I Am an American Liberal and I Vote Blue

Then, here's hoping you like the new Hemisphere 1, and the UN rule of law....

Generalized labeling and fear mongering among the uneducated.

If the UN follows the guidelines set forth in the United States Constitution, it is following a leader worth following and is of zero concern. If the UN tries to impose Muslim Sharia Law, it's Christian equivalent, or any other bullshit that does not follow the guidelines set forth in The United States Constitution, fuck 'em. That kind of tyranny is EXACTLY why I thank MY god every day that I was born in a place where the people have banded together under a democratic contract to pay for a military capable of defending themselves from such crap.
When did the UN ever follow the US constitution?

Don't know and don't care.

As long as they do they are of no concern other than the cost and effectiveness of the bureaucracy. If ever they don't, fuck em.

They never pay any respect to the American constitution. Their entire reason for being is to do the exact opposite.

Uneducated extremist fear mongering unless you can link to the page in the UN charter declaring it's opposition to The US Constitution specifically or Democracy in general.

I'll not be holding my breath.....

You are a waste of typing energy like most blue voters. Constantly spouting dimshit rhetoric denying proven facts and citing socialist dimshit talking points that are completely without merit. Hard facts are easily proved by the human, economic and cultural toll they take on a country for the last ten years the shit that have used race gender religion and lies to divide our nation to destroy our country are murdering dimshit sociocommunist. The ignorance is within their voter pool. Easily proved by their dominance in intercities. More money per person than any other areas in the world and the most extreme human desolation and danger in the country.
Voting blue DOES, however, make you a democrat.

No it makes you a socialist communist leaning idiot dimshit. Right now REAL DEMOCRATS are voting Republican to save this country. Unfortunately the new generation of voters is mostly comprised of idiot xboxers and liberal education indoctrinees.
Anyone that closes their eyes and votes a straight party ticket is an moron
/—-/ Not ture. Splitting your ticket only weakens your side and strengthens your opponent.

Blind acceptance is always a poor path to follow.

In fact it's the main reason we are where we are today
/——/ If you believe in the Republican agenda why vote for any democRAT who would work to undermine that agenda? Makes no sense.
I vote blue not because I like Nancy P., but because of the growing control that the blue-haired church ladies and other special interests have over the only viable opposition, and the government can stay the fuck out of my bedroom and my liquor cabinet, thank you very much. :eusa_snooty:

I'm as tired of the aging leadership in the Democratic Party as I am of the aging leadership in the Republican Party. There's no good reason for the average age of Congressional and Senate leadership when you remove 'power' and 'corruption' from the table. None.

My strongest hope is that Mrs. Clinton fades in to the glory that she has already brought upon herself, and that AVG-Joe Biden establishes himself as an advice giving father figure-head party leader similar to Mr. Clinton, but without all the baggage and creepy vibes.

I am an American Liberal in the style of Thomas Jefferson, and I accuse the modern Republican Party of only bitching about deficit spending when they don't control the credit card. Y'all are a bunch of pussies.

Of course the economy is going balls-to-the-wall! The short-sighted Republicans just borrowed a bazillion dollars from The American Future and injected in to our economy!

As if we haven't hamstrung our grand kids badly enough. You assholes disgust me! I will never vote Republican again. If I can't stomach the opposition, I will abstain. You bastards should have spent that money on infrastructure.

I vote blue because the Republicans seem easily bought by special interests. I believe that the Republicans are more concerned with short-term profits than Americas Future.

I believe that, while most human activity and industry should be rewarded based on the effort and risk required to do it, 'profit' is the absolute worst reason for our Society to pursue a Medical Industry and a Pharmaceutical Industry, among others.

I believe in Society. I believe that the purpose of The United States Constitution was to create a Society based not on pleasing every rich ass-hole who could afford an army, but based on a contract among free people willing to be taxed to pay for a professional army beholding only to them via their fairly elected representatives.

I believe that US Citizenship makes each of us beholding to that contract, whether we like it or not.

