Humiliating Republicans

They were imo until trump went off the tracks ,,, cyber security guy fired ?? Wouldn't lie , is an example
He wasn't fired because he wouldn't lie. He was fired because he did lie.

You think the security for this presidential election vote has been flawless? Really well done?
Best ever?
"There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised." That's straight out of The Onion.

If he believes that he should be fired for being so out of touch and clueless.
If he doesn't believe that he should be fired for lying.

And what rock have you been hiding under?
President Donald Trump engaged in what could best be described as a lengthy airing of grievances on Sunday morning, venting to sycophantic Fox News host Maria Bartiromo during his first post-election television interview while baselessly suggesting his own FBI and Department of Justice were “involved” with a “rigged” election against him.
Since decisively losing the election to President-elect Joe Biden earlier this month, the president has been holed up inside the White House tweeting unhinged conspiracies about widespread voter fraud while his “elite strike force” legal team has had its attempts to overthrow the election repeatedly laughed out of court.
With Team Trump suffering another series of humiliating defeats as their Pennsylvania appeal was denied by an all-Republican federal judge panel and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected a Republican lawsuit to declare mail-in ballots unconstitutional, Trump called into Bartiromo’s Sunday Morning Futures to rant and rave about how the election was “stolen” from him.
But Brennan shouldn't speak out...???
There's a good deal more ->
Trump Baselessly Suggests FBI Rigged Election Against Him in First Post-Election Interview (

I don't know what the results of the election will be but it looks quite likely it will be Sleepy Joe.

But even if the unthinkable occurs, Trump intends to fight on he's not going to "disappear" but instead he will be critiquing his performance every step of the way from 1/20/21.

Fighting this injustice is necessary as it shows to everyone who has eyes to see that Biden is illegitimate and a pretender to the crown.
They were imo until trump went off the tracks ,,, cyber security guy fired ?? Wouldn't lie , is an example
He wasn't fired because he wouldn't lie. He was fired because he did lie.

You think the security for this presidential election vote has been flawless? Really well done?
Best ever?
"There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised." That's straight out of The Onion.

If he believes that he should be fired for being so out of touch and clueless.
If he doesn't believe that he should be fired for lying.

And what rock have you been hiding under?
He was fired for not giving Trump the info he wanted Truth is not anything trump knows anything about A world class liar
He was fired for not giving Trump the info he wanted Truth is not anything trump knows anything about A world class liar
Save your b.s. for your flowers. This cyber dunce lays down a picture that is absolutely false and not at all representative of the facts. Eff off!

Affidavits by the sack load from people witnessing crimes and cheating and you want people to believe
the election was a success....well by YOUR standards it probably was a success.

But it certainly wasn't fair or legal by any means.
Last edited:
I get an eye every time I post What's up with that? Lots of republican overseers?
What's an "eye?"
An eye like mark next to my post Like some one needs to watch

We're watching your every move, Eddie! :terror:
LOL Trumplethinskin
All the elections Trump has floated voter fraud conspiracy theories
Any normal human being would be embarrassed by this list of false claims.

His skin is very thick when he dishes the shit out, but he transforms into Trumplethinskin when criticism is directed at him.

What a guy!
One of the conspiracy theories is the New World Order is waiting for the people who have lived from the Depression/WW2 era have passed on before bringing in their fun.
Meanwhile back in reality...the Democrats lost several contests in the election in which they allegedly cheated.
All it proves is that they sacrificed down ballot dems to get trump

I’m sure they fully expect to win those seats back in 2022 when they can concentrate all their cheating on electing the spear carriers in congress
Last edited:
President Donald Trump engaged in what could best be described as a lengthy airing of grievances on Sunday morning, venting to sycophantic Fox News host Maria Bartiromo during his first post-election television interview while baselessly suggesting his own FBI and Department of Justice were “involved” with a “rigged” election against him.
Since decisively losing the election to President-elect Joe Biden earlier this month, the president has been holed up inside the White House tweeting unhinged conspiracies about widespread voter fraud while his “elite strike force” legal team has had its attempts to overthrow the election repeatedly laughed out of court.
With Team Trump suffering another series of humiliating defeats as their Pennsylvania appeal was denied by an all-Republican federal judge panel and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected a Republican lawsuit to declare mail-in ballots unconstitutional, Trump called into Bartiromo’s Sunday Morning Futures to rant and rave about how the election was “stolen” from him.
But Brennan shouldn't speak out...???
There's a good deal more ->
Trump Baselessly Suggests FBI Rigged Election Against Him in First Post-Election Interview (
Your post is a mindless rant. We aren't being "humiliated" we are wiping the floor with you.

