Human Life International Wants To Get Contraception Included In Global Gag Rule


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA
This make absolutely NO sense to me!. The Bishops think-hell they know- that they can manipulate Trump-who has no core convictions, no real values into doing their bidding.

In addition, this who thing about opposing contraception while also opposing abortion is stupid and hypocritical. These people cant have it both ways. Population in some parts of the world is out of control. The earth cannot feed too many more people, especially in view of climate change, which of course they -and Trump-deny. . Do the Bishops have a plan to fight poverty, hunger, water shortages? The answer is no. Their answer is to just have sex and we all know how effective that will be.

These jackass can't seem to understand that- even if life begins at conception-most forms of birth control PREVENT CONCEPTION.

Human Life International Is Working With Bishops To Get Contraception Included In Trump’s Global Gag Rule

Human Life International Is Working With Bishops To Get Contraception Included In Trump’s Global Gag Rule | Right Wing Watch

In a small conference room at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington yesterday, Human Life International president Father Shenan J. Boquet said he is working with American bishops on a letter to President Trump in hopes that the Trump administration will expand the Mexico City Policy and “hopefully rid” United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funding for contraceptive programs abroad.

These people just want to keep women barefoot, pregnant and ignorant of their options and that makes me sick:

He said that he is working “with a couple of American bishops” on a letter to President Trump aimed at halting USAID’s financing of international programs that offer or provide education about contraceptive care. Since Trump was inaugurated, his administration has reinstated and expanded a “global gag rule”—also known as the Mexico City Policy—that prohibits the federal government from providing U.S. family planning aid to nongovernmental organizations that offer abortion procedures or provide information about the procedure. More recently, the administration has applied a similar policy to federal family planning funding for American groups that provide access and information to abortion procedures.
I'm still trying to figure out why some people think we as a nation owe the world ANYTHING.
I'm still trying to figure out why some people think we as a nation owe the world ANYTHING.
It is what we owe to ourselves if we want to maintain- shit regain -a leadership role in the world as an advances and progressive nation that stands for moral, scientific and educational leadership as opposed to backward , superstitious, misogynist bullshit like the Taliban and Isis promote.
Wait a minute. Why the heck are we paying for contraceptive programs abroad anyway?
Because it's a small planet and we cannot isolate ourselves from problems and issue in other parts of the glob. Dhaa!!

Yeah, but whatever happened to consent of the governed? I'd personally never even heard of USAID.

I do agree with you that there are too many people on Earth. But that's just me having little patience for the general public. Fukin horns honking everywhere, people cutting into traffic, then you get the chompers and gum smackers in the restaurants. Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom at the red lights. And what's the deal with people pulling their pants down below their asses? I'd never seen such a thing. I had a guy that worked for me who wore his pants like that and we'd been working in a business environment. I gave him a string to use as a belt, but apparently he didn't need a belt. He did it just because. Wtf? The nhe took his boots off and was walking around the site in his socks. lol.

I'm all for a big ass meteor thinning out the population, to be perfectly honest. Is it wrong that I sometimes include that in my prayers at night?

I think I'd read once that you could fit the entire planet in the state of Texas. I forget where I read that.
Wait a minute. Why the heck are we paying for contraceptive programs abroad anyway?
Because it's a small planet and we cannot isolate ourselves from problems and issue in other parts of the glob. Dhaa!!

Yeah, but whatever happened to consent of the governed? I'd personally never even heard of USAID.

I do agree with you that there are too many people on Earth. But that's just me having little patience for the general public. Fukin horns honking everywhere, people cutting into traffic, then you get the chompers and gum smackers in the restaurants. Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom at the red lights. And what's the deal with people pulling their pants down below their asses? I'd never seen such a thing. I had a guy that worked for me who wore his pants like that and we'd been working in a business environment. I gave him a string to use as a belt, but apparently he didn't need a belt. He did it just because. Wtf? The nhe took his boots off and was walking around the site in his socks. lol.

I'm all for a big ass meteor thinning out the population, to be perfectly honest. Is it wrong that I sometimes include that in my prayers at night?

