I Am Done With the Politics Forum


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Has anyone else noticed the increasing idiocy of those posts? I can barely remember the days when there was intelligent, principled liberal-conservative debate. Now it is little more than cheer leading for whichever team one identifies with, regardless of facts, logic or civil discourse. I fear this is representative of the country as a whole, with each side seeking to manipulate the brainless masses. History does not suggest a good outcome...
I can understand that.
The GZ trial is a prime example of people Cheering for their side despite all evidence.

And you cant have a rational discussion with people who think free shit is the answer to our countries problems.
I can understand that.
The GZ trial is a prime example of people Cheering for their side despite all evidence.

And you cant have a rational discussion with people who think free shit is the answer to our countries problems.

agreed----it makes you wonder what's worse--racism or hyper partisanship.
I can understand that.
The GZ trial is a prime example of people Cheering for their side despite all evidence.

And you cant have a rational discussion with people who think free shit is the answer to our countries problems.

agreed----it makes you wonder what's worse--racism or hyper partisanship.

They go hand in hand with a certain party......

A few more prime examples.
Failed cities,and who ran them.
Gun control and crime statistics.
its been like that ever since I have been on the net in 1996 with political chat rooms that evolved into the forums, it will never change.
I can understand that.
The GZ trial is a prime example of people Cheering for their side despite all evidence.

And you cant have a rational discussion with people who think free shit is the answer to our countries problems.

agreed----it makes you wonder what's worse--racism or hyper partisanship.

They go hand in hand with a certain party......
I think hyper partisanship is when you believe only one party is guilty of certain things... Your statement for example.

You cannot have a civilized debate when you make partisan statements, and assume certain things about the person you are debating. For instance... That they expect Free stuff.
I can understand that.
The GZ trial is a prime example of people Cheering for their side despite all evidence.

And you cant have a rational discussion with people who think free shit is the answer to our countries problems.

agreed----it makes you wonder what's worse--racism or hyper partisanship.

They go hand in hand with a certain party......

A few more prime examples.
Failed cities,and who ran them.
Gun control and crime statistics.

You're not very clued into irony, are you? :cool:
Has anyone else noticed the increasing idiocy of those posts? I can barely remember the days when there was intelligent, principled liberal-conservative debate. Now it is little more than cheer leading for whichever team one identifies with, regardless of facts, logic or civil discourse. I fear this is representative of the country as a whole, with each side seeking to manipulate the brainless masses. History does not suggest a good outcome...

Just take a break and come back, don't let it bother ya:cool:
There are just too many threads in 'Politics,' and they are often repetitive. Having been on this board for years now, I could easily simply refer to prior posts 95% of the time. Often I do. Another minor complaint is many of the threads should be placed in a new section titled, 'Repeated Whines repeated again' or some similarly named section. There could be a section named, 'Personal whines of the moment, please excuse the similarity to personal whines of a past moment.' That could be the place for most of these threads. Or a 'Random Comments' section, find yours here. :lol: I've suggested that a poster only be allowed one thread per week or longer. Would that help?

"Nothing matters but the writing. There has been nothing else worthwhile... a stain upon the silence." Samuel Beckett - I wonder what Sam would have thought about writing in today's verbose world?
If you refuse to stand up to the people you think are idiots because they don't play fair then you give them the power to control what, and when, you speak up.

That makes you the loser.
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Has anyone else noticed the increasing idiocy of those posts? I can barely remember the days when there was intelligent, principled liberal-conservative debate. Now it is little more than cheer leading for whichever team one identifies with, regardless of facts, logic or civil discourse. I fear this is representative of the country as a whole, with each side seeking to manipulate the brainless masses. History does not suggest a good outcome...

Personally I avoid the politics forum in favor of subject fora. The large number of posters makes it difficult to follow threads. People also feel freer to express opinions that they think are anonymous. The social restraints of real life don't exist on boards.

In my mind, I visualize some posters as being thirteen year old males driving a pickup truck at 120 mph over a dirt washboard road with a beer in hand, loaded deer rifle safety off aimed at the back of their head in the gun rack, a Jessica Simpson look-alike giving them a blow job, praying to their god that they go off at the same time as the rifle. It seems to catch the flavor of their posting behavior.
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If you refuse to stand up to the people you think are idiots because they don't play fair then you give them the power to control what, and when, you speak up.

That makes you the lower.

I agree. Unfortunately, standing up to the idiots requires that you speak their language, using words that they clearly understand...in short sentences that must too often include equal adolescent sparring.