Trump's Restored Constitutional Judiciary, a task left undone for 80 years, completed by Trump/McConnell and this GOP in just 1,461 days.

But, by all means celebrate the theft of the Presidency for an ancient lame duck imbecile who will accomplish next to nothing.

Kentucky Religious Schools Have First Amendment Right to Reopen, Says Federal Judge.

In Wednesday's Danville Christian Academy, Inc. v. Beshear (E.D. Ky.), Judge Gregory F. Van Tatenhove allowed religious schools to reopen in Kentucky; the governor's closure order violated the Free Exercise Clause.

[1.] The opinion concluded that the closure order burdened Danville Christian's Free Exercise Clause rights:
Danville Christian has a sincerely held religious belief in conducting in-person instruction. Nevertheless, the Governor argues that the fact Danville Christian halted in-person teaching earlier during the pandemic, when faced with an infected member of its community, seriously undermines the irreparable harm requirement of a preliminary injunction. By implication, this raises a challenge to the school's sincerity. In response, Danville Christian argued that the halt in holding in-person instruction was a voluntary short-term act taken out of deference to the community, and now that more is known about the virus and other measures can be taken to allow classes to resume safely, it would violate Danville Christian's First Amendment rights to force the school to hold virtual instead of in-person classes.
The Right To Gather In Worship:
Exercising a judgment call to close for a short period of time when far less was known about the virus cannot now effectively counter its conviction. Danville Christian has presented evidence of the significance of in-person instruction, including the holding of weekly chapel services and corporate prayer throughout the day. The Court is also cognizant of the role of daily in-person mentorship of religious values that occur in religious schools that is simply not as feasible in a virtual setting.
Raise Your Children In The Way They Should Go And When They Are Grown They Will Not Depart From It
In extending the ministerial exception to private school teachers in Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey-Berru, the Supreme Court expressed that in the First Amendment context, faith and education go hand in hand. "[E]ducating young people in their faith, inculcating its teachings, and training them to live their faith are responsibilities that lie at the very core of the mission of a private religious school." Therefore, insofar as it relates to the irreparable harm prong, the Court finds this to be sufficient to demonstrate Danville Christian's sincerely held belief.
[2.] The court then concluded that the closure order wasn't neutral and generally applicable (and thus didn't fall within Employment Division v. Smith) because it treated schools worse than preschools and universities:
There is ample scientific evidence that Covid-19 is exceptionally contagious. But evidence that the risk of contagion is heightened … in K-12 schools as opposed to preschools, universities, or colleges, is lacking. Dr. Steven Stack, the Commissioner of the Kentucky Department of Health, stated that Kentucky is particularly vulnerable to the spread of Covid-19 in schools because "an unusually high percentage of Kentucky children are cared for by their grandparents and older individuals are at higher risk of severe illness or death from Covid-19.
Unequal Rules
He further stated, "Schools are high volume mixers of people" which can make reduction in the spread of Covid-19 difficult. Of course, that is true of many public settings. In spite of these factors, preschools, colleges, and universities will remain open so long as certain precautions are taken. Neither Dr. Stack nor the Governor have adequately explained why K-12 schools must close while these other institutions, where many children and young adults who live at home may still expose family members to Covid-19, can remain open.
Bad Science
The Governor's executive order also seems to run counter to CDC recommendations. On November 19, 2020, CDC Director Robert Redford stated, "[t]he truth is, for kids K-12, one of the safest places they can be, from our perspective, is to remain in school," and that it is "counterproductive … from a public health point of view, just in containing the epidemic, if there was an emotional response, to say, 'Let's close the schools.'"
Freedom To Make Their Own Decisions
If social distancing is good enough for offices, colleges, and universities within the Commonwealth, it is good enough for religious private K-12 schools that benefit from constitutional protection. Ultimately, "[t]he First Amendment protects the right of religious institutions 'to decide for themselves, free from state interference, matters of church government as well as those of faith and doctrine.'" …
Religious Are Not Second Class Here In 'Merica
"[R]estrictions on religious exercise that are not 'neutral and of general applicability' must survive strict scrutiny." Although the efforts by Governor Beshear to prevent the spread of Covid-19 are commendable, the Executive Order bans all in-person instruction for K-12 schools, and this cannot be considered to be narrow tailoring as required under strict scrutiny.
Strict Scruitney/Narrow Tailoring
{[A]lthough the Governor would like the Court to only compare schools in the context of the executive order and find the order to be one of general applicability, Maryville Baptist Church, Inc. v. Beshear (6th Cir. 2020) instructs otherwise. In answering the general applicability question in Maryville, the Sixth Circuit questioned why law firms, laundromats, liquor stores, and gun shops could stay open while churches, despite following CDC-approved guidelines, could not. The restrictions which the Sixth Circuit criticized as "inexplicably applied to one group and exempted from another" are similar to those Danville Christian challenges today…. [P]reschools in the state remain open after this executive order, as do colleges and universities. The prohibition on in-person teaching is not narrowly tailored ….}
[3.] The court also concluded that the injunction here should apply to all religious schools in the state, and not just the Danville Christian Academy, largely because the lawsuit was also brought by the state Attorney General's office:
Furthermore, the Supreme Court of Kentucky has indicated that the Attorney General has an obligation to serve all members of the Commonwealth. This obligation includes suing government actors on members' behalf to protect constitutional rights. In the present case, the Executive Order at issue does not just affect Danville Christian. The Executive Order applies to all religious schools in Kentucky. Upon consideration of both judicial precedent and the expansive obligation of the Attorney General to serve all members of the Commonwealth, it becomes apparent that, because the violation established impacts all religious schools in Kentucky, the preliminary injunction must extend statewide.
[4.] Because the challenge here was brought under the Free Exercise Clause, it doesn't apply to secular private schools. But secular private schools have Free Speech Clause rights, too, as well as rights stemming from the parental rights of the parents who send their children there (see Pierce v. Society of Sisters and Meyer v. Nebraska); and allowing religious institutions to keep teaching while barring secular institutions from doing so may well violate the Free Speech Clause and the Establishment Clause (see Texas Monthly, Inc. v. Bullock and Rosenberger v. Rector). I thus think that secular private schools would have an excellent argument if they wanted to go to court to ask to be treated the same as the religious schools.

