I got a belated Christmas present!

Hey Dan hope you feel better !! I hope Santa didn't think you were a bad boy and decided to punish you a little late !!
Now Dan, you know the person that got you sick, and you wouldn't say that to your little Niece would you? hehe!!! Had to have been her, she sat right by you in the car - just waiting to hear Dad get on here and let me know my coughing got him sick!

Sorry Dan, Jaelynn going to doctors today, hope your feeling better. Will let you know what she has when I get back.
Ah, I don't care. It may not have been her, anyway, how many people were sick up there? The odds were against me. I'm feeling much much better tonight, my all-body flu seems to have downgraded to an average head-cold, which still sucks, but at least I can sit in a chair without my entire body hurting. And I got these really crazy flu pills from wal mart, I don't know what's in these things, but they really knock me on my butt! My roommate came home today and I was in my room after taking them, and I couldn't get up out of bed! Maybe it's the flu, but whatever.
Dan, after careful analysis of your symptoms, I think you have a touch of Liberalitis.

It happens to the best of them, we (of the conservative conspiritors) have been trying to get Ted Kennedy for years!

Hug a tree, Curse Limbaugh, stage a protest, smooch a spotted owl, and light an SUV on fire - and you'll feel right as rain. :D

Just kidding, hope you feel better, buddy.
Originally posted by NightTrain

Hug a tree, Curse Limbaugh, stage a protest, smooch a spotted owl, and light an SUV on fire - and you'll feel right as rain. :D

Dan taking Night Train advise on a home remedy. :D
HAHAHAHA!!! Now that was a good one NT, and love the pic Mtnbiker!

Dan, Jaelynn went to doctors - He said that everyone is getting this, well, what she has anyway. It's a horrible cough that is from an airborne Virus, sounds like we were hit with something ha? but it lingers for a very long time. All he could give her was some cough medicine that she can ONLY take at night, knocks you out. And your right, everyone seemed to have been sick, or got sick. boohoo, I heard Jim is sick too! hahaha!

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