"I had 4 abortions..." This is what radical leftists want for women!

" Embarrassments And Consequences Of Precarious Circumstances "

* Core Principles Of Us Republic Were Usurped By Scotus In Dobbs *

You do have choice. The SCOTUS disn’t ban abortion.
Actually , SCOTUS committed sedition against us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments , and blatantly ignored title 1 section 8 of us code , and its members can technically be charged with sedition , as should any despot suspending elements of us constitution .

"I had 4 abortions..." This is what radical leftists want for women!

Women choosing what they do with their own bodies? Damn fucking right.
Only certain choices, though. For example,

Do radical leftists support women who choose to have lots of children with only one man to whom they are married?
Do they support women who choose to educate their children at home instead of in government schools?
Do they support women who love being feminine and refuse to adopt a prefix in front of "woman"?
Do they support women who choose to run their homes and not corporations?
Do they support women who choose to remain virginal until marriage?
Do they support women who choose to greet their husbands at the door when he comes home from work with a drink and dinner on the table?

I see radical leftists fighting against women who choose these things to do with their bodies and minds.
A young woman faces the reality of what abortion really is…

A woman who laughed through nine abortions asked after her last one if she could look at the “tissue” that had been removed from her womb.

When she saw the reassembled parts of her dismembered baby, she gasped and shuddered before collapsing in grief and refusing to let go of the tray holding the remains of her unborn child.

“That’s a baby,” she cried. “That was my baby. … What did I do? What did I do?”
But after her ninth abortion, Angie asked to see the “tissue” of her 13-week-old unborn child.

“I debated about how to arrange the pieces” of the aborted baby, related the author, which at that age would have been fully formed. “There was no protocol on such things.”

The writer opted to “piece [the baby] back together as we normally did to ensure that none of the parts were missing.”

Angie looked at the body.
“Thanks,” she said, her trademark smile still fixed on her face. When her eyes traveled to the container, she gasped sharply, and for the first time since she had arrived, Angie was utterly silent. A few moments later, her entire body shuddered and gooseflesh was raised on her smooth brown arms.

When she reached out her to touch the baby, I tried to pull the dish away. She grabbed my wrist and stopped me. We were both silent for a few moments as she continued to stare at the contents of the dish. I stepped back and Angie fell forward to her knees, her fingers still wrapped around my wrist. …

“That’s a baby,” she said, barely audible at first. “That was my baby,” she said. Her volume steadily increased as a torrent of words poured from her mouth, words that made everyone extremely uncomfortable. “What did I do? What did I do?” she said over and over and began to sob. Some of the girls in the recovery run began to weep along with her.​

When abortion center staff finally managed to pry the dish from her fingers, Angie became frantic.

When they couldn’t calm her or get her up from the floor, the staff dragged her, screaming and struggling, down the hall to the bathroom.

Even then her cries could be heard, as she pleaded repeatedly to be given her baby’s body. Her request was refused.

Finally, the staff called her emergency contact. It was her current boyfriend, who came to the abortion facility, and after 45 minutes persuaded her to come out of the bathroom.

Both he and Angie were in tears when they left the abortion center, Terzo writes.
Who is this thread for?

What women are looking for is the right to make choices about their own bodies. That's what the left wants for women. You choose.

Not old white guys in some state capital. But each individual woman.

You disagree and think that abortion should be illegal. I get it. But who other than you is buying this '4 abortions is what liberals want for all women' bullshit?

What ever happened to "safe, legal and rare"?

4 abortions for one woman isn't "rare"
What ever happened to "safe, legal and rare"?

It's a lie, just like when faggots said, half a century ago, that they just wanted it between “consenting adults”.

It will never be honest to describe as “safe”, a procedure that, when successful, always results in the death of an innocent human being. They know damn well that they are lying when they use the word “safe” in connection with this murderous practice.
"At least 4 times in my life I have been irresponsible and made mistakes that would burden my life. I fixed these mistakes by killing the unborn baby growing inside of me and, therefore, escaping responsibility for my actions, thus encouraging me to continue to act irresponsible."
Too bad we can’t have a law that after the second abortion, Mama gets sterilized. She obviously can’t figure out how to use birth control.

I have no idea why the head of the RNC is in this story? But anyhow

Yeh, those leftists certainly love women, don't they?

Actually, they don't love anyone but themselves

and they don't do a good job of that, either
This is a lie.

What everyone should want is for women to have reproductive autonomy, to be able to make personal, private decisions as to whether to have a child or not absent interference by the state.

That the authoritarian right opposes this is why conservatives are both reprehensible and wrong.
I agree, except quotation marks should be around the word Church

They claim to not be religious but they have a system of belief just like a real church. And if you go against their belief system, you are

in big trouble. You will be consigned to Lib Hell. Fortunately, vis a vis this usurpation, God is not worried :)
The thread premise is a lie.

Everyone should want women to have access to safe, affordable reproductive healthcare; that can’t happen in states with reckless, irresponsible abortion bans enacted by Republicans.
Yet you guys “love” women so much you’d rather see them die than get an abortion. Or maybe you just think they are too stupid to make their own decisions over their own bodies and need you to intervene.
and you clowns HATE blacks so much, you would rather see their race exterminated through abortion!!

I have no idea why the head of the RNC is in this story? But anyhow

Yeh, those leftists certainly love women, don't they?

Actually, they don't love anyone but themselves

and they don't do a good job of that, either
My MAGA friend belongs to a social club where women aren`t allowed to sit at the bar. Most club members are divorced. I wonder why?

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