My hope for the future is that the next president is smart enough demand a fair and simple tax code from congress, compassionate and decent enough to stop selling guns to the Arabs in spite of the fat profits, and smart enough not to listen to the blue-haired church ladies and write off the inadvertent steps in the right direction that Trump has made, like shaking things up in world trade.

The blue-haired church ladies are SO fucking conservative!


So how do you feel about the radical left and full-blown communists attempting to hijack your party, and what do you propose in order to prevent that from happening?

You are aware that the Democrat Party has a real problem brewing within its ranks, and how JFK felt about communism, right?
This over the top visceral hatred is "concerning".

It pushes Republicans to continually vote against their own best interest and the GOP has been playing that card for that very reason for decades and decades
Anyone that closes their eyes and votes a straight party ticket is an moron
/—-/ Not ture. Splitting your ticket only weakens your side and strengthens your opponent.

Blind acceptance is always a poor path to follow.

In fact it's the main reason we are where we are today
/——/ If you believe in the Republican agenda why vote for any democRAT who would work to undermine that agenda? Makes no sense.

I find it rare that anyone agrees 100% with any agenda
It is not so much that I vote Red but that I vote anti Blue. The reason is very simple. Progressiveness is a very destructive force in this country and the rest of the world.

Left economics always fail and those butt pirates are hell bent to take away our individual rights.

Blue candidates for office are determined to make this country a socialist shithole and nobody in their right mind would ever support that agenda.

Blue is pretty much the party of greed, thievery, stupidity and hate.
Great OP, Joe. While I don't agree that it adds up to an excuse to support Biden, I agree with most everything you said. Except this part:

I believe in Society. I believe that the purpose of The United States Constitution was to create a Society based not on pleasing every rich ass-hole who could afford an army, but based on a contract among free people willing to be taxed to pay for a professional army beholding only to them via their fairly elected representatives.

I might seem like dictionary quibbling, but the purpose of the Constitution was to create a government, not a society. Society exists independent of government. It existed before the Constitution, and will exist after the current government goes away. To me, this is an important point because I think it's exactly where modern liberals go off the rails.
It is not so much that I vote Red but that I vote anti Blue.

Unfortunately, our voting system doesn't allow this. You might tell yourself that your vote for a candidate is "really" a vote against some other schmoe, but it's sheer delusion. If you vote Red, you're supporting Red. Period.
It is not so much that I vote Red but that I vote anti Blue.

Unfortunately, our voting system doesn't allow this. You might tell yourself that your vote for a candidate is "really" a vote against some other schmoe, but it's sheer delusion. If you vote Red, you're supporting Red. Period.
And if you vote Blue you are supporting Blue period.........let me think on that.........no......I'm not supporting Blue.

Now for those who vote for neither............might make you feel good, but your vote is worthless whether you like it or not.
It is not so much that I vote Red but that I vote anti Blue.

Unfortunately, our voting system doesn't allow this. You might tell yourself that your vote for a candidate is "really" a vote against some other schmoe, but it's sheer delusion. If you vote Red, you're supporting Red. Period.
And if you vote Blue you are supporting Blue period.........let me think on that.........no......I'm not supporting Blue.

Now for those who vote for neither............might make you feel good, but your vote is worthless whether you like it or not.

Oh it's worth something, and I'm not giving it to a candidate I don't support out of fear.
It is not so much that I vote Red but that I vote anti Blue.

Unfortunately, our voting system doesn't allow this. You might tell yourself that your vote for a candidate is "really" a vote against some other schmoe, but it's sheer delusion. If you vote Red, you're supporting Red. Period.

You may be a little confused.

"Red" in the US consist of a sizeable number of RINOs that are Democrat Light.

Republicans are always better than Democrats. We all know that. However, being better does not mean good enough.

For instance, here in Florida that asshole Governor Rick Scott signed a bill that diminished the right to keep and bear arms after Parkland. That was a despicable thing for him to do but more typical of the stupid things that Democrats do in a knee jerk reaction to a tragedy.

