I came across this video, if you watch it, watch ALL of it.

See what you think.

Watched 17 seconds. Why da white guy be talkin' black?

Because it was only the black dude singing. Notice the white guy is wearing a knock-off MAGA hat? The video was meant to be one sided.

17 seconds was all I could endure. I despise wiggers

You should have jumped to the last minute.

Ok, I did. That's 1 minute and 17 seconds I'll never get back.
See what you think.

Watched 17 seconds. Why da white guy be talkin' black?

Because it was only the black dude singing. Notice the white guy is wearing a knock-off MAGA hat? The video was meant to be one sided.

17 seconds was all I could endure. I despise wiggers

It's actually the Black Rapper throughout the whole video, the white guy is lip sinking.
Predominately it shows ignorance.
Blacks in America after slavery, and again after civil rights.... BUT BEFORE LIBERAL SOCIAL DESTRUCTION of the race from the 1960' - 1980s... blacks were a very-very different set of people. They had much in common with Mexicans in America throughout the last century. Hard working, family oriented and had to put up with living in a society that they were not equal in.
Then came liberals social policies of free shit for all blacks...just sign here. You don't have to work anymore...we will supply everything. Just live in these areas we have sat aside for you (away from us and our kids schools)..
That began the multi-generational poverty and government dependency of inner city blacks.
Blacks that live in smaller towns fit it just fine. They don't act like inner city blacks. They have jobs, they have families and marry/divorce exactly like all other races.
But inner city blacks, and their morally bankrupt self defeating culture is a direct result of liberal policies that destroyed them.
It will take several generations for them to rise out of it, but they haven't even started yet.

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