I am switching from Trump to DeSantis today

306>232. No maybe about it. This is why the GOP has won exactly one popular vote since 1988.
Nope it's because Democrats keep poor blacks, and white trash, on the new plantation called urban America giving them just enough to keep them coming back, thank God for the electoral college
And many who aren't. One of his personality flaws. It unifies our lowest common denominator.
So Trump supporters are the lowest common denominator, see I wouldn't say that about Desantis supporters, and voted For ted Cruz in the primary when Trump one the first Time. Give me a guy who will do the job for free because he loves the country, every time
It’s amazing how you equate not letting these lunatics prance naked in front of kids as attacking them. You’re actually proving they are perverts and pedophiles that have a thing for kids.
It’s amazing how you equate not letting these lunatics prance naked in front of kids as attacking them.
gay does not necessarily equal drag queen.
'queens' have no business doing their thing in front of children under the age of, say, 16.

any 'queen' doing that should be arrested, fined, and hopefully jailed.

any proven member of NAMBLA should be shot.
So Trump supporters are the lowest common denominator, see I wouldn't say that about Desantis supporters, and voted For ted Cruz in the primary when Trump one the first Time. Give me a guy who will do the job for free because he loves the country, every time
If Trump beats DeSantis for the nomination and folks don't vote for him because of that, then you will have established a lowest common denominator.
Well, I have just switched my Vote from Trump to DeSantis because of a thread I just now found about how Trump will use Gestapo, anti-American tactics to force the homeless off the streets. So much for freedom... Only rich people are free, apparently, according to some elites.

The homeless have enough problems--- and here comes Trump using force against them.

I'm not voting for him... I'm done.

I campaigned for him 2016... but that was before reading this thread.

I am sick of the "blame the victim" BS that BOTH sides do... both R and D

I have known decent homeless people, people who work but cannot afford housing. That is their only sin: they cannot afford housing! HORRORS! That couldn't possibly be ... Do ya think??? someone else's fault??

This one I knew didn't want to live in public housing because so many thugs live there... whether landlords and/or tenants... didn't trust that going to a different housing complex would work because so many in the past had been hellholes... Did I mention cockroaches (human and non)?

I've never heard DeSantis say anything against the homeless...


This is not the thread I read... started to read that changed my mind but here's a story from Newsmax

Sorry bout that,

1. You are a stroke victim???

Well, I have just switched my Vote from Trump to DeSantis because of a thread I just now found about how Trump will use Gestapo, anti-American tactics to force the homeless off the streets. So much for freedom... Only rich people are free, apparently, according to some elites.

The homeless have enough problems--- and here comes Trump using force against them.

I'm not voting for him... I'm done.

I campaigned for him 2016... but that was before reading this thread.

I am sick of the "blame the victim" BS that BOTH sides do... both R and D

I have known decent homeless people, people who work but cannot afford housing. That is their only sin: they cannot afford housing! HORRORS! That couldn't possibly be ... Do ya think??? someone else's fault??

This one I knew didn't want to live in public housing because so many thugs live there... whether landlords and/or tenants... didn't trust that going to a different housing complex would work because so many in the past had been hellholes... Did I mention cockroaches (human and non)?

I've never heard DeSantis say anything against the homeless...


This is not the thread I read... started to read that changed my mind but here's a story from Newsmax

Fuck the homeless. Vote for whomever you want, but those god awful homeless people have to go. No sympathy, no help, just kick those dirty bums off the streets. They can die in a sewer for all i care. :dunno:
Well, I have just switched my Vote from Trump to DeSantis because of a thread I just now found about how Trump will use Gestapo, anti-American tactics to force the homeless off the streets. So much for freedom... Only rich people are free, apparently, according to some elites.

The homeless have enough problems--- and here comes Trump using force against them.

I'm not voting for him... I'm done.

I campaigned for him 2016... but that was before reading this thread.

I am sick of the "blame the victim" BS that BOTH sides do... both R and D

I have known decent homeless people, people who work but cannot afford housing. That is their only sin: they cannot afford housing! HORRORS! That couldn't possibly be ... Do ya think??? someone else's fault??

This one I knew didn't want to live in public housing because so many thugs live there... whether landlords and/or tenants... didn't trust that going to a different housing complex would work because so many in the past had been hellholes... Did I mention cockroaches (human and non)?

I've never heard DeSantis say anything against the homeless...


This is not the thread I read... started to read that changed my mind but here's a story from Newsmax

Please shoot me dead the very day I let homeless people make decisions for me and my life.
Jesus, OP. I may agree with your choice but your reasoning is dumber than a bag of dicks.
Fuck the homeless. Vote for whomever you want, but those god awful homeless people have to go. No sympathy, no help, just kick those dirty bums off the streets. They can die in a sewer for all i care. :dunno:
I agree with you here wholeheartedly, squid. We ought to put them all in big connex containers and dump them in the Atlantic Ocean.

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