I hope I am wrong, but I got a bad felling about the current news of a proposed cease fire between Israel and Hezbollah being suggested by the U.N. I hope its not going to be a chance for Hezbollah to regroup or a chance for the U.N (Useless Nations) to put U.N. troops or suggested N.A.T.O. troops to police the boarders of Lebanon. I smell a rat (Kofi Annan) putting Israel backed up into a corner. I don't trust the U.N. to protect the Israeli people from terrorist. I can easily see the U.N. getting involved militarily to stop the Israeli Army from protecting its Nation in the false chance of peace in the region. Most of the News media has been portraying the loss of life to civilians in Lebanon. Keep in mind those are unreliable sources. Mostly Hezbollah puppet media or anti Semites agents. But the focus is all on Israel's so called "too aggressive force"! Sure some News outlets mention from time to time of the rockets being fired from Hezbollah and so on but the focus remains on Israel as if it was the reason for the hostilities. The U.N. should stay out and let Israel handle its own problems. Its not like the U.N. has such a great record for handling World affairs.