He is not the Conservative Florida needs as a Senator. However, I voted for him because as bad as Scott is he is a thousand times better than that Democrat asshole Bill Nelson.

When I voted for Scott it was not support of him but a refutation of that piece of Democrat shit Bill Nelson.
When I voted for Scott it was not support of him but a refutation of that piece of Democrat shit Bill Nelson.

That's only in your head. The fact of the matter is, you cast one vote in support of Scott. You are a Scott supporter. That's the only thing that your vote records. You can claim your vote was 'against' someone else, but your vote doesn't include that information. It's taken as an affirmation that you support Scott, nothing more.
I vote blue not because I like Nancy P., but because of the growing control that the blue-haired church ladies and other special interests have over the only viable opposition, and the government can stay the fuck out of my bedroom and my liquor cabinet, thank you very much. :eusa_snooty:

I'm as tired of the aging leadership in the Democratic Party as I am of the aging leadership in the Republican Party. There's no good reason for the average age of Congressional and Senate leadership when you remove 'power' and 'corruption' from the table. None.

My strongest hope is that Mrs. Clinton fades in to the glory that she has already brought upon herself, and that AVG-Joe Biden establishes himself as an advice giving father figure-head party leader similar to Mr. Clinton, but without all the baggage and creepy vibes.

I am an American Liberal in the style of Thomas Jefferson, and I accuse the modern Republican Party of only bitching about deficit spending when they don't control the credit card. Y'all are a bunch of pussies.

Of course the economy is going balls-to-the-wall! The short-sighted Republicans just borrowed a bazillion dollars from The American Future and injected in to our economy!

As if we haven't hamstrung our grand kids badly enough. You assholes disgust me! I will never vote Republican again. If I can't stomach the opposition, I will abstain. You bastards should have spent that money on infrastructure.

I vote blue because the Republicans seem easily bought by special interests. I believe that the Republicans are more concerned with short-term profits than Americas Future.

I believe that, while most human activity and industry should be rewarded based on the effort and risk required to do it, 'profit' is the absolute worst reason for our Society to pursue a Medical Industry and a Pharmaceutical Industry, among others.

I believe in Society. I believe that the purpose of The United States Constitution was to create a Society based not on pleasing every rich ass-hole who could afford an army, but based on a contract among free people willing to be taxed to pay for a professional army beholding only to them via their fairly elected representatives.

I believe that US Citizenship makes each of us beholding to that contract, whether we like it or not.

My hope for the future is that the next president is smart enough demand a fair and simple tax code from congress, compassionate and decent enough to stop selling guns to the Arabs in spite of the fat profits, and smart enough not to listen to the blue-haired church ladies and write off the inadvertent steps in the right direction that Trump has made, like shaking things up in world trade.

The blue-haired church ladies are SO fucking conservative!


So how do you feel about the radical left and full-blown communists attempting to hijack your party, and what do you propose in order to prevent that from happening?

You are aware that the Democrat Party has a real problem brewing within its ranks, and how JFK felt about communism, right?

Both parties have big problems with the radical fringes actually controlling the narrative. Sad really.
I vote blue not because I like Nancy P., but because of the growing control that the blue-haired church ladies and other special interests have over the only viable opposition, and the government can stay the fuck out of my bedroom and my liquor cabinet, thank you very much. :eusa_snooty:

I'm as tired of the aging leadership in the Democratic Party as I am of the aging leadership in the Republican Party. There's no good reason for the average age of Congressional and Senate leadership when you remove 'power' and 'corruption' from the table. None.

My strongest hope is that Mrs. Clinton fades in to the glory that she has already brought upon herself, and that AVG-Joe Biden establishes himself as an advice giving father figure-head party leader similar to Mr. Clinton, but without all the baggage and creepy vibes.

I am an American Liberal in the style of Thomas Jefferson, and I accuse the modern Republican Party of only bitching about deficit spending when they don't control the credit card. Y'all are a bunch of pussies.

