I am going to be honest with you


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
I am going to be honest with you....I like some government and living within a first world society.
1. I want good infrastructure that doesn't fall apart as I drive across bridges
2. I want clean water and air...The epa has done a good job these past 40 years. China or India is utterly unacceptable for America.
3. I want clean food and medication. I don't want to live in a nation that looks like Mexico or China for our standards.
4. I believe antitrust is needed to protect the little guy starting up his business from the sharks.
5. I believe in a safetynet for our poor and disabled. That is the moral and right thing to do.
6. I believe in science and advancement into tech....We're cutting edge because we do what the rest of the third world doesn't.
7. I believe in education for all. Education is at the core of our success as a nation.
8. I believe in workers rights and safety standards.

If you think we don't need any of this and it is "want", want, want...Well, maybe you don't belong within a civilized society.
Obviously, government plays a useful role. Only the most confused can't see that. This is why all libertarians can be safely ignored.
I believe in education for all. Education is at the core of our success as a nation.
I do not agree with the first of the statements above, but I do agree with the second.

I believe in educating all who demonstrate by their mastering the content taught to them that it's worth investing resources to educate them. Obviously, not everyone concurs with me; however, I don't form my views based upon the nature and extent to which others may or do concur with and/or approve of them.
I am going to be honest with you....I like some government and living within a first world society.
1. I want good infrastructure that doesn't fall apart as I drive across bridges
2. I want clean water and air...The epa has done a good job these past 40 years. China or India is utterly unacceptable for America.
3. I want clean food and medication. I don't want to live in a nation that looks like Mexico or China for our standards.
4. I believe antitrust is needed to protect the little guy starting up his business from the sharks.
5. I believe in a safetynet for our poor and disabled. That is the moral and right thing to do.
6. I believe in science and advancement into tech....We're cutting edge because we do what the rest of the third world doesn't.
7. I believe in education for all. Education is at the core of our success as a nation.
8. I believe in workers rights and safety standards.

If you think we don't need any of this and it is "want", want, want...Well, maybe you don't belong within a civilized society.

I can't say I disagree with any of those points, but we all know you voted for Hillary and the globalists that want to destroy America.
I believe in educating all who demonstrate by their mastering the content taught to them that it's worth investing resources to educate them.
Ah. Society as a feeding frenzy. Very civilised.
I believe in educating all who demonstrate by their mastering the content taught to them that it's worth investing resources to educate them.
Ah. Society as a feeding frenzy. Very civilised.
I'm sorry. I don't know what point you're making by sharing those statements in response to my words that you quoted. I'm sure also that I don't understand what is meant by the phrase "society as a feeding frenzy," even though I know what "society" and "feeding frenzy" mean.
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Obviously, government plays a useful role. Only the most confused can't see that. This is why all libertarians can be safely ignored.

A typically SYTFE-ignorant statement.

Libertarians are not anarchists. Like all who are not anarchists, they recognize that there is a place for government, that there are certain functions that are best served by government, and that government legitimately exists to fulfill these functions.
For the gazillionth time, OP, nobody in the real world gives a shit about your I WANT I WANT I WANT entitlement mentality. Your "I WANT" sniveling is no different than a spoiled 8-year-old reciting his Christmas wish-demands for Santa.
The EPA is not 50 years and old.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or sometimes USEPA) is an agency of the Federal government of the United States which was created for the purpose of protecting human health and the environment by writing and enforcing regulations based on laws passed by Congress.[2] President Richard Nixon proposed the establishment of EPA and it began operation on December 2, 1970, after Nixon signed an executive order.

United States Environmental Protection Agency - Wikipedia

Just under 47 years old. Close enough.
Obviously, government plays a useful role...

As far as the "safety net" for the poor (low IQ savages who breed like rabbits), indeed the government played a role in destroying America and Europe. "Safety net" is code word for White Genocide!
For the gazillionth time, OP, nobody in the real world gives a shit about your I WANT I WANT I WANT entitlement mentality. Your "I WANT" sniveling is no different than a spoiled 8-year-old reciting his Christmas wish-demands for Santa.
LOL Election in 2018. I guess we shall see what the voters think of that list.
Obviously, government plays a useful role...

As far as the "safety net" for the poor (low IQ savages who breed like rabbits), indeed the government played a role in destroying America and Europe. "Safety net" is code word for White Genocide!
Low IQ savages? Look in the mirror, old boy. Nothing you have ever posted indicates more than a two digit IQ. And it is the areas with the universities in them that are the most liberal, while the most 'Conservative' are very rural areas with little education or ambition.
For the gazillionth time, OP, nobody in the real world gives a shit about your I WANT I WANT I WANT entitlement mentality. Your "I WANT" sniveling is no different than a spoiled 8-year-old reciting his Christmas wish-demands for Santa.
LOL Election in 2018. I guess we shall see what the voters think of that list.