Public schools, on the other hand, lack First Amendment rights that they can assert against the state legislature: "[A] political subdivision, 'created by a state for the better ordering of government, has no privileges or immunities under the federal constitution which it may invoke in opposition to the will of its creator.'"
We aren't being "humiliated" we are wiping the floor with you.
The disconnection from reality of the acolytes can be breath-taking.
You guys put out all that effort and you managed to get was a Lame Duck imbecile? You think you didn't like this election? Wait for 2022.


Morning Joe: We Have No Reason to Tolerate, Understand Anyone Who Supported Trump.

NewsBusters, Wednesday.

Barack Obama Smears Trump’s Latino Voters.

Legal Insurrection, yesterday.

UPDATE: Professional Asshole Keith Olbermann: Prosecute Trump, Family, Supporters, Everyone (Video).

The Lid, today.

You guys fool no one. You can't win without cheating, and your days of being able to cheat likely ended with this election.


  • 1606693808192.png
    53.8 KB · Views: 23
So yet more fraud. And the shit spewing leftists keep insisting nothing was stolen.
They know it was stolen, that is why the full court press to try to claim it's improper to verify the integrity of elections.

We have no more important task that making sure that 2022 is free and fair election, open to public verification at every step.
President Donald Trump engaged in what could best be described as a lengthy airing of grievances on Sunday morning, venting to sycophantic Fox News host Maria Bartiromo during his first post-election television interview while baselessly suggesting his own FBI and Department of Justice were “involved” with a “rigged” election against him.
Since decisively losing the election to President-elect Joe Biden earlier this month, the president has been holed up inside the White House tweeting unhinged conspiracies about widespread voter fraud while his “elite strike force” legal team has had its attempts to overthrow the election repeatedly laughed out of court.
With Team Trump suffering another series of humiliating defeats as their Pennsylvania appeal was denied by an all-Republican federal judge panel and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected a Republican lawsuit to declare mail-in ballots unconstitutional, Trump called into Bartiromo’s Sunday Morning Futures to rant and rave about how the election was “stolen” from him.
But Brennan shouldn't speak out...???
There's a good deal more ->
Trump Baselessly Suggests FBI Rigged Election Against Him in First Post-Election Interview (
Perhaps it's time to invoke the 25th Amendment on grounds of mental instability and let Mike serve as Acting President until January 20, 2021.
So yet more fraud. And the shit spewing leftists keep insisting nothing was stolen.
They know it was stolen, that is why the full court press to try to claim it's improper to verify the integrity of elections.

