I dont give a shit!

Pay attention...we're specifically discussing the group of youth who are demanding a free fucking ride. Now stop trying to be the cool old lady.:D

Pay attention. You're all ranting about bullshit.

I am a cool old lady. Just ask my students.

Passing students who should fail doesn't make you cool. And when I taught those were he ONLY profs the students considered 'cool.' Oh, yea, and those who dressed very inappropriately!

If they liked me too much, that concerned me. ;)
No. Just ranting about idiots who are pissed off that they have to pay back THEIR college debt. A debt that the only one responsible for is their very own selves.


Oh come on. They're kids and they are having growing pains.

Then they can growing pains on their own backs...or their parents backs. I don't give a flying fuck if they are in debt for something THEY wanted to do. I dont care if it takes them a lifetime to pay it back. I dont care if it ruins their credit for their entire lives.... its their loan... they used the money... they can pay it back and stop whining about it. Its not as if you can reposes the education back from them

Fuck them.

Right now, I believe the laws are such that you can't bankrupt on a student loan. I know a woman who got an 18,000 loan 30 years ago. She got so many forbearances that she now owes over 40K on it. She can't get any more forbearances and is having to pay. She is almost 50. Life's a bitch. Ten the call in your loan! :clap2:
That's only your opinion...on both counts.

Yep. It's my opinion, on the first and my student's opinon on the second.

Eh, they're just sucking up to get good grades.:lol: Joking aside, I'm really not impressed if you're concerned about being the "cool teacher"...I look at it the same as parents who are more interested with being a friend to their children above all else. Now continue being the pissy contrarian on syrenn's thread.:eusa_whistle:

Or she doesn't have tenure yet.
Oh come on. They're kids and they are having growing pains.

Then they can growing pains on their own backs...or their parents backs. I don't give a flying fuck if they are in debt for something THEY wanted to do. I dont care if it takes them a lifetime to pay it back. I dont care if it ruins their credit for their entire lives.... its their loan... they used the money... they can pay it back and stop whining about it. Its not as if you can reposes the education back from them

Fuck them.

No one is asking YOU to pay off THEIR loans. Stop whining.

If the loans are forgiven, every taxpayer will be paying off their loans.
Really? The money came from the government and if it doesn't get paid back, who do you think pays that?

Well, the more accurate question is who pays the interest on that additional debt?

You're all so ridiculous. The kids will pay off their loans. Who cares if they complain about it?
And, everyone will start farting rainbows!


Even the horse they rode in on!
Then they can growing pains on their own backs...or their parents backs. I don't give a flying fuck if they are in debt for something THEY wanted to do. I dont care if it takes them a lifetime to pay it back. I dont care if it ruins their credit for their entire lives.... its their loan... they used the money... they can pay it back and stop whining about it. Its not as if you can reposes the education back from them

Fuck them.

No one is asking YOU to pay off THEIR loans. Stop whining.

If the loans are forgiven, every taxpayer will be paying off their loans.

Exactly right. They can stay in school as long as they want, take as expensive course work as they wish, and no matter how much they borrow, they will be required to repay only so much over the next 10 years with the taxpayer picking up the tab for anything left unpaid at the end of that 10 years. Those going to the mega pricey cadillac universities are getting a really really good deal on the taxpayer's dime.
Big jugs are so heterosexual.

Some of us are just naturally gifted with huge boobs. Boobs don't care if you are straight or gay..... they just ARE.

Sorry. I didn't intend my comment to be personal. I just don't like GARGANTAN mammaries like the ones mudwhistle seems to be into.

Just my personal taste. No comment meant to you in any way.

The word is gargantuan. Teacher. I bet you call the library the 'liberry.'
Oh shut up. Let them complain. They still have to pay it off. What a bunch of crones you are.

Seriously, I doubt many are surprised that you'd cheer on people who like to whine and complain...birds of a feather and all.:D

Am I cheering you on? Hadn't noticed that. Whine away.

I get the message. This is my last post for the thread.

Seriously, I doubt many are surprised that you'd cheer on people who like to whine and complain...birds of a feather and all.:D

Am I cheering you on? Hadn't noticed that. Whine away.

I get the message. This is my last post for the thread.

No one gets that lucky.
No one said they don't have that right.

They do.

Just as we have a right to call them irresponsible shits for not wanting to accept responsibility for their choices.

Syrenn more or less said so in the OP. The kids have a right to complain. They still have to pay off the loans.

Ya know what, i really don't give a flying shit about your college debts!

I am sick of their whining about the money THEY borrowed. No one forced them to go to college. No one forced them to borrow money. :lmao:

They signed on the bottom line knowing full well how much they borrowed and that they would have to pay it back.... tough damn shit. It sucks paying your bills.

I did not say they don't have the right to complain. I said.... to fucking bad they have to pay it back. To damn bad they sighend a loan and now they are in debt and have to pay it back.

I said... i don't give a shit about their college debt. THEY however what us to care that they are IN debt.

and i don't give a shit.

