Huxley won the first round but Orwell will come back.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
George Orwell and Aldous Huxley had a running debate about the direction society was headed. Huxley was Orwell’s (Eric Blair’s) former high school teacher and he supported many of the conclusions in Orwell’s landmark dystopian novel, 1984. Like any good teacher, Huxley was quick to critique Orwell’s work as telling only part of the story and possibly leaving out the most important evolution of elite leadership which is to lull the culture into a false sense of security by addicting it to pleasure gifts and make it so fearful of questioning the motives of government that blind obedience by choice, not oppression, was the inevitable outcome. Huxley’s book, Brave New world, picks up where 1984 leaves off.

This is not to say the Huxley was right and Orwell was wrong. Orwell’s version is always on hand if the people misbehave and reject the notion that the government is the adult, and the people are the children. In a constitutional republic like the United States there is always the looming threat of the tyranny of the majority because democracy lives in the hearts and minds of the citizens as advertised. The founders encouraged the people to control the government which was a novel idea using votes as a mechanism to steer public opinion into action to remove bad government.

That is exactly what happened in 2016 when Donald Trump was elected. The people grabbed the reins because the wheels of democracy were coming off the wagon. Making America great again by draining the swamp was solid evidence to the government that insolent children needed a lesson. But they did not go right to Orwell, they opted first for Huxley.

They mobilized the country’s security agencies and turned them inward on an American leader like a foreign enemy. When that was seen not to be working they corrupted the election process with ballot stuffing in broad daylight in key swing states. Since most media had long ago become propaganda puppets for central planning, it was all too easy to fool the foolish. This was classic Huxley as shiny gifts were delivered to the people captivated by a pandemic.

The people watch as their aluminum-foil-wrapped replacements wait in migrant camps soon to be endowed with the aluminum foil hats of leftist kindness buying their future votes. We are living in Huxley’s world.

Of course, if the people rebel we will see Orwell’s world.
I actually agree with you on this one.

The election of Donald J Trump was right out of Orwell
It was almost like Trump followed the script from 1984 and Animal Farm

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I actually agree with you on this one.

The election of Donald J Trump was right out of Orwell
It was almost like Trump followed the script from 1984 and Animal Farm
Spoken like a true Huxley man.
A line from Hands On The Wheel songs- there's believers, deceivers and a few in betweeners who have no place to go- it's the same old song, it's right and it's wrong, livin' is just somethin' you do

Trump was not a savior- and Biden sure as hell isn't. They are puppets. Follow the money, see the agenda.
This country is so screwed there is no hope for true Liberty left here- defending the Duopoly Party elites is just dumb as far as Liberty is concerned-

The preamble to the constitution- again!

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

posterity : 1) the offspring of one progenitor to the furthest generation

2) all future generations

I ain't arguing about Huxley or Orwell- both were prescient-
You still crying over the election? Get a frickin' life already...
Lenny Kravitz - It Ain't Over Til It's Over (Official Music Video) - Bing video

Yogi Berra - It ain't over till it's over. (

I am 74. I have lived a long life. In 1979 I was a pitcher on a fast-pitch softball team. I had a lead in the city championship of 5-0 in the last inning. The team manager decided to change catchers in that last inning and started putting away the bats. Someone in the crowd yelled not to do that but it was done.

I had only one walk in the game but I hit the fist batter in the last inning. Then an easy pop fly was dropped by the center fielder (so good he had a tryout with Red Sox). Then a scorched base hit went off the third baseman's glove-bases loaded. I struck out the next two batters. Then the second baseman overthrew first base on what would have been the last out-two runs scored-5-2.

The next batter connected with a line-drive that nearly took my head off. I got a glove on it but he got on base. They took me out with the score tied 5-5 with two outs. The first pitch the relief pitcher delivered was a home run. They won 6-5.

The manager never should have put those bats away and neither should you.
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I actually agree with you on this one.

The election of Donald J Trump was right out of Orwell

You haven't read Orwell.

Yeah he has. So have I. Donald Trump is Big Brother personified.
  • The Daily Two Minutes of Hate, a.k.a. reading Donnie's Twitter Feed
  • The need for an "enemy" to focus public anger on
  • Turning on former allies and having the cult pivot immediately to attacking the former ally: Jeff Sessions, Rex Tillerson, John Bolton, General Kelly - the list is endless
  • Attempts to "destroy" political enemies - like the Clintons, Obama, and the Bidens through progaganda, false accusations and lies
  • the never ending rallies.
I actually agree with you on this one.

The election of Donald J Trump was right out of Orwell
It was almost like Trump followed the script from 1984 and Animal Farm

View attachment 477557
Most of Trump's agendas were more traditional and was designed to lessen the insanity we are experiencing.

Encouraging Q-anon believers in the idea that Dems are alien lizard pedophiles, and encouraging a false belief in a "stolen election" is hardly "lessening the insanity".
I actually agree with you on this one.

The election of Donald J Trump was right out of Orwell
It was almost like Trump followed the script from 1984 and Animal Farm
You actually DON'T agree with the OP and if you'd think, for once, or actually read
the OP, you would have seen and known that.
But you are irredeemably stupid and seemingly proud of it.

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