I am Reminded of What is at Stake Everytime I See a Picture of this Little Girl from Auschwitz


May 23, 2014
From the story of the man that took the indoctrination center pictures. She was a Catholic girl. She could not speak English. The SS women kept beating her and giving her instructions in German. She repeated that she "didn't know why she was here" in Polish. Socialist guard bitch didn't understand her. So she was beaten until she stopped crying and photos were taken. White, hazel eyes, old European...just what Democrats want to destroy like Nazis wanted to culturally destroy a race. Both leftist political movements.
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AND when the left boycott businesses and try to destroy them how is that any different than the Nazi boycott of Jewish owned businesses? Who does the following sound like...

From 1931–32, SA Brownshirt thugs physically prevented customers from entering Jewish shops, windows were systematically smashed and Jewish shop owners threatened. During the Christmas holiday season of 1932, the central office of the Nazi party organized a nationwide boycott. In addition, German businesses, particularly large organizations like banks, insurance companies, and industrial firms such as Siemens, increasingly refused to employ Jews.
From the story of the man that took the indoctrination center pictures. She was a Catholic girl. She could not speak English. The SS women kept beating her and giving her instructions in German. She repeated that she "didn't know why she was here" in Polish. Socialist guard bitch didn't understand her. So she was beaten until she stopped crying and photos were taken. White, hazel eyes, old European...just what Democrats want to destroy like Nazis wanted to culturally destroy a race. Both leftist political movements.
I read the link, and the fate of the little girl occured a few weeks later when they injected a poison into her heart with a needle, and she died.

With the children who are being shot in Chicago, Portland, Seattle, New York, Detroit, and other big cities, I wonder if the Democrats are prepping their minions to go along with the few murders now, and a lot when and if we let them get too big for their britches in this free nation. The Democrats think free means free for all when they are soliciting people going along with their evil allowances of mob rule. Everything they do is prepping people to go downhill, without too much of a fight.
From the story of the man that took the indoctrination center pictures. She was a Catholic girl. She could not speak English. The SS women kept beating her and giving her instructions in German. She repeated that she "didn't know why she was here" in Polish. Socialist guard bitch didn't understand her. So she was beaten until she stopped crying and photos were taken. White, hazel eyes, old European...just what Democrats want to destroy like Nazis wanted to culturally destroy a race. Both leftist political movements.

We modern Americans of right now are currently, literally watching historical fascist/communist horrors repeat before our very eyes across our nation and on live television, only we are still in the early stages of the democide and genocide to come. WE still have a chance, and it's a fleeting one, to prevent this ancient hell from resurging and swallowing us whole. Will we stand up, fight and many of us die to save our freedom, our free way of life as individuals or will we kneel before the monsters tearing our country apart piece by piece and march off silently to the death camps? We must each and every last one of us decide.
AND when the left boycott businesses and try to destroy them how is that any different than the Nazi boycott of Jewish owned businesses? Who does the following sound like...

From 1931–32, SA Brownshirt thugs physically prevented customers from entering Jewish shops, windows were systematically smashed and Jewish shop owners threatened. During the Christmas holiday season of 1932, the central office of the Nazi party organized a nationwide boycott. In addition, German businesses, particularly large organizations like banks, insurance companies, and industrial firms such as Siemens, increasingly refused to employ Jews.
They had cancel culture even then.
From the story of the man that took the indoctrination center pictures. She was a Catholic girl. She could not speak English. The SS women kept beating her and giving her instructions in German. She repeated that she "didn't know why she was here" in Polish. Socialist guard bitch didn't understand her. So she was beaten until she stopped crying and photos were taken. White, hazel eyes, old European...just what Democrats want to destroy like Nazis wanted to culturally destroy a race. Both leftist political movements.

We modern Americans of right now are currently, literally watching historical fascist/communist horrors repeat before our very eyes across our nation and on live television, only we are still in the early stages of the democide and genocide to come. WE still have a chance, and it's a fleeting one, to prevent this ancient hell from resurging and swallowing us whole. Will we stand up, fight and many of us die to save our freedom, our free way of life as individuals or will we kneel before the monsters tearing our country apart piece by piece and march off silently to the death camps? We must each and every last one of us decide.
"Stand your ground.. don't fire unless fired upon...but if they mean to have a war...then let it begin here!"
-Lexington Green, April 19th 1775.
From the story of the man that took the indoctrination center pictures. She was a Catholic girl. She could not speak English. The SS women kept beating her and giving her instructions in German. She repeated that she "didn't know why she was here" in Polish. Socialist guard bitch didn't understand her. So she was beaten until she stopped crying and photos were taken. White, hazel eyes, old European...just what Democrats want to destroy like Nazis wanted to culturally destroy a race. Both leftist political movements.

Gee, this is just like Trump' storm troopers gassing and attacking innocent protestors. Your analogy to Nazi Germany is very apt. Just not in the way you think.