I value the humor more than the profoundness of their posts....makes me feel good about my own self proclaimed genius.
Has anyone else noticed the increasing idiocy of those posts? I can barely remember the days when there was intelligent, principled liberal-conservative debate. Now it is little more than cheer leading for whichever team one identifies with, regardless of facts, logic or civil discourse. I fear this is representative of the country as a whole, with each side seeking to manipulate the brainless masses. History does not suggest a good outcome...

What you say is true but it's sometimes fun.

When you find a place that can somehow have civil discourse, let us know.

I came from a site that was heavily monitored and strict rules were in force. Still no one ever convinced the other of anything and nothing was ever solved. I figure, just have fun.
Has anyone else noticed the increasing idiocy of those posts? I can barely remember the days when there was intelligent, principled liberal-conservative debate. Now it is little more than cheer leading for whichever team one identifies with, regardless of facts, logic or civil discourse. I fear this is representative of the country as a whole, with each side seeking to manipulate the brainless masses. History does not suggest a good outcome...

Personally I avoid the politics forum in favor of subject fora. The large number of posters makes it difficult to follow threads. People also feel freer to express opinions that they think are anonymous. The social restraints of real life don't exist on boards.

In my mind, I visualize some posters as being thirteen year old males driving a pickup truck at 120 mph over a dirt washboard road with a beer in hand, loaded deer rifle safety off aimed at the back of their head in the gun rack, a Jessica Simpson look-alike giving them a blow job, praying to their god that they go off at the same time as the rifle. It seems to catch the flavor of their posting behavior.

Hmmm...that sounds great.
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I was at another site during the bush years, well, up until march 2010 when I stared shopping around….looking back I can say there are some clear similarities between that forum ( which was a pretty busy place, commensurate with this one) during say 07 and 08 and here and now….except theres been a fast forward.

I’ll explain….. the last few years of the bush presidency the bush spptters, to an extent of which I am one were pooped, Bush was on his last legs, lame duck, 6 -7 years of him, the repetitive nature of the debates (arguments/attacks), the folks who had issue with him had been taking him to task since 2000 rightly or wrongly.

It was tiresome explaining your views or defending him or the gop when warranted over and over and over and I think its fair to say that by that time there was just the true believers or uber partisans left who would defend him/gop no matter what, no matter the issue and out of massive frustration , would defend him out of anger and pugnacity…....so we were stuck with the 15-25% of deep dyed deep fried gop/bush adherents.

I remember the Dems in that forum saying basically same as the OP when that time came, 2007-08; ‘were are the logical, middle of the road posters? All that’s here is the palace guard- uber partisans, bush is the man, fuck you, hes right you’re wrong, the level of debate here is suffering’.……..I believe that many of those middle of the road folks, and I mean center of right but sensible center of right, who could admit yes he screwed this pooch or that one, had simply fled or chose to remain silent and on the sidelines out of sheer exhaustion…..;)

And here is where I get to the fast forward; it appears , the operative word being ‘appears’ to me, that we have already just 6 months in reached that point vis a vis Obama........ the roles have reversed and…………the wheel turns;)
I used to visit a college football forum which included lively political and historical debates by relatively well educated members. However, the moderators eventually decided that they did not like the conservative viewpoints expressed and shut down all non football related debate, thereby lowering the average IQ of contributors by about 20 points.
The radical left is on the ropes and when they get defensive they resort to Saul Alinsky. The "rules for radicals" might look good on paper but they don't translate well to the internet. As a result we get incoherent often conflicting left wing opinions. Factor in the desperate hatred by left wing blogs like Huffington which are often posted verbatim and the incoherent hatred directed at Fox and a couple of voices on the radio and you get a constant offensive diatribe that is so transparently biased and bigoted that it looks like idiocy.
The radical left is on the ropes and when they get defensive they resort to Saul Alinsky. The "rules for radicals" might look good on paper but they don't translate well to the internet. As a result we get incoherent often conflicting left wing opinions. Factor in the desperate hatred by left wing blogs like Huffington which are often posted verbatim and the incoherent hatred directed at Fox and a couple of voices on the radio and you get a constant offensive diatribe that is so transparently biased and bigoted that it looks like idiocy.
And sometimes they look like that post right there.
If you refuse to stand up to the people you think are idiots because they don't play fair then you give them the power to control what, and when, you speak up.

That makes you the lower.

I agree. Unfortunately, standing up to the idiots requires that you speak their language, using words that they clearly understand...in short sentences that must too often include equal adolescent sparring.

I value the humor more than the profoundness of their posts....makes me feel good about my own self proclaimed genius.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

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