Hunter Biden prosecutor refusing to cooperate with Congress, but adjusts earlier story


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Hunter Biden prosecutor refusing to cooperate with Congress,

but adjusts earlier story.

David Weiss, the Delaware U.S. attorney, now admits itā€™s possible he contacted other federal prosecutors as whistleblowers allege.
1 Jul 2023 ~~ By John Solomon

The lead prosecutor in the Hunter Biden criminal tax case is refusing for now to cooperate with a congressional investigation into IRS whistleblower allegations that the Justice Department substantially interfered with the investigation to spare the presidentā€™s son more severe punishment.
ā€œI am not at liberty to provide the materials you seek,ā€ Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss wrote House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan on Friday in a letter obtained by Just the News.
ā€œThe whistleblowersā€™ allegations relate to a criminal investigation that is now being prosecuted in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware,ā€ Weiss added. ā€œAt this juncture, I am required to protect confidential law enforcement information and deliberative communications related to the case. Thus, I will not provide specific information related to the Hunter Biden investigation at this time.ā€
You can read the letter here:
File 2023.06.30-OUT-Jordan-David Weiss.pdf
But Weiss did weigh in on two topics that lawmakers are concerned about since IRS supervisory agent Gary Shapley and a colleague made their bombshell revelations in recent weeks.
First, the prosecutor steadfastly denied he or the DOJ retaliated against Shapley and his entire IRS team, though Weiss did not address the core allegation that DOJ sought to remove the investigators from the Hunter Biden case after they started blowing the whistle.
ā€œThe Department of Justice did not retaliate against ā€˜an Internal Revenue Service (ā€œIRSā€) Criminal Supervisory Special Agent and whistleblower, as well as his entire investigative team... for making protected disclosures to Congress,ā€™ā€ he wrote.
Shapley said agents had evidence that Hunter Biden failed to declare more than $8 million in income over several years and avoided more than $2 million in taxes.
Hunter Bidenā€™s lawyers and Weiss have announced the presidential son will plead guilty to two misdemeanor charges alleging he did not pay a few hundred thousand dollars in taxes in 2017-18.

No wonder the plea-agreed Hunter tax case is technically still being called ā€œongoing.ā€ So, the weaponized DoJ can evade any questioning, while the co-conspiring Leftist Quisling Media runs interference for them.
Here's the Reality Check,

Investigative reporter Paul Sperry reported on Friday night ā€œinvestigatorsā€ have evidence that then Vice President Joe Biden shared classified national defense information, including briefings on US troops stationed overseas, with his crackhead son and business partner Hunter Biden. Hunter did not hold ANY classified security clearance. ..... Snip......
Hunter was given access to the documents by his father. And he was sharing the information with his overseas business associates in Ukraine. The Biden crime family made millions in Ukraine performing nefarious and criminal activities including espionage.
TGP reported in January that the greedy Bidens were using classified information to their financial benefit.
In addition, Itā€™s common knowledge and an open Secret in DC that Biden lived like a King on $126,000 a year. His place in Delaware was way over the top.
I think many of the Republicans think others were involved and itā€™s not healthy for the Public to see how Biden lived outside the law for decades - and no one did a thing.
Senate RINOs have protected Hunter and Joe from decades.
Itā€™s really hard to explain why we donā€™t have an Impeachment Inquiry, especially since the Agencies are running interference for Biden.
The Maoist/DSA Democrats are counting on the little delays to add up and then embrace Election season as the reason why Joe must be protected.
Most importantly, as long as Congress does not remove Wray, Garland, and Weiss - Joe is confident the Deep State will do whatever it takes to protect him.
Indeed, more accurate and truthful than Politico, WAPO, NY Slimes, CNN, or CBS.
:) This will help
First, the prosecutor steadfastly denied he or the DOJ retaliated against Shapley and his entire IRS team, though Weiss did not address the core allegation that DOJ sought to remove the investigators from the Hunter Biden case after they started blowing the whistle.
Nonsense. The accusation of being removed from the investigation is the alleged retaliation. Theyā€™re the same thing.

By all reasonable accounts, the investigation was wrapping up and the agents were being assigned elsewhere.

This smacks of narrative making, not law enforcement.

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