"I Had an Abortion"

It must bug you a lot, how popular Planned Parenthood is across the nation. All the pro-life lies just aren't working.

So, what's Plan B?

Not really....

Planned Parenthood and the reactionary left is on the minority side of
how the majority feel about abortion

The radical left believes in the gov't regulating everything but this....

-majority of Americans do not believe in abortion with no restrictions
-majority do not support late term abortions

The radical left did not even support California from charging Scott Peterson, who killed his
pregnant wife, with the murder of his child.

Sadly, for the Democrats, they allow only the politician with the most extreme views on this
subject, act as their spokesperson - pitting them against the majority of Americans

For example

Papa Obama, as a state senator, fought a law that would have protected live infants accidentally delivered during an abortion.
Senator Barbara Boxer once said that constitutional rights begin when you bring the baby home from the hospital.
What makes one fetus (Lacy Peterson's fetus was considered a legal person) a legal person and another fetus not a legal person?

I think that charging someone for murdering a person that a birth certificate was never issued for is silly, but this is politics, not reason.

The problem is of course, that no one has sympathy for guys who assault or murder pregnant women.

So the camel's nose is under the tent.
So using your fucked up logic anyone born and living before they took birth records were not real humans?

It is amazing how stupid you are.

They've taken birth records as long as there's been humanity. But you do bring up an interesting point.

The Bible places no value on fetuses or infants less than one month old.

And if it be from a month old even unto five years old, then thy estimation shall be of the male five shekels of silver, and for the female thy estimation shall be three shekels of silver. -- Leviticus 27:6

Fetuses and infants less than one month old are not considered persons.

Number the children of Levi after the house of their fathers, by their families: every male from a month old and upward shalt thou number them. And Moses numbered them according to the word of the LORD. -- Numbers 3:15-16
It must bug you a lot, how popular Planned Parenthood is across the nation. All the pro-life lies just aren't working.

So, what's Plan B?

Not really....

Planned Parenthood and the reactionary left is on the minority side of
how the majority feel about abortion

The radical left believes in the gov't regulating everything but this....

-majority of Americans do not believe in abortion with no restrictions
-majority do not support late term abortions

Again, you would never want your rights subject to what a majority thinks they should be. Otherwise you'd have no guns and you'd better not belong to a religion most people think is strange.

The radical left did not even support California from charging Scott Peterson, who killed his
pregnant wife, with the murder of his child.

They had no problem with him being charged with the murder of his wife, the only PERSON he actually killed.

Sadly, for the Democrats, they allow only the politician with the most extreme views on this
subject, act as their spokesperson - pitting them against the majority of Americans

Guy, Abortion is a loser for you guys, which is why you see the GOP Desperately running away from the issue outside of the deepest red states. When "The Cooch" goes down in flames next week, look for even more GOP waffling.

For example

Papa Obama, as a state senator, fought a law that would have protected live infants accidentally delivered during an abortion.
Senator Barbara Boxer once said that constitutional rights begin when you bring the baby home from the hospital.

Again, I don't want my doctors being politicians,and I don't want my politicians being doctors.

Besides the fact the woman who calimed that a hospital in IL was killing fetuses after abortions was proven to be a liar and fired...
late term is extreme and viewed by the majority that way

Planned Parenthood is in the extreme
no matter how hard you try to spin it
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late term is extreme and viewed by the majority that way

Planned Parenthood is in the extreme
no matter how hard you try to spin it

The "Majority" thinks that Dancing with the Stars is good entertainment. And that those people actually qualify as being "Stars".

I would never want my RIGHTS to be dictated by a majority of the stupid drooling masses and neither would you.

Only two people who should be in on the decision of when to have an abortion.

The woman and her doctor.
a group of intellectual elites who know what is best for the masses

Judging by the opening day success of Papa Obamacare, I am sure
many are comforted by your vision
a group of intellectual elites who know what is best for the masses

Judging by the opening day success of Papa Obamacare, I am sure
many are comforted by your vision

In a month, the website will be working fine.

In a year, everyone will be saying how wonderful ObamaCare is and the GOP will never touch it.

Kind of like SOcial Security and Medicare....
The programs that are going broke?
Just like those....

Well, they can't change the lies
Hey, it is your story, tell it anyway you want

From right wing NBC

Poll: Majority think health law needs overhaul or elimination

A majority of Americans – 52 percent – believe the health care law needs either a major overhaul or to be completely eliminated, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds.
I think that charging someone for murdering a person that a birth certificate was never issued for is silly, but this is politics, not reason.

The problem is of course, that no one has sympathy for guys who assault or murder pregnant women.

So the camel's nose is under the tent.
So using your fucked up logic anyone born and living before they took birth records were not real humans?

It is amazing how stupid you are.

They've taken birth records as long as there's been humanity. But you do bring up an interesting point.

The Bible places no value on fetuses or infants less than one month old.

And if it be from a month old even unto five years old, then thy estimation shall be of the male five shekels of silver, and for the female thy estimation shall be three shekels of silver. -- Leviticus 27:6

Fetuses and infants less than one month old are not considered persons.

