Hunter Biden to be indicted in California !

hard to pay taxes when you are forking out foreign money to the family and 10% for the big guy ..
I figure if I could write those checks, he could too.
Well, there is that. But, seriously. Have a heart on these guys. It took them 7 years to get the guy. Joe still won the election. Let them enjoy it for a moment. Most of the rest of us never gave a damn about Hunter, anyway, as he is kind of a sht perv. Funny though, the Trump DOJ couldn't find jack sht. but the Biden DOJ was holding his feet to the fire within a year and, two years later, got him indicted.
White bitch is starting to realize the guy he voted for is going to be pushed aside by the big guys puppet masters ! but dont worry mr so called independent a new far left puppet [Gavin Newsom] will be there for you to vote for .
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Charged for not paying taxes and for illegal possession of a handgun...

I believe you guys have found your next Republican party president.
the question still remains ..who is the left going to install as their candidate in 2024 once the Big Guy is forced not to run again . time is running out !
White bitch is starting to realize the guy he voted for is going to be pushed aside by the big guys puppet masters ! but dont worry mr so called independent a new far left puppet [Gavin Newsom] will be there for you to vote for .
Nah. Gavin sucks. I doubt anybody wants the rest of the country to be like California.
it appears Hunter Biden has been indicted on tax charges in California !

1. is this a sign that Weiss is actually following the rule of law and holding Hunter to account ?

2. or is it simply a stalling tactic giving Hunter the excuse to take the fifth when he is asked questions in a Congressional closed door hearing by stating since he is currently under investigation he will take the fifth and not answer questions .

3. or is it a ploy by the DOJ to get Biden who's steadily dropping in the polls to pardon his son as his last act before announcing he isnt running again in 2024 .

No. It's a dog and pony show.
So, Joe Biden has no super problems like your orange douche bag? And yet, you posted nonsense? Sounds about right.

See, what I mean about laughing at you, retards?

You retards sure amuse me.
Sorry bout that,

1. I just love Hunter got nabbed.
2. He won't come sucking to his Father, too old, sorry son, get off with your broke dick!!!
3. This will unavoidable be a draw in, for Joe Biden, thought he was untouchable huh?


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