Yes, we'll certainly see that in 2018 sir; besides the fact that America has seen the liberal democrats' abhorrent behavior, violence, rioting, death threats, child abuse, etc.....without ONE member of that horrid party denouncing that anti-Trump violence, your party is the most depraved "hate group" in American history! And your Dem-sewer is toast in a secondary manner: over the Obama regime you liberals threw away your biggest demographic: white working class males....thanks to Obama's vindictive, chip-on-shoulder inferiority-complex, third-world, race-baiting grudge against whites and America in general. Your party is both Finished and Fucked with a capital F.
1) have you driving across a bridge that fell apart as you went over? Has anyone suggested making bridges less safe?

2) if our water is so clean explain Flint MI. Explain why we have a multibillion dollar bottled water industry.

3) you realize you don't need the government for clean food or medicine. Just buy clean food and medicine.

4) and yet an all powerful federal government is this biggest monopoly hurting the little guy. Our founders knew this which is why they created a constitution that limited its power and established a federalism system where states also had authority.

5) government isn't the only way yo help the poor. And its certainly not the best.

6) we have the best science and tech in the world because of the free market. Get the government out of our lives and we will see tech grow exponentially.

7) then get an education. Doesn't matter how much money you throw into education if you don't bother educating yourself.

8) like the right to not bullied, robbed, and harassed by a union?
I am going to be honest with you....I like some government and living within a first world society.
1. I want good infrastructure that doesn't fall apart as I drive across bridges
2. I want clean water and air...The epa has done a good job these past 40 years. China or India is utterly unacceptable for America.
3. I want clean food and medication. I don't want to live in a nation that looks like Mexico or China for our standards.
4. I believe antitrust is needed to protect the little guy starting up his business from the sharks.
5. I believe in a safetynet for our poor and disabled. That is the moral and right thing to do.
6. I believe in science and advancement into tech....We're cutting edge because we do what the rest of the third world doesn't.
7. I believe in education for all. Education is at the core of our success as a nation.
8. I believe in workers rights and safety standards.

If you think we don't need any of this and it is "want", want, want...Well, maybe you don't belong within a civilized society.

Interesting. So the people who disagree with you on some issues don't belong in a civilized society, huh? You're a fascist and you don't even know it.
I am going to be honest with you....I like some government and living within a first world society.
1. I want good infrastructure that doesn't fall apart as I drive across bridges
2. I want clean water and air...The epa has done a good job these past 40 years. China or India is utterly unacceptable for America.
3. I want clean food and medication. I don't want to live in a nation that looks like Mexico or China for our standards.
4. I believe antitrust is needed to protect the little guy starting up his business from the sharks.
5. I believe in a safetynet for our poor and disabled. That is the moral and right thing to do.
6. I believe in science and advancement into tech....We're cutting edge because we do what the rest of the third world doesn't.
7. I believe in education for all. Education is at the core of our success as a nation.
8. I believe in workers rights and safety standards.

If you think we don't need any of this and it is "want", want, want...Well, maybe you don't belong within a civilized society.

Conservatards also believe in those things. What they don't believe in is paying for those things.

It's almost as if they think Jesus will sprinkle his magic fairy dust around and those things will magically happen.
Obviously, government plays a useful role. Only the most confused can't see that. This is why all libertarians can be safely ignored.

A typically SYTFE-ignorant statement.

Libertarians are not anarchists. Like all who are not anarchists, they recognize that there is a place for government, that there are certain functions that are best served by government, and that government legitimately exists to fulfill these functions.

Nonsense. There is no difference between libertarians and anarchists. The honest libertarians at least admit that.
I am going to be honest with you....I like some government and living within a first world society.
1. I want good infrastructure that doesn't fall apart as I drive across bridges
2. I want clean water and air...The epa has done a good job these past 40 years. China or India is utterly unacceptable for America.
3. I want clean food and medication. I don't want to live in a nation that looks like Mexico or China for our standards.
4. I believe antitrust is needed to protect the little guy starting up his business from the sharks.
5. I believe in a safetynet for our poor and disabled. That is the moral and right thing to do.
6. I believe in science and advancement into tech....We're cutting edge because we do what the rest of the third world doesn't.
7. I believe in education for all. Education is at the core of our success as a nation.
8. I believe in workers rights and safety standards.

If you think we don't need any of this and it is "want", want, want...Well, maybe you don't belong within a civilized society.

The first statement is an oxymoron. He lies by telling us he is going to be honest.

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