We all know that don'tgivea shit is free and, therefore, a much better deal!
You signed the thing. If the loan conditions suck, don't sign. Don't blame us if you default.

Btw, the GOP didn't force tuition up. Blame the institution.

I am not bitching. I am pointing out the reality is that, unless you are independently wealthy, you have to take a student loan out to climb the income bracket in this nation.

The GOP increased the interest rates and ended deferment through residency. Try and tell me I don't know the deal on the money I owe.

I kinda think someone like muddy who was eligible for the GI Bill shouldn't begrudge people fairness just because they take student loans to better themselves.

You think the GI Bill is a freebie. Geeze!
Oh come on. They're kids and they are having growing pains.

Then they can growing pains on their own backs...or their parents backs. I don't give a flying fuck if they are in debt for something THEY wanted to do. I dont care if it takes them a lifetime to pay it back. I dont care if it ruins their credit for their entire lives.... its their loan... they used the money... they can pay it back and stop whining about it. Its not as if you can reposes the education back from them

Fuck them.

Right now, I believe the laws are such that you can't bankrupt on a student loan. I know a woman who got an 18,000 loan 30 years ago. She got so many forbearances that she now owes over 40K on it. She can't get any more forbearances and is having to pay. She is almost 50. Life's a bitch. Ten the call in your loan! :clap2:

So she had 40 years to pay off her loan... amazing. Sounds to me as if she had a great life and skipped out on the loan. OR that education she wanted didn't do her one damn bit of good.
Then they can growing pains on their own backs...or their parents backs. I don't give a flying fuck if they are in debt for something THEY wanted to do. I dont care if it takes them a lifetime to pay it back. I dont care if it ruins their credit for their entire lives.... its their loan... they used the money... they can pay it back and stop whining about it. Its not as if you can reposes the education back from them

Fuck them.

Right now, I believe the laws are such that you can't bankrupt on a student loan. I know a woman who got an 18,000 loan 30 years ago. She got so many forbearances that she now owes over 40K on it. She can't get any more forbearances and is having to pay. She is almost 50. Life's a bitch. Ten the call in your loan! :clap2:

So she had 40 years to pay off her loan... amazing. Sounds to me as if she had a great life and skipped out on the loan. OR that education she wanted didn't do her one damn bit of good.

The latter. She went to school to be a teacher, but ended up only home schooling her own children.
Right now, I believe the laws are such that you can't bankrupt on a student loan. I know a woman who got an 18,000 loan 30 years ago. She got so many forbearances that she now owes over 40K on it. She can't get any more forbearances and is having to pay. She is almost 50. Life's a bitch. Ten the call in your loan! :clap2:

So she had 40 years to pay off her loan... amazing. Sounds to me as if she had a great life and skipped out on the loan. OR that education she wanted didn't do her one damn bit of good.

The latter. She went to school to be a teacher, but ended up only home schooling her own children.

So she would be one of these crying about education.. But in reality did not NEED one... she wanted one...and pissed it away.

now she wants to skip out of paying for it to boot

Y a know what .. FUCK HER. I hope they hold her SS in lieu of payment due
No one is asking YOU to pay off THEIR loans. Stop whining.

If the loans are forgiven, every taxpayer will be paying off their loans.

Exactly right. They can stay in school as long as they want, take as expensive course work as they wish, and no matter how much they borrow, they will be required to repay only so much over the next 10 years with the taxpayer picking up the tab for anything left unpaid at the end of that 10 years. Those going to the mega pricey cadillac universities are getting a really really good deal on the taxpayer's dime.

You bet its a good deal. Its always easy to spend someone elses money.

The country is broke and the idiots in Govt approve shit like this??

Bush I stopped the Govt student loan program because none of the students were paying the loans back leaving the taxpayers on the hook for the money.l

Along comes Clinton and the Govt is back in the student loan business. Another someplace they shouldn't be.

I'm not interested in paying for anyones education anymore than I'm interested in paying their rent, mortgage, health care costs or providing their food for them.

If you want to go to college. If you sign on the dotted line then you need to pay your own way.
Oh my, God....

The thread has turned into a Harpy fest!




And i still don't give a shit about the little wankers whining about THEIR student loans.

When I read his post earlier, I thought he said "happy" fest. I couldn't figure that out!


I guess you are a harpy becasue you think they should have to pay for the loans they signed on the dotted line for.

Its not as if they are going to have their homes taken away and be put out on the streets or their car repossessed in the dark of night.

All it really means is that they will


have to pay back their loans.
Seriously, I doubt many are surprised that you'd cheer on people who like to whine and complain...birds of a feather and all.:D

Am I cheering you on? Hadn't noticed that. Whine away.

I get the message. This is my last post for the thread.

Am I cheering you on? Hadn't noticed that. Whine away.

I get the message. This is my last post for the thread.

No one gets that lucky.

LOL. If we had a dollar for every time Sky Dancer has made a grand exit from a thread or USMB in general or promised to leave somebody alone and then didn't, we could all throw ourselves a pretty grand party by now. :)

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