the imposed legal concept of "separation wall" between church and state.

Conceptually, if we are talking revamping the tax system to a fair flat one with no deductions
I am on board.

God is not "provable", so by definition, it is a matter of faith.
Really, atheists have a faith in no god- but they can not really prove it.
It is better to be agnostic.

Then again,,,
Supporters of the non-falsifiable theory of global warming, errr cooling, errr climate change
are ultimately basing that on faith.

You seem to have no issue with that one?
Well it would seem to violate the imposed legal concept of "separation wall" between church and state.

Conceptually, if we are talking revamping the tax system to a fair flat one with no deductions
I am on board.

God is not "provable", so by definition, it is a matter of faith.
Really, atheists have a faith in no god- but they can not really prove it.
It is better to be agnostic.

Then again,,,
Supporters of the non-falsifiable theory of global warming, errr cooling, errr climate change
are ultimately basing that on faith.

You seem to have no issue with that one?

That's the point. These churches take people's money when they can't prove....

1) If there is a God.
2) If they are the ones actually talking for him.

Consumer Fraud.
Free choice
so what

The gov't takes money by force from the people
for the programs of the Great Society that have failed.

We have spent over 15 trillion since 1965 and have about
the same level of poverty.

Talk about consumer fraud

While I am enjoying this discourse and I know
one should never show their hand
but I must leave.

Any response from me will have to wait till
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Does anyone besides NeoTrollsky have anything to add to this thread, otherwise I'm done.

Because, honestly, I'm getting bored with his Hate Radio talking points like he's having an original thought.

Too funny ... calling for 'back-up"

Your other habit of declaring that you won in some way
is more worthy of you. You should have stuck with that one,
it looks less weak...

Name calling really, I mean it is not like I am pretending to be a
former Democrat who has somehow "converted" - that would be more
'troll" like, wouldn't you agree?

Strange, the only hate that has been seen here was from you

I find it amusing coming from someone who said, just in this abortion thread:

JoeB131 said:
I would never want my RIGHTS to be dictated by a majority of the stupid drooling masses and neither would you.

JoeB131 said:
When the 13 year old's m other is pimping her out, no, I don't think that's a big deal.

JoeB131 said:
Actually, Eugenics was considered a valid science in 1912. We now know a lot more about genetics, but the real problem was that the Nazis applied it with no real understanding of science and gave it a bad name

JoeB131 said:
this was back in the 1970's when they still forced unwitting Catholic Lesbians to become nuns and make children miserable
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Well it would seem to violate the imposed legal concept of "separation wall" between church and state.

Conceptually, if we are talking revamping the tax system to a fair flat one with no deductions
I am on board.

God is not "provable", so by definition, it is a matter of faith.
Really, atheists have a faith in no god- but they can not really prove it.
It is better to be agnostic.

Then again,,,
Supporters of the non-falsifiable theory of global warming, errr cooling, errr climate change
are ultimately basing that on faith.

You seem to have no issue with that one?

That's the point. These churches take people's money when they can't prove....

1) If there is a God.
2) If they are the ones actually talking for him.

Consumer Fraud.

Thing is, can you prove that this has anything to do with abortion?
Well to be fair to JoeB...

Let me explain,
apparently he needs the backup and help.
While I can not speak for him like JoeB does,
I am sure it something Jesus would want me to do

The whole conversation was a sidetrack from the main issue of abortion.

I was posting to a nice "young Republican" from NJ when JoeB felt it necessary
to interject himself into the conversation and side track the conversation.

So you are correct...
Let us get back on track

Planned Parenthood and the reactionary left is on the minority side of
how the majority feel about abortion
-majority of Americans do not believe in abortion with no restrictions
-majority do not support late term abortions
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That's the point. These churches take people's money when they can't prove....

1) If there is a God.
2) If they are the ones actually talking for him.

Consumer Fraud.

Thing is, can you prove that this has anything to do with abortion?

If it weren't for you religous nutters, Abortion would just be another medical procedure, and we wouldn't even be talking about this.
My first sexual experience was when I was 21. I was amazed to find I was pregnant but I welcomed the event for I thought it must be God's will. (My parents were not so excited, lol, but I never seemed to notice) I continued with my marriage plans and had a wonderful little boy.

I learned later on due to medical reasons I could not have more children but relished the time I had with my son. He grew up to be a strapping young man, brilliant, handsome and a success at everything he tried. Now a father of three delightful boys and a successful businessman, I often think what would my life be like and the four people that came from that one night and decision be?

One night...one decision....four people and a lifetime of love. Don't make the wrong choice.

Beautiful story- so true

A former colleague of mine, he and his wife had miscarriage after miscarriage.
They ultimately, adopted and that child brings much joy into their life.
But, they too think -thank God the mother gave up the child for adoption.
My first sexual experience was when I was 21. I was amazed to find I was pregnant but I welcomed the event for I thought it must be God's will. (My parents were not so excited, lol, but I never seemed to notice) I continued with my marriage plans and had a wonderful little boy.

I learned later on due to medical reasons I could not have more children but relished the time I had with my son. He grew up to be a strapping young man, brilliant, handsome and a success at everything he tried. Now a father of three delightful boys and a successful businessman, I often think what would my life be like and the four people that came from that one night and decision be?

One night...one decision....four people and a lifetime of love. Don't make the wrong choice.


you idiot, baby in utero is a scientific opinion not a religious one. life starts at conception - as the zygote starts to divide - that is a medical FACT not a religious belief.

upgrade your biology as you clearly haven't heard anything for the last 45 years :lol:

Life began 4 billion years ago.

And is an ongoing process.

Still doesn't make zygotes into people.

Which is why we don't have funerals over tampons.

human life begins when zygote starts dividing. Period. It is a medical fact. deal with it.

But it’s not a legal fact.

Constitutional jurisprudence does not recognize a zygote/embryo/fetus as a ‘person’ in the context of Constitutional rights, as such rights manifest only postnatally.
It is very common today for women to authenticate themselves by claiming they had an abortion even if they never had one.

I have never met such a person, Katz. I find this statement to be quite "out there"... I highly doubt that any woman is "proud" of having had an abortion, Katz.

The women I have spoken to feel enough shame for you and me both and do not need to be shamed further over it. What they need is healing, mercy, love, comfort, they need to hear Jesus asking them, where are your accusers, woman? Go and sin no more. That is what they need to hear. Not condemnation and wrath. That is not helping anyone and as for Gloria Steinham - I did not look at the photograph nor will I. Pray for the woman and stop judging her. If you are a Christian you should know that in 1 Corinthinians 5: 12 Paul makes it very clear we are not to "judge the World" but rather those inside the church who are destroying it by their own sin. Paul makes it clear that we are NOT to judge the world because that is not our place. God will judge the world. The bible says so.[/QUOTEk]

You don't think women are proud of having an abortion! Who is buying the t-shirts?

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