Number the children of Levi after the house of their fathers, by their families: every male from a month old and upward shalt thou number them. And Moses numbered them according to the word of the LORD. -- Numbers 3:15-16
No they haven't taken birth records as long as there were humans.
Funny how Joe here doesn't believe in God, but insists on using the Bible to justify murdering unborn children. How is that possible?

I do it to point out that you guys who insist that you are fighting abortion on behalf of your invisible sky man really have no biblical basis to do so.

In fact, your omniscient being who spent whole verses on such subjects as what kind of clothes to wear and how to wash your scrotum after a wet dream and why you should kill people if they gather sticks on the Sabbath didn't spend ONE VERSE saying, "Don't you dare end a pregnancy before birth!"

You'd think he'd have made a note of it. I mean, he spent whole chapters giving out rules for slavery, but not a peep on abortion.

Not to mention that he was happy to kill fetuses if they were inside women who committed some kind of offense in his eye.
Funny how Joe here doesn't believe in God, but insists on using the Bible to justify murdering unborn children. How is that possible?

I do it to point out that you guys who insist that you are fighting abortion on behalf of your invisible sky man really have no biblical basis to do so.

In fact, your omniscient being who spent whole verses on such subjects as what kind of clothes to wear and how to wash your scrotum after a wet dream and why you should kill people if they gather sticks on the Sabbath didn't spend ONE VERSE saying, "Don't you dare end a pregnancy before birth!"

You'd think he'd have made a note of it. I mean, he spent whole chapters giving out rules for slavery, but not a peep on abortion.

Not to mention that he was happy to kill fetuses if they were inside women who committed some kind of offense in his eye.

Hard to argue with the religiously blind my man.. God has been inspiring people to kill each other since we first created him in our minds to numb the realization that our lives meant nothing. These people just want to make the time we have on Earth as miserable as possible for you and I.
Funny how Joe here doesn't believe in God, but insists on using the Bible to justify murdering unborn children. How is that possible?

I do it to point out that you guys who insist that you are fighting abortion on behalf of your invisible sky man really have no biblical basis to do so.

In fact, your omniscient being who spent whole verses on such subjects as what kind of clothes to wear and how to wash your scrotum after a wet dream and why you should kill people if they gather sticks on the Sabbath didn't spend ONE VERSE saying, "Don't you dare end a pregnancy before birth!"

You'd think he'd have made a note of it. I mean, he spent whole chapters giving out rules for slavery, but not a peep on abortion.

Not to mention that he was happy to kill fetuses if they were inside women who committed some kind of offense in his eye.

Hard to argue with the religiously blind my man.. God has been inspiring people to kill each other since we first created him in our minds to numb the realization that our lives meant nothing. These people just want to make the time we have on Earth as miserable as possible for you and I.

I'm tellin ya. If it weren't for the Internet, I'd have no idea how much rabid ugliness is in the hearts of "Christians."
I do it to point out that you guys who insist that you are fighting abortion on behalf of your invisible sky man really have no biblical basis to do so.

In fact, your omniscient being who spent whole verses on such subjects as what kind of clothes to wear and how to wash your scrotum after a wet dream and why you should kill people if they gather sticks on the Sabbath didn't spend ONE VERSE saying, "Don't you dare end a pregnancy before birth!"

You'd think he'd have made a note of it. I mean, he spent whole chapters giving out rules for slavery, but not a peep on abortion.

Not to mention that he was happy to kill fetuses if they were inside women who committed some kind of offense in his eye.

Hard to argue with the religiously blind my man.. God has been inspiring people to kill each other since we first created him in our minds to numb the realization that our lives meant nothing. These people just want to make the time we have on Earth as miserable as possible for you and I.

I'm tellin ya. If it weren't for the Internet, I'd have no idea how much rabid ugliness is in the hearts of "Christians."

They almost hate more than the rest of us, maybe more. What really worries me about religion is it's prominence among the uninformed. It worries me that the smarter a society becomes, the less it buys into religion. Then you look at really poor, unintelligent places like the Middle-East, and Africa, and the American south where religion really flourishes and I just ask myself, is religion just a crutch for those who don't understand how the world works? It is a real concern for me. The more I look at who is religious and how it was so prevalent before we understood science, I really am just left thinking that it is just for people that aren't smart. Eventually, (if the world keeps going like its going) no one will believe in a religion. I wonder if people will look back at us and wonder how we could be so naive to let these stories guide our decisions with so much prevalence.
Don't fool yourself kid

The Left has just changed gods- they worship state

Same reason they try to make saints out of their leaders.

They buy into the 'global cooling/warming whatever it is today' crap.
It is based on a non-falsifiable theory
that is not science that is like a religion

Same process- just a new god


look at the former Soviet Union and the Eastern Blocs and Cuba
God was officially dead by gov't edict
they were just utopias on earth

Did the NJ office give you permission to use the official logo?
Do you know Tony?
How many active chapters does NJ have ?
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