I cannot tell. Do left wingers think Obamacare is a success? Do they know why they LOST?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
What am I saying? They will continue to blame everything and anything else for their epic fail. One, obamacare is the disaster that we all said it would be while you believed the lying snake. Shit, the actual truth is you do not care you were lied to, and you just ignore the facts, like you always do.

You will also blame wikileaks, Russia, and Assange and not the witch in a pants suit for ILLEGALLY using her private server. All while you saw the facts in regards to disgraceful disgusting corruption of the clinton foundation. You all ignored what Haiti said and the facts regarding that the real reason the witch used her own private server and that was so her emails and deals would NOT be subject to the Freedom of Information Act.

Instead you blame ALL of those that hacked into the insecure emails. This election revealed how pathetic you all were and how pathetic you all are. Your race card victimology strategy backfired and you all still do not get it.

Want to know why you losers are the losers I claim you every day?

Here, go take a long look in the mirror.


That is the only respectful advice I am going to give.
What am I saying? They will continue to blame everything and anything else for their epic fail. One, obamacare is the disaster that we all said it would be while you believed the lying snake. Shit, the actual truth is you do not care you were lied to, and you just ignore the facts, like you always do.

You will also blame wikileaks, Russia, and Assange and not the witch in a pants suit for ILLEGALLY using her private server. All while you saw the facts in regards to disgraceful disgusting corruption of the clinton foundation. You all ignored what Haiti said and the facts regarding that the real reason the witch used her own private server and that was so her emails and deals would be subject to the Freedom of Information Act.

Instead you blame ALL of those that hacked into the insecure emails. This election revealed how pathetic you all were and how pathetic you all are. Your race card victimology strategy backfired and you all still do not get it.

Want to know why you losers are the losers I claim you every day?

Here, go take a long look in the mirror.


That is the only respectful advice I am going to give.

Never promise you can fix something, and then make it even more screwed up.

I divide Obamacare supporters into two groups, the ones who thought it would work, and the ones who knew it would fail, and then they would be able to usher in Single payer.

The first group either got duped or just misunderstood basic economics The 2nd group probably thought they would have 8 follow up years of Dem rule to make the transition.
Hell no they don't know why. They think America is racist,bigoted,misogynist,etc etc....we just told you liberals to take your social engineering and cultural marxism and SHOVE IT!
You are exactly right! They lost because they failed to see the reality of what they supported. The blindness of supporting a deluge of illegals taking what they want and committing crime and getting away with it. The huge deficit that they ignore. And it goes on and on.

Look at some of their crap they are post now. They are to blind and ignorant of right and wrong to see what they have done.
What am I saying? They will continue to blame everything and anything else for their epic fail. One, obamacare is the disaster that we all said it would be while you believed the lying snake. Shit, the actual truth is you do not care you were lied to, and you just ignore the facts, like you always do.

You will also blame wikileaks, Russia, and Assange and not the witch in a pants suit for ILLEGALLY using her private server. All while you saw the facts in regards to disgraceful disgusting corruption of the clinton foundation. You all ignored what Haiti said and the facts regarding that the real reason the witch used her own private server and that was so her emails and deals would be subject to the Freedom of Information Act.

Instead you blame ALL of those that hacked into the insecure emails. This election revealed how pathetic you all were and how pathetic you all are. Your race card victimology strategy backfired and you all still do not get it.

Want to know why you losers are the losers I claim you every day?

Here, go take a long look in the mirror.


That is the only respectful advice I am going to give.

Never promise you can fix something, and then make it even more screwed up.

I divide Obamacare supporters into two groups, the ones who thought it would work, and the ones who knew it would fail, and then they would be able to usher in Single payer.

The first group either got duped or just misunderstood basic economics The 2nd group probably thought they would have 8 follow up years of Dem rule to make the transition.
Yeah, true. It is like there are two types of left wingers. There are the morons that are nothing but brainwashed pawns and believe that the republicans and Tea Party and Trump hate the planet, are members of the KKK, hate poor people etc etc etc. They parrot the talking points as their democrats spread them around. Hence the only things they ever say and cling to are those talking points with nothing original.

\ALL of the ones that post here.

The others, like you eluded to, are the ones that fully understand that they are trying to capture large blocks of automatic voters. All to usher in their form of marxist/socialist government which rips power from the WE THE PEOPLE and gives it to them.
What's the word from bath house barry today?
aca was a start....as mark cuban stated ...worlds largest start up and obama had no clue how to do it....

insurance companies are going to go into a death spiral without it now....that is what will save the aca big businesses that are making a killing on it...
Big business, the health care industry, and the health care providers are intertwined.

Let's see what the anti ACA people can do.
Yup, let's see what the far right bed wetters can do.

Trump will compromise with the mainstream GOP and the Dems in Congress to come up with a consensus that the majority of Americans may well like.

If Trump can work with Ryan and Schumer, the far left socialists and the far right small government factions can be ignored.
aca was a start....as mark cuban stated ...worlds largest start up and obama had no clue how to do it....

insurance companies are going to go into a death spiral without it now....that is what will save the aca big businesses that are making a killing on it...
Aca killed the middle class. Was that your goal?
2010 and 2014 were indicators the direction this country was heading...

Reason for her lost:

1. Same sex marriage and the possible of three USSC court justices being selected during the next term cost her in so many ways.

2. The ACA failure is some part of it but her failure to acknowledge the reality the ACA is not just bad but it was the worst idea the Democratic Party had for a very long time...

3. Her many years of baggage and the possibility she would be under investigation four more years with the threat of impeachment was too much in my opinion...

Those three were enough and just add in for spice the arrogance and her hatred for certain sectors of America, and she was doomed...
To say this election wasn't in large part a referendum on 8 years of Obama is absurd....
The so called "approval rating" pushed on us by a desperate media that needs the black guy to be a success is one of the factors.

It started in 2010 when the republicans recaptured the house and booted Pelosi out when many saw what the economy did in 3 short years under their rule.

Then the republicans took the senate in 2014. All reflecting what it was all about and republicans ran the wrong doosh in 2012 with Romney.

They finally got a guy that is not apologizing for America. Not blaming the foundation of America for every misery experienced by people who have a darker pigmentation in their skin.

The push of racial divide by the democrats and the media.

The approval rating, like the polls pushed by the MSM are all lies. I even bought into the LIES.
1. LGBTQ marriage is inviolable: can't be touched.

2. Curious to see what Trump is going to do with ACA, since he has always been a single payer kind of guy.

3. I wish Obama would not pardon her, but maybe he will.
Yup, let's see what the far right bed wetters can do.

Trump will compromise with the mainstream GOP and the Dems in Congress to come up with a consensus that the majority of Americans may well like.

If Trump can work with Ryan and Schumer, the far left socialists and the far right small government factions can be ignored.
Well, one thing is for sure and Trump is indeed going to find this out. He is not a king and will not be able to push ALL of the things he wants. That, is what a dictator does.

Unlike obama, he will not violate the constitution and just push through his agenda with endless executive orders.

He may very well be like Reagan where Reagan had to work WITH a democratic congress. Yes, the republicans have the house and senate, but many of those republicans are not fans of Trump.

We and YOU are going to find out his true strength and that is selling ideas. You do not become a billionaire in real estate without knowing how to close deals. Trust that.

I know you and losers like you think he was just given billions. You really do not know. The day you understand that you understand very little, will be the day you understand a lot.

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