We have no more important task that making sure that 2022 is free and fair election, open to public verification at every step.
Nothing has been stolen. You Rumpian a$$hat$ really DO need to stop drinking the Kool Aid.
President Donald Trump engaged in what could best be described as a lengthy airing of grievances on Sunday morning, venting to sycophantic Fox News host Maria Bartiromo during his first post-election television interview while baselessly suggesting his own FBI and Department of Justice were “involved” with a “rigged” election against him.
Since decisively losing the election to President-elect Joe Biden earlier this month, the president has been holed up inside the White House tweeting unhinged conspiracies about widespread voter fraud while his “elite strike force” legal team has had its attempts to overthrow the election repeatedly laughed out of court.
With Team Trump suffering another series of humiliating defeats as their Pennsylvania appeal was denied by an all-Republican federal judge panel and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected a Republican lawsuit to declare mail-in ballots unconstitutional, Trump called into Bartiromo’s Sunday Morning Futures to rant and rave about how the election was “stolen” from him.
But Brennan shouldn't speak out...???
There's a good deal more ->
Trump Baselessly Suggests FBI Rigged Election Against Him in First Post-Election Interview (
Your post is a mindless rant. We aren't being "humiliated" we are wiping the floor with you.

Trump's Restored Constitutional Judiciary, a task left undone for 80 years, completed by Trump/McConnell and this GOP in just 1,461 days.

But, by all means celebrate the theft of the Presidency for an ancient lame duck imbecile who will accomplish next to nothing.

Kentucky Religious Schools Have First Amendment Right to Reopen, Says Federal Judge.

In Wednesday's Danville Christian Academy, Inc. v. Beshear (E.D. Ky.), Judge Gregory F. Van Tatenhove allowed religious schools to reopen in Kentucky; the governor's closure order violated the Free Exercise Clause.