Of course the economy is going balls-to-the-wall! The short-sighted Republicans just borrowed a bazillion dollars from The American Future and injected in to our economy!

As if we haven't hamstrung our grand kids badly enough. You assholes disgust me! I will never vote Republican again. If I can't stomach the opposition, I will abstain. You bastards should have spent that money on infrastructure.

I vote blue because the Republicans seem easily bought by special interests. I believe that the Republicans are more concerned with short-term profits than Americas Future.

I believe that, while most human activity and industry should be rewarded based on the effort and risk required to do it, 'profit' is the absolute worst reason for our Society to pursue a Medical Industry and a Pharmaceutical Industry, among others.

I believe in Society. I believe that the purpose of The United States Constitution was to create a Society based not on pleasing every rich ass-hole who could afford an army, but based on a contract among free people willing to be taxed to pay for a professional army beholding only to them via their fairly elected representatives.

I believe that US Citizenship makes each of us beholding to that contract, whether we like it or not.

My hope for the future is that the next president is smart enough demand a fair and simple tax code from congress, compassionate and decent enough to stop selling guns to the Arabs in spite of the fat profits, and smart enough not to listen to the blue-haired church ladies and write off the inadvertent steps in the right direction that Trump has made, like shaking things up in world trade.

The blue-haired church ladies are SO fucking conservative!


What a waste of lots of words...you can’t be taken seriously by anyone sane...Sorry.

LefTard Logic:
“Blue-haired church ladies are bad for America...illegal wetbacks and chicks with dicks are good.”

LefTard Logic:
“The government can stay the fuck out of my bedroom and liquor cabinet but I want them all up in my healthcare and they better never be late sending me my EBT card and welfare check.”

LefTard Logic:
“I hate that special interests have and influence on the Republican Party...I love that Mexico owns the Mexicrat Party.”

LefTard Logic:
“Deficit spending and debt is bad unless the spending only results in more free shit for me.”
When I voted for Scott it was not support of him but a refutation of that piece of Democrat shit Bill Nelson.

That's only in your head. The fact of the matter is, you cast one vote in support of Scott. You are a Scott supporter. That's the only thing that your vote records. You can claim your vote was 'against' someone else, but your vote doesn't include that information. It's taken as an affirmation that you support Scott, nothing more.

I think you are confused at what the word "support" means. I don't think it means what you think it means.

I don't support anybody that diminishes my Constitutional rights. Both that asshole Nelson and that traitor Scott have a record of diminishing my rights. However, Scott did it one time and Nelson did it every time he voted along the Democrat Party line.

Given the fact that the Senator from Florida was going to be either Nelson or Scott I chose Scott as the lesser of two evils.

I typically don't vote the lesser of two evils. For instance, I didn't vote for either McCain or Romney for President. However, in this election Nelson was such a bad choice that the disparity between the two was great enough for me to vote for Scott.
When I voted for Scott it was not support of him but a refutation of that piece of Democrat shit Bill Nelson.

That's only in your head. The fact of the matter is, you cast one vote in support of Scott. You are a Scott supporter. That's the only thing that your vote records. You can claim your vote was 'against' someone else, but your vote doesn't include that information. It's taken as an affirmation that you support Scott, nothing more.

I think you are confused at what the word "support" means. I don't think it means what you think it means.

I don't support anybody that diminishes my Constitutional rights. Both that asshole Nelson and that traitor Scott have a record of diminishing my rights. However, Scott did it one time and Nelson did it every time he voted along the Democrat Party line.

Given the fact that the Senator from Florida was going to be either Nelson or Scott I chose Scott as the lesser of two evils.

I typically don't vote the lesser of two evils. For instance, I didn't vote for either McCain or Romney for President. However, in this election Nelson was such a bad choice that the disparity between the two was great enough for me to vote for Scott.

Well, I disagree. History will only count your vote as a vote FOR Scott, as a stamp of approval on his policies. It won't care who you think you were voting against.

In any case, we can change the voting system to avoid "lesser-of-two-evils" altogether. Maine is leading the way. FairVote

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