Hunter will be indicted by the end of the month according to the DOJ

There is nothing common with the sense of the MAGAts. Are you aware that one of your "Leaders" today pretty well stated that if Rump doesn't win, it will be the last election not done at the end of a gun barrel. I can see it now. Your Orange Leader will think that it's his idea and actually act on it come Nov 2024. Almost any country in the world would arrest and imprison those that make those kind of threats.
Which leader said that? Link?
The op article says this..... So, it appears Hunter's lawyers are still trying to fight it???

Hunter Biden’s lawyers, though, argued that prosecutors are barred from filing additional charges under an agreement the two sides previously reached in the gun case. It contains an immunity clause against federal prosecutions for some other potential crimes. Defense attorney Abbe Lowell said Hunter Biden has kept to the terms of the deal, including regular visits by the probation office.
Which will likely lead to Daddy Joe’s having to take the stand. Which could be mildly entertaining since Xiden’s handlers can’t be on the stand with him.

And why would Biden agree to be on that stand? He's the President of the United States are is exempt from testifying. You MAGAts keep saying the dumbest things.

If he broke the law, he needs to answer for it. I hope the repubs are happy. In any case, I am not defending Hunter. I have always said he needs to answer for what he did while he was doing drugs. The law is the law. Now, if repubs can figure out that the same standard applies to trump, maybe they could see they are supporting a criminal as their nominee?
Hard to strike a plea deal when you haven't been accused of a crime yet.
And why would Biden agree to be on that stand? He's the President of the United States are is exempt from testifying. You MAGAts keep saying the dumbest things.
He won’t get a choice. Subpoenas and all that that you peons cried that Trump HAD to obey. You FAGAts keep spewing bullshit. Go ahead and refuse. That sounds like an admission of guilt.
And why would Biden agree to be on that stand? He's the President of the United States are is exempt from testifying. You MAGAts keep saying the dumbest things.

Bill Clinton testified to a grand jury. The infamous 'it depends on what the meaning of is is'.
Again, unproven. You MAGAts are just trying to soil your shorts. Fine, you got it.

A search of President Biden’s official email records from his time as vice president has uncovered more than 1,000 emails between his office and Rosemont Seneca Partners, the business development company owned by son Hunter Biden and an associate who helped rake in millions of dollars for Biden family members.

The emails, released by America First Legal, show that Hunter Biden was closely involved in planning critical White House events. He never held an official government role while his father was vice president.


If he broke the law, he needs to answer for it. I hope the repubs are happy. In any case, I am not defending Hunter. I have always said he needs to answer for what he did while he was doing drugs. The law is the law. Now, if repubs can figure out that the same standard applies to trump, maybe they could see they are supporting a criminal as their nominee?
It's all a crock, Jim! Weiss will indict Hunter on the gun charge. He won't do ANYTHING that might lead to Joe!
A search of President Biden’s official email records from his time as vice president has uncovered more than 1,000 emails between his office and Rosemont Seneca Partners, the business development company owned by son Hunter Biden and an associate who helped rake in millions of dollars for Biden family members.
The emails, released by America First Legal, show that Hunter Biden was closely involved in planning critical White House events. He never held an official government role while his father was vice president.

Joe's brother, when asked by Bobulinski (Hunter's CEO) how they were getting away with their schemes said that Joe has 'plausible deniability' which means Joe knew exactly what was going on.

What does this mean?

Will it be some whitewash which comes “plea ready” with no particular consequences?

Or might not actually be a genuine prosecution?

Moreover, if special counsel Weiss does bring felony gun charges against Hunter, is it likely that those very charges are already legally suspect?

Actually on the Indictment. It appears to be the Gun Charge. The Defense will keep that tied up for months or years on appeal. The Defense maintains that charge was covered by pre trial diversion in which the charge is held in abeyance providing that Hunter meets the conditions. The Prosecution is claiming that while they signed it as a done deal it isn’t a done deal because the Parole Officer did not sign it.
Actually on the Indictment. It appears to be the Gun Charge. The Defense will keep that tied up for months or years on appeal. The Defense maintains that charge was covered by pre trial diversion in which the charge is held in abeyance providing that Hunter meets the conditions. The Prosecution is claiming that while they signed it as a done deal it isn’t a done deal because the Parole Officer did not sign it.
The judge scuttled the deal.

My point is that if the alleged special counsel goes back to the well, the status of the law may have changed. I read somewhere that the law was a victim of some appellate case.
I was close. But it was 18 USC 922 (g)(1) which has been ruled unconstitutional as applied to me defendant. 3rd Circuit Sharply Limits § 922(g)(1) ‘Felon-In-Possession’ – Update for June 8, 2023 | Legal Information Services Associates LLC

It wasn’t 18 USC 922 (g)(3).

I guess that could also get ruled unconstitutional.

So, maybe this not very special counsel is now stuck with the law and may have to prosecute Hunter.

Wouldn’t it be a kick if Hunter’s lawyers had to come back to PRESIDENT Trump to beg for a pardon? 😎
I was close. But it was 18 USC 922 (g)(1) which has been ruled unconstitutional as applied to me defendant. 3rd Circuit Sharply Limits § 922(g)(1) ‘Felon-In-Possession’ – Update for June 8, 2023 | Legal Information Services Associates LLC

It wasn’t 18 USC 922 (g)(3).

I guess that could also get ruled unconstitutional.

So, maybe this not very special counsel is now stuck with the law and may have to prosecute Hunter.

Wouldn’t it be a kick if Hunter’s lawyers had to come back to PRESIDENT Trump to beg for a pardon? 😎

Oh don’t kid yourself. Joe will pardon Hunter ten seconds after the polls close on Election Day.

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