[1.] The opinion concluded that the closure order burdened Danville Christian's Free Exercise Clause rights:
Danville Christian has a sincerely held religious belief in conducting in-person instruction. Nevertheless, the Governor argues that the fact Danville Christian halted in-person teaching earlier during the pandemic, when faced with an infected member of its community, seriously undermines the irreparable harm requirement of a preliminary injunction. By implication, this raises a challenge to the school's sincerity. In response, Danville Christian argued that the halt in holding in-person instruction was a voluntary short-term act taken out of deference to the community, and now that more is known about the virus and other measures can be taken to allow classes to resume safely, it would violate Danville Christian's First Amendment rights to force the school to hold virtual instead of in-person classes.
The Right To Gather In Worship:
Exercising a judgment call to close for a short period of time when far less was known about the virus cannot now effectively counter its conviction. Danville Christian has presented evidence of the significance of in-person instruction, including the holding of weekly chapel services and corporate prayer throughout the day. The Court is also cognizant of the role of daily in-person mentorship of religious values that occur in religious schools that is simply not as feasible in a virtual setting.
Raise Your Children In The Way They Should Go And When They Are Grown They Will Not Depart From It
In extending the ministerial exception to private school teachers in Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey-Berru, the Supreme Court expressed that in the First Amendment context, faith and education go hand in hand. "[E]ducating young people in their faith, inculcating its teachings, and training them to live their faith are responsibilities that lie at the very core of the mission of a private religious school." Therefore, insofar as it relates to the irreparable harm prong, the Court finds this to be sufficient to demonstrate Danville Christian's sincerely held belief.
[2.] The court then concluded that the closure order wasn't neutral and generally applicable (and thus didn't fall within Employment Division v. Smith) because it treated schools worse than preschools and universities:
There is ample scientific evidence that Covid-19 is exceptionally contagious. But evidence that the risk of contagion is heightened … in K-12 schools as opposed to preschools, universities, or colleges, is lacking. Dr. Steven Stack, the Commissioner of the Kentucky Department of Health, stated that Kentucky is particularly vulnerable to the spread of Covid-19 in schools because "an unusually high percentage of Kentucky children are cared for by their grandparents and older individuals are at higher risk of severe illness or death from Covid-19.
Unequal Rules
He further stated, "Schools are high volume mixers of people" which can make reduction in the spread of Covid-19 difficult. Of course, that is true of many public settings. In spite of these factors, preschools, colleges, and universities will remain open so long as certain precautions are taken. Neither Dr. Stack nor the Governor have adequately explained why K-12 schools must close while these other institutions, where many children and young adults who live at home may still expose family members to Covid-19, can remain open.
Bad Science
The Governor's executive order also seems to run counter to CDC recommendations. On November 19, 2020, CDC Director Robert Redford stated, "[t]he truth is, for kids K-12, one of the safest places they can be, from our perspective, is to remain in school," and that it is "counterproductive … from a public health point of view, just in containing the epidemic, if there was an emotional response, to say, 'Let's close the schools.'"
Freedom To Make Their Own Decisions
If social distancing is good enough for offices, colleges, and universities within the Commonwealth, it is good enough for religious private K-12 schools that benefit from constitutional protection. Ultimately, "[t]he First Amendment protects the right of religious institutions 'to decide for themselves, free from state interference, matters of church government as well as those of faith and doctrine.'" …
Religious Are Not Second Class Here In 'Merica
"[R]estrictions on religious exercise that are not 'neutral and of general applicability' must survive strict scrutiny." Although the efforts by Governor Beshear to prevent the spread of Covid-19 are commendable, the Executive Order bans all in-person instruction for K-12 schools, and this cannot be considered to be narrow tailoring as required under strict scrutiny.
Strict Scruitney/Narrow Tailoring
{[A]lthough the Governor would like the Court to only compare schools in the context of the executive order and find the order to be one of general applicability, Maryville Baptist Church, Inc. v. Beshear (6th Cir. 2020) instructs otherwise. In answering the general applicability question in Maryville, the Sixth Circuit questioned why law firms, laundromats, liquor stores, and gun shops could stay open while churches, despite following CDC-approved guidelines, could not. The restrictions which the Sixth Circuit criticized as "inexplicably applied to one group and exempted from another" are similar to those Danville Christian challenges today…. [P]reschools in the state remain open after this executive order, as do colleges and universities. The prohibition on in-person teaching is not narrowly tailored ….}
[3.] The court also concluded that the injunction here should apply to all religious schools in the state, and not just the Danville Christian Academy, largely because the lawsuit was also brought by the state Attorney General's office:
Furthermore, the Supreme Court of Kentucky has indicated that the Attorney General has an obligation to serve all members of the Commonwealth. This obligation includes suing government actors on members' behalf to protect constitutional rights. In the present case, the Executive Order at issue does not just affect Danville Christian. The Executive Order applies to all religious schools in Kentucky. Upon consideration of both judicial precedent and the expansive obligation of the Attorney General to serve all members of the Commonwealth, it becomes apparent that, because the violation established impacts all religious schools in Kentucky, the preliminary injunction must extend statewide.
[4.] Because the challenge here was brought under the Free Exercise Clause, it doesn't apply to secular private schools. But secular private schools have Free Speech Clause rights, too, as well as rights stemming from the parental rights of the parents who send their children there (see Pierce v. Society of Sisters and Meyer v. Nebraska); and allowing religious institutions to keep teaching while barring secular institutions from doing so may well violate the Free Speech Clause and the Establishment Clause (see Texas Monthly, Inc. v. Bullock and Rosenberger v. Rector). I thus think that secular private schools would have an excellent argument if they wanted to go to court to ask to be treated the same as the religious schools.

Public schools, on the other hand, lack First Amendment rights that they can assert against the state legislature: "[A] political subdivision, 'created by a state for the better ordering of government, has no privileges or immunities under the federal constitution which it may invoke in opposition to the will of its creator.'"
We aren't being "humiliated" we are wiping the floor with you.
The disconnection from reality of the acolytes can be breath-taking.
You guys put out all that effort and you managed to get was a Lame Duck imbecile? You think you didn't like this election? Wait for 2022.


Morning Joe: We Have No Reason to Tolerate, Understand Anyone Who Supported Trump.

NewsBusters, Wednesday.

Barack Obama Smears Trump’s Latino Voters.

Legal Insurrection, yesterday.

UPDATE: Professional Asshole Keith Olbermann: Prosecute Trump, Family, Supporters, Everyone (Video).

The Lid, today.