Just as Hitler blamed the Jews, Trump blames the blacks and hispanics. White supremacists are the scum of the earth.
From the story of the man that took the indoctrination center pictures. She was a Catholic girl. She could not speak English. The SS women kept beating her and giving her instructions in German. She repeated that she "didn't know why she was here" in Polish. Socialist guard bitch didn't understand her. So she was beaten until she stopped crying and photos were taken. White, hazel eyes, old European...just what Democrats want to destroy like Nazis wanted to culturally destroy a race. Both leftist political movements.
Nazis were extreme Right dumbass.
From the story of the man that took the indoctrination center pictures. She was a Catholic girl. She could not speak English. The SS women kept beating her and giving her instructions in German. She repeated that she "didn't know why she was here" in Polish. Socialist guard bitch didn't understand her. So she was beaten until she stopped crying and photos were taken. White, hazel eyes, old European...just what Democrats want to destroy like Nazis wanted to culturally destroy a race. Both leftist political movements.
Nazis were extreme Right dumbass.
"Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party" and they battled for for control of the left of the political spectrum with communist.
From the story of the man that took the indoctrination center pictures. She was a Catholic girl. She could not speak English. The SS women kept beating her and giving her instructions in German. She repeated that she "didn't know why she was here" in Polish. Socialist guard bitch didn't understand her. So she was beaten until she stopped crying and photos were taken. White, hazel eyes, old European...just what Democrats want to destroy like Nazis wanted to culturally destroy a race. Both leftist political movements.
Nazis were extreme Right dumbass.
"Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party" and they battled for for control of the left of the political spectrum with communist.
Wrong again...Nationalist is the first word. They killed all liberals, socialist, communist and all those they considered their opponents. Nazism was based on nationalistic militarized corporatist state. They disdained liberal democracy. Just like all the Neo-Nazis today they were far right.
From the story of the man that took the indoctrination center pictures. She was a Catholic girl. She could not speak English. The SS women kept beating her and giving her instructions in German. She repeated that she "didn't know why she was here" in Polish. Socialist guard bitch didn't understand her. So she was beaten until she stopped crying and photos were taken. White, hazel eyes, old European...just what Democrats want to destroy like Nazis wanted to culturally destroy a race. Both leftist political movements.

We modern Americans of right now are currently, literally watching historical fascist/communist horrors repeat before our very eyes across our nation and on live television, only we are still in the early stages of the democide and genocide to come. WE still have a chance, and it's a fleeting one, to prevent this ancient hell from resurging and swallowing us whole. Will we stand up, fight and many of us die to save our freedom, our free way of life as individuals or will we kneel before the monsters tearing our country apart piece by piece and march off silently to the death camps? We must each and every last one of us decide.

Beside the samizdat we practice on the board, who is pushing back?

Not the Republican Party.
From the story of the man that took the indoctrination center pictures. She was a Catholic girl. She could not speak English. The SS women kept beating her and giving her instructions in German. She repeated that she "didn't know why she was here" in Polish. Socialist guard bitch didn't understand her. So she was beaten until she stopped crying and photos were taken. White, hazel eyes, old European...just what Democrats want to destroy like Nazis wanted to culturally destroy a race. Both leftist political movements.
put her little ass in a cage! Hail Miller!!
From the story of the man that took the indoctrination center pictures. She was a Catholic girl. She could not speak English. The SS women kept beating her and giving her instructions in German. She repeated that she "didn't know why she was here" in Polish. Socialist guard bitch didn't understand her. So she was beaten until she stopped crying and photos were taken. White, hazel eyes, old European...just what Democrats want to destroy like Nazis wanted to culturally destroy a race. Both leftist political movements.
Nazis were extreme Right dumbass.
Nazi's were extreme Socialists, Johnslaw. They called themselves "National Socialist German Workers' Party". And they like today's Democrats initiated the same kind of Marxist chaos the Democrats are causing right now. If the world had a clue that the Socialists in Germany were going to start something that would kill 100 million people, they oughta have just removed their power after on Krystalnacht, because socialism always excuses bloody murder killings in their behalf.

You should never wake a sleeping Giant by randomly shooting children and adults.
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From the story of the man that took the indoctrination center pictures. She was a Catholic girl. She could not speak English. The SS women kept beating her and giving her instructions in German. She repeated that she "didn't know why she was here" in Polish. Socialist guard bitch didn't understand her. So she was beaten until she stopped crying and photos were taken. White, hazel eyes, old European...just what Democrats want to destroy like Nazis wanted to culturally destroy a race. Both leftist political movements.
Nazis were extreme Right dumbass.
Nazi's were extreme Socialists, Johnslaw. They called themselves "National Socialist German Workers' Party". And they like today's Democrats initiated the same kind of Marxist chaos the Democrats are causing right now. If the world had a clue that the Socialists in Germany were going to start something that would kill 100 million people, they oughta have just shot them on Krystalnacht.
Nazis are on left of the political spectrum.
From the story of the man that took the indoctrination center pictures. She was a Catholic girl. She could not speak English. The SS women kept beating her and giving her instructions in German. She repeated that she "didn't know why she was here" in Polish. Socialist guard bitch didn't understand her. So she was beaten until she stopped crying and photos were taken. White, hazel eyes, old European...just what Democrats want to destroy like Nazis wanted to culturally destroy a race. Both leftist political movements.
There is nothing even remotely resembling in US politics today. Nothing.

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