I am really down guys, any positive sentiments would be appreciated.

and every week its another crisis,, he needs to be committed not asking for advice on an anonymous discussion forum,,

placating him at this point is pore abusive than whats really wrong with him,,
These crises have been continuuing, off and on most aggressively for the last 23 years. That doesnt inlude tha abuses suffered long ago. You dont k ow nor do I think you'd care, so why chime in? To give the impression you are some strong, alpha male ff might and grea stature? You know what you know, nothing more. Remember that.
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These crises have been continuiing, off and on most aggressively for the last 23 years. That doesnt inlude tha abuses suffered long ago. You dont k ow nor do I think you'd care, so why chime in? To give the impression you are some strong, alpha male ff might and grea stature? You know what you know, nothing more. Remember that.
saying you should check yourself into an institution for the help you need means I care about what happens to you,,,

either that or just get over it like everyone else does,, bad shit happens to everyone,,
saying you should check yourself into an institution for the help you need means I care about what happens to you,,,

either that or just get over it like everyone else does,, bad shit happens to everyone,,
This isn't "bad sh**" . Thst would be breaking a leg, getting into a car accident and working through rebahb, maybe a divorce on its own. This is the culmination of plenty of abuses by people who.I cant even respect. People who dont deserve respect in fact. Enemies of Western liberty. I cwn o ky do ny best, there have been some helpful statements and suggestions made here today.
This isn't "bad sh**" . Thst would be breaking a leg, getting into a car accident and working through rebahb, maybe a divorce on its own. This is the culmination of plenty of abuses by people who.I cant even respect. People who dont deserve respect in fact. Enemies of Western liberty. I cwn o ky do ny best, there have been some helpful statements and suggestions made here today.
as I said,,


just so you know I just got back from my moms where we were discussing how to get my brother committed because he couldnt get over it and is now a danger to himself and others sinces hes constantly going into public screaming at anyone that walks by about how bad his life is,,

I see no difference in your case
as I said,,


just so you know I just got back from my moms where we were discussing how to get my brother committed because he couldnt get over it and is now a danger to himself and others sinces hes constantly going into public screaming at anyone that walks by about how bad his life is,,

I see no difference in your case
I share it on here with many I have interacted wit and known for years. I dknt go into public and randomly draw people into my experiences. I may put on a fake smile and joke as if normal.to hide my pain but Im not insane. This should not happen to a man anywhere.
I share it on here with many I have interacted wit and known for years. I dknt go into public and randomly draw people into my experiences. I may put on a fake smile and joke as if normal.to hide my pain but Im not insane. This should not happen to a man anywhere.
hate to break it to you but its happening to all of us in one way or another,,

my guess is you dont know a single person on this forum,,
I share it on here with many I have interacted wit and known for years. I dknt go into public and randomly draw people into my experiences. I may put on a fake smile and joke as if normal.to hide my pain but Im not insane. This should not happen to a man anywhere.
Although I don't have a solution to your problem, I think it's good that you reach out for help. People shouldn't be afraid to ask for help when they need it.
exactly,, why dont you define "know" to me??

talking to someone on line that you dont know a thing about other than what youre told doesnt mean you know them,,
You interact with people over a decade, some with thousands of opinions and postings, yes, you know someone. Maybe not in the traditional form but you know them.enough.
You interact with people over a decade, some with thousands of opinions and postings, yes, you know someone. Maybe not in the traditional form but you know them.enough.
considering its been ten yrs and youre still a basket case I wouldnt call them helpful discussions,,
Get up tomorrow and run. Run in the morning before the sun goes up. Take a nice shower and eat a healthy breakfast...in other words NOT an american one. Truth is the typical american breakfast is junk. Don't eat like us. It's dumb. DUMB.
Don't feel like the lone Ranger...
I just lost my best friend a month ago and I still expect to see him walking up my driveway with a couple of beers in his hand for us to share... it was sudden and not expected... I saw him the day before he died.... and I'm heartbroken over it.... we have been friends for over 35 years....
I just try and stay busy so I don't think about him but I took his dog in and that poor girl is missing him too..... and that makes it hard for me to move on....
Lost my best friend of forty-five years in 2019. I still have a hole in my heart that old bastard used to fill. RIP

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