You guys fool no one. You can't win without cheating, and your days of being able to cheat likely ended with this election.
He's an imbecile that thrashed your imbecile.
President Donald Trump engaged in what could best be described as a lengthy airing of grievances on Sunday morning, venting to sycophantic Fox News host Maria Bartiromo during his first post-election television interview while baselessly suggesting his own FBI and Department of Justice were “involved” with a “rigged” election against him.
Since decisively losing the election to President-elect Joe Biden earlier this month, the president has been holed up inside the White House tweeting unhinged conspiracies about widespread voter fraud while his “elite strike force” legal team has had its attempts to overthrow the election repeatedly laughed out of court.
With Team Trump suffering another series of humiliating defeats as their Pennsylvania appeal was denied by an all-Republican federal judge panel and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected a Republican lawsuit to declare mail-in ballots unconstitutional, Trump called into Bartiromo’s Sunday Morning Futures to rant and rave about how the election was “stolen” from him.
But Brennan shouldn't speak out...???
There's a good deal more ->
Trump Baselessly Suggests FBI Rigged Election Against Him in First Post-Election Interview (
Perhaps it's time to invoke the 25th Amendment on grounds of mental instability and let Mike serve as Acting President until January 20, 2021.
This is one of the dumber of the Left's meme's. Impeachment requires a 2/3rds vote in the US Senate which you guys couldn't manage. The 25th amendment requries a 2/3rds vote of BOTH Houses, so, sure by all means, knock yourself out.

Desperate to cover their tracks.

Judge Blocks, Then Unblocks Georgia From Wiping Or Resetting Election Machines

The change of course by the judge drew a flabbergasted response from Lin Wood, an attorney associated with the Trump campaign...

We all know why GA officials determined to wipe these machines clean by resetting them.
President Donald Trump engaged in what could best be described as a lengthy airing of grievances on Sunday morning, venting to sycophantic Fox News host Maria Bartiromo during his first post-election television interview while baselessly suggesting his own FBI and Department of Justice were “involved” with a “rigged” election against him.
Since decisively losing the election to President-elect Joe Biden earlier this month, the president has been holed up inside the White House tweeting unhinged conspiracies about widespread voter fraud while his “elite strike force” legal team has had its attempts to overthrow the election repeatedly laughed out of court.
With Team Trump suffering another series of humiliating defeats as their Pennsylvania appeal was denied by an all-Republican federal judge panel and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected a Republican lawsuit to declare mail-in ballots unconstitutional, Trump called into Bartiromo’s Sunday Morning Futures to rant and rave about how the election was “stolen” from him.
But Brennan shouldn't speak out...???
There's a good deal more ->
Trump Baselessly Suggests FBI Rigged Election Against Him in First Post-Election Interview (
Let go of the butthurt. Can;t be healthy ya know.
When the cancer leaves the WH America can breathe again

Looks like the cancer is leaving the Hill. Queen NaN thought she was going to gain seats and proceeded to lose all up for grab seats.
President Donald Trump engaged in what could best be described as a lengthy airing of grievances on Sunday morning, venting to sycophantic Fox News host Maria Bartiromo during his first post-election television interview while baselessly suggesting his own FBI and Department of Justice were “involved” with a “rigged” election against him.
Since decisively losing the election to President-elect Joe Biden earlier this month, the president has been holed up inside the White House tweeting unhinged conspiracies about widespread voter fraud while his “elite strike force” legal team has had its attempts to overthrow the election repeatedly laughed out of court.
With Team Trump suffering another series of humiliating defeats as their Pennsylvania appeal was denied by an all-Republican federal judge panel and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected a Republican lawsuit to declare mail-in ballots unconstitutional, Trump called into Bartiromo’s Sunday Morning Futures to rant and rave about how the election was “stolen” from him.
But Brennan shouldn't speak out...???
There's a good deal more ->
Trump Baselessly Suggests FBI Rigged Election Against Him in First Post-Election Interview (
Your post is a mindless rant. We aren't being "humiliated" we are wiping the floor with you.

Trump's Restored Constitutional Judiciary, a task left undone for 80 years, completed by Trump/McConnell and this GOP in just 1,461 days.

But, by all means celebrate the theft of the Presidency for an ancient lame duck imbecile who will accomplish next to nothing.

Kentucky Religious Schools Have First Amendment Right to Reopen, Says Federal Judge.

In Wednesday's Danville Christian Academy, Inc. v. Beshear (E.D. Ky.), Judge Gregory F. Van Tatenhove allowed religious schools to reopen in Kentucky; the governor's closure order violated the Free Exercise Clause.

