Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) Thread

Preliminary data. Calm the markets, figure it out for real later.

Preliminary but promising.

Why not ramp up the testing to a large scale right away?
Because it may have the reverse affect. That's why you have clinical trials.

You're dealing with folks who have no idea what a clinical trial is or what a double blind study is. Don put is own ignorance on very public display relative to this mindset, ... as well as the history that led us to these protocols and procedures.
All you need is a trial group and a control.

We are only looking for one metric here and that is the reduction of the viral load.

One small study has already shown that this drug reduces the viral load

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That's all a corporate interest "needs", yeah. We did those experiments, review the legacy.

There was an actual trial done in France. It was a small scale study that used a negative control group

French researcher posts successful Covid-19 drug trial
Preliminary data. Calm the markets, figure it out for real later.

Preliminary but promising.

Why not ramp up the testing to a large scale right away?
Because it may have the reverse affect. That's why you have clinical trials.
It's already been used in a small scale trial

The next logical step is a trial with more people.

This drug is already in use and is well known so there is little risk

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Is that right doctor? So all viruses respond to the same medication the same? I never knew that. When and how did you find out?

The drug was used on people diagnosed with COVID 19

French researcher posts successful Covid-19 drug trial
Some positive news amidst all the gray clouds

Topline: President Trump said in a Thursday press briefing that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, drugs used to treat malaria and severe arthritis, were approved by the Food and Drug Administration to test as a COVID-19 coronavirus treatment, as the number of cases nationwide continues to increase.
  • The drugs will be used in a clinical trial, according to FDA commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn, who spoke during the press briefing.
  • Trump also said that other antiviral medications will be fast-tracked for FDA approval.
Updated: Trump Says FDA Approved Anti-Malaria Drug Chloroquine To Test As Coronavirus Treatment
The University of Nebraska's infectious disease unit is already three days into the trial. Its showing remarkable results already.
Gee when Trump announced these successful trials the libs said he was lying. They want the press to stop covering his briefings.
IF Trump can get this treatment out to the people who need it our death rate will fall fast. That is not the crisis they were hoping for...

As of this AM the University of Nebraska removed 6 people from ventilators after just three days of treatment. Its this fast recovery using these drugs that is going to help our hospitals and medical professionals stay ahead of the curve and not be collapsed. If my sources are correct, they are stopping the control group and placing them on the regiment so no life is deprived. That's a huge step forward.
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Gee when Trump announced these successful trials the libs said he was lying
No. Everyone, liberals and otherwise, said he was lying when he said the FDA approved a treatment for the virus. Because he was. Because that's what he does: he lies. He has no other setting.
Why do you misquote Trump and make it a lie? Trump stated "the drugs are all ready approved by the FDA" and THEY ARE! The specific treatment protocols are what is new and they are being proved right now.. And yes these protocols have now been approved for widespread testing.... Grow the fuck up liar!
Trump stated "the drugs are all ready approved by the FDA" and THEY ARE!
False. They are not approved by the FDA as treatment for the virus. Which, of course, is what dumbass thought he was saying.

I have no interest in trying to reason with a Trump cultist, so find someone else to whine at.
Trump stated "the drugs are all ready approved by the FDA" and THEY ARE!
False. They are not approved by the FDA as treatment for the virus. Which, of course, is what dumbass thought he was saying.

I have no interest in trying to reason with a Trump cultist, so find someone else to whine at.
You are distorting and twisting what he actually said. Try some context before you make shit up! Grow up!
"It's shown very encouraging -- very, very encouraging early results. And we're going to be able to make that drug available almost immediately. And that's where the FDA has been so great. They -- they've gone through the approval process; it's been approved. And they did it -- they took it down from many, many months to immediate. So we're going to be able to make that drug available by prescription or states," - The Child President.
"It's shown very encouraging -- very, very encouraging early results. And we're going to be able to make that drug available almost immediately. And that's where the FDA has been so great. They -- they've gone through the approval process; it's been approved. And they did it -- they took it down from many, many months to immediate. So we're going to be able to make that drug available by prescription or states," - The Child President.
And the protocol HAD BEEN APPROVED at that time for testing..... Because he said so... He is the executive, his word is law as the FDA is under his control as the executive. Why must you people make shit up? Even a first grader can understand this...
Trump stated "the drugs are all ready approved by the FDA" and THEY ARE!
False. They are not approved by the FDA as treatment for the virus. Which, of course, is what dumbass thought he was saying.

I have no interest in trying to reason with a Trump cultist, so find someone else to whine at.
So what?

The drug is well known as are its side effects and as I have stated umpteen times there was a small trial in France that indicates it is an effective treatment for lowering the viral load of patients when used in combination with azithromycin ( a widely used antibiotic)

We have absolutely nothing to lose if we use this study as a basis for clinical trials with more people
So what...that Trump lied? If you don't get that, I sure won't be able to make you understand.

It doesn't fucking matter.

What the fuck is wrong with you assholes who care more about the messenger than the actual message ?
They desperately want Trump and by extension the US to fail and die.. They dont care about people dying if it can net them unlimited power and that is truly disturbing.

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