[1.] The opinion concluded that the closure order burdened Danville Christian's Free Exercise Clause rights:
Danville Christian has a sincerely held religious belief in conducting in-person instruction. Nevertheless, the Governor argues that the fact Danville Christian halted in-person teaching earlier during the pandemic, when faced with an infected member of its community, seriously undermines the irreparable harm requirement of a preliminary injunction. By implication, this raises a challenge to the school's sincerity. In response, Danville Christian argued that the halt in holding in-person instruction was a voluntary short-term act taken out of deference to the community, and now that more is known about the virus and other measures can be taken to allow classes to resume safely, it would violate Danville Christian's First Amendment rights to force the school to hold virtual instead of in-person classes.
The Right To Gather In Worship:
Exercising a judgment call to close for a short period of time when far less was known about the virus cannot now effectively counter its conviction. Danville Christian has presented evidence of the significance of in-person instruction, including the holding of weekly chapel services and corporate prayer throughout the day. The Court is also cognizant of the role of daily in-person mentorship of religious values that occur in religious schools that is simply not as feasible in a virtual setting.
Raise Your Children In The Way They Should Go And When They Are Grown They Will Not Depart From It
In extending the ministerial exception to private school teachers in Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey-Berru, the Supreme Court expressed that in the First Amendment context, faith and education go hand in hand. "[E]ducating young people in their faith, inculcating its teachings, and training them to live their faith are responsibilities that lie at the very core of the mission of a private religious school." Therefore, insofar as it relates to the irreparable harm prong, the Court finds this to be sufficient to demonstrate Danville Christian's sincerely held belief.
[2.] The court then concluded that the closure order wasn't neutral and generally applicable (and thus didn't fall within Employment Division v. Smith) because it treated schools worse than preschools and universities:
There is ample scientific evidence that Covid-19 is exceptionally contagious. But evidence that the risk of contagion is heightened … in K-12 schools as opposed to preschools, universities, or colleges, is lacking. Dr. Steven Stack, the Commissioner of the Kentucky Department of Health, stated that Kentucky is particularly vulnerable to the spread of Covid-19 in schools because "an unusually high percentage of Kentucky children are cared for by their grandparents and older individuals are at higher risk of severe illness or death from Covid-19.
Unequal Rules
He further stated, "Schools are high volume mixers of people" which can make reduction in the spread of Covid-19 difficult. Of course, that is true of many public settings. In spite of these factors, preschools, colleges, and universities will remain open so long as certain precautions are taken. Neither Dr. Stack nor the Governor have adequately explained why K-12 schools must close while these other institutions, where many children and young adults who live at home may still expose family members to Covid-19, can remain open.
Bad Science
The Governor's executive order also seems to run counter to CDC recommendations. On November 19, 2020, CDC Director Robert Redford stated, "[t]he truth is, for kids K-12, one of the safest places they can be, from our perspective, is to remain in school," and that it is "counterproductive … from a public health point of view, just in containing the epidemic, if there was an emotional response, to say, 'Let's close the schools.'"
Freedom To Make Their Own Decisions
If social distancing is good enough for offices, colleges, and universities within the Commonwealth, it is good enough for religious private K-12 schools that benefit from constitutional protection. Ultimately, "[t]he First Amendment protects the right of religious institutions 'to decide for themselves, free from state interference, matters of church government as well as those of faith and doctrine.'" …
Religious Are Not Second Class Here In 'Merica
"[R]estrictions on religious exercise that are not 'neutral and of general applicability' must survive strict scrutiny." Although the efforts by Governor Beshear to prevent the spread of Covid-19 are commendable, the Executive Order bans all in-person instruction for K-12 schools, and this cannot be considered to be narrow tailoring as required under strict scrutiny.
Strict Scruitney/Narrow Tailoring
{[A]lthough the Governor would like the Court to only compare schools in the context of the executive order and find the order to be one of general applicability, Maryville Baptist Church, Inc. v. Beshear (6th Cir. 2020) instructs otherwise. In answering the general applicability question in Maryville, the Sixth Circuit questioned why law firms, laundromats, liquor stores, and gun shops could stay open while churches, despite following CDC-approved guidelines, could not. The restrictions which the Sixth Circuit criticized as "inexplicably applied to one group and exempted from another" are similar to those Danville Christian challenges today…. [P]reschools in the state remain open after this executive order, as do colleges and universities. The prohibition on in-person teaching is not narrowly tailored ….}
[3.] The court also concluded that the injunction here should apply to all religious schools in the state, and not just the Danville Christian Academy, largely because the lawsuit was also brought by the state Attorney General's office:
Furthermore, the Supreme Court of Kentucky has indicated that the Attorney General has an obligation to serve all members of the Commonwealth. This obligation includes suing government actors on members' behalf to protect constitutional rights. In the present case, the Executive Order at issue does not just affect Danville Christian. The Executive Order applies to all religious schools in Kentucky. Upon consideration of both judicial precedent and the expansive obligation of the Attorney General to serve all members of the Commonwealth, it becomes apparent that, because the violation established impacts all religious schools in Kentucky, the preliminary injunction must extend statewide.
[4.] Because the challenge here was brought under the Free Exercise Clause, it doesn't apply to secular private schools. But secular private schools have Free Speech Clause rights, too, as well as rights stemming from the parental rights of the parents who send their children there (see Pierce v. Society of Sisters and Meyer v. Nebraska); and allowing religious institutions to keep teaching while barring secular institutions from doing so may well violate the Free Speech Clause and the Establishment Clause (see Texas Monthly, Inc. v. Bullock and Rosenberger v. Rector). I thus think that secular private schools would have an excellent argument if they wanted to go to court to ask to be treated the same as the religious schools.

Public schools, on the other hand, lack First Amendment rights that they can assert against the state legislature: "[A] political subdivision, 'created by a state for the better ordering of government, has no privileges or immunities under the federal constitution which it may invoke in opposition to the will of its creator.'"
We aren't being "humiliated" we are wiping the floor with you.
The disconnection from reality of the acolytes can be breath-taking.
You guys put out all that effort and you managed to get was a Lame Duck imbecile? You think you didn't like this election? Wait for 2022.


Morning Joe: We Have No Reason to Tolerate, Understand Anyone Who Supported Trump.

NewsBusters, Wednesday.

Barack Obama Smears Trump’s Latino Voters.

Legal Insurrection, yesterday.

UPDATE: Professional Asshole Keith Olbermann: Prosecute Trump, Family, Supporters, Everyone (Video).

The Lid, today.

You guys fool no one. You can't win without cheating, and your days of being able to cheat likely ended with this election.
He's an imbecile that thrashed your imbecile.
Trump effectively re-constitutionalized the Judiciary, a task that has been needed for 80 years and an effect that will last for a generation. Washed up imbecilic lame duck will accomplish little of note. You guys blew your wad, and all you got was old Joe!

Prepare for four years of FU from the American People.

NYC Pub Declares Itself "Autonomous Zone" After Government Tries To Shut It Down

“De Bozo - you want to come down here and pull the license off the wall? Feel free to end up comin’ down, and we’ll end up having a conversation before you even think about stepping foot on my property. I will not back down.”

Nobody respects cheats and thieves.
...The 25th amendment requries a 2/3rds vote of BOTH Houses...
Of course.

Once POTUS responds that he is capable of resuming office, to both the Speaker and the President Pro Tempore, Congress has 48 hours + 21 days to consider.

Of course, if the POTUS is in a psych ward being evaluated and his communications restricted due to mental health issues, well... :auiqs.jpg:
So yet more fraud. And the shit spewing leftists keep insisting nothing was stolen.
They know it was stolen, that is why the full court press to try to claim it's improper to verify the integrity of elections.

We have no more important task that making sure that 2022 is free and fair election, open to public verification at every step.
Nothing has been stolen. You Rumpian a$$hat$ really DO need to stop drinking the Kool Aid.
Weird how you guys are fighting a full complete and open accounting with all your might.

Deep State War Mongers Crapping themselves and Trump the Peace Monger Wraps up his incredible term.

US Carrier Strike Group Heads To Gulf As Iran Threatens Retaliation

Nimitz carrier to provide cover for exiting US troops in Iraq & Afghanistan...

Trump wraps with the hat trick, our sons and daughters will be home for Christmas. If the Deep State wants to warmonger, they can send their own sons and daughters.
...The 25th amendment requries a 2/3rds vote of BOTH Houses...
Of course.

Once POTUS responds that he is capable of resuming office, to both the Speaker and the President Pro Tempore, Congress has 48 hours + 21 days to consider.

Of course, if the POTUS is in a psych ward being evaluated and his communications restricted due to mental health issues, well... :auiqs.jpg:
You are engaging in mental masturbation. By all means indulge.
...Weird how you guys are fighting a full complete and open accounting with all your might...
No such resistance has been offered... you already have a full and complete accounting.

You are now engaged in massive Voter Disenfranchisement and attempting to trash the American Electoral System; you will not be allowed to do so.

You lost.



For the good of the People and their Republic and its Constitution.

The very things you purport to love, and which you shame now with every passing day.

Your adversaries are not fighting against a full complete and open accounting.

Your adversaries are fighting against un-American voter-suppression and are staying on their toes against your attempted coup and power-grab.

You are not going to be allowed to pull that off.

The United States Supreme Court is the final line of defense in such matters, and those justices are all appointed for life, and are honorable men and women.

Devoted to the United States Constitution... not your Orange Baboon-God nor the Republica Party his servile personality-cult.

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