I think I'd read once that you could fit the entire planet in the state of Texas. I forget where I read that.

That is a hell of a rant. I'm not going to spend much time trying to figure out where exactly you're coming from with that.
The consent of who? Them ? Us?

The electorate.

Anyway. I looked around and found that the US has provided at least $32 million to the former Syrian Defense, now a n ngo or White Hats through WUSAID . Apparently a scheme orchestrated by the Obama State Department and funneled to the White Helmets using a Washington D.C. contractor participating in USAID's Syria regional program, Chemonics.

They're taking the electorate out of it completely with that kind of sneaking around.
I'm still trying to figure out why some people think we as a nation owe the world ANYTHING.
It is what we owe to ourselves if we want to maintain- shit regain -a leadership role in the world as an advances and progressive nation that stands for moral, scientific and educational leadership as opposed to backward , superstitious, misogynist bullshit like the Taliban and Isis promote.

Who cares if we are the leaders of the free world ?

I certainly don't.
This make absolutely NO sense to me!. The Bishops think-hell they know- that they can manipulate Trump-who has no core convictions, no real values into doing their bidding.

Weren't you one of the lefties who just last week were pushing the talking point of asking how Christians could support Trump who is not very Christian?

And now, here you are putting forth the idea that Trump is too responsive to Christian interest groups, such as Human Life International.

Does that seem odd to you at all?
This make absolutely NO sense to me!. The Bishops think-hell they know- that they can manipulate Trump-who has no core convictions, no real values into doing their bidding.

In addition, this who thing about opposing contraception while also opposing abortion is stupid and hypocritical. These people cant have it both ways. Population in some parts of the world is out of control. The earth cannot feed too many more people, especially in view of climate change, which of course they -and Trump-deny. . Do the Bishops have a plan to fight poverty, hunger, water shortages? The answer is no. Their answer is to just have sex and we all know how effective that will be.

These jackass can't seem to understand that- even if life begins at conception-most forms of birth control PREVENT CONCEPTION.

Human Life International Is Working With Bishops To Get Contraception Included In Trump’s Global Gag Rule

Human Life International Is Working With Bishops To Get Contraception Included In Trump’s Global Gag Rule | Right Wing Watch

In a small conference room at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington yesterday, Human Life International president Father Shenan J. Boquet said he is working with American bishops on a letter to President Trump in hopes that the Trump administration will expand the Mexico City Policy and “hopefully rid” United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funding for contraceptive programs abroad.

These people just want to keep women barefoot, pregnant and ignorant of their options and that makes me sick:

He said that he is working “with a couple of American bishops” on a letter to President Trump aimed at halting USAID’s financing of international programs that offer or provide education about contraceptive care. Since Trump was inaugurated, his administration has reinstated and expanded a “global gag rule”—also known as the Mexico City Policy—that prohibits the federal government from providing U.S. family planning aid to nongovernmental organizations that offer abortion procedures or provide information about the procedure. More recently, the administration has applied a similar policy to federal family planning funding for American groups that provide access and information to abortion procedures.
Actually the US alone could feed most of the world by itself, and we are NO WHERE near a crisis with population on earth.
This make absolutely NO sense to me!. The Bishops think-hell they know- that they can manipulate Trump-who has no core convictions, no real values into doing their bidding.

In addition, this who thing about opposing contraception while also opposing abortion is stupid and hypocritical. These people cant have it both ways. Population in some parts of the world is out of control. The earth cannot feed too many more people, especially in view of climate change, which of course they -and Trump-deny. . Do the Bishops have a plan to fight poverty, hunger, water shortages? The answer is no. Their answer is to just have sex and we all know how effective that will be.

These jackass can't seem to understand that- even if life begins at conception-most forms of birth control PREVENT CONCEPTION.

Human Life International Is Working With Bishops To Get Contraception Included In Trump’s Global Gag Rule

Human Life International Is Working With Bishops To Get Contraception Included In Trump’s Global Gag Rule | Right Wing Watch

In a small conference room at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington yesterday, Human Life International president Father Shenan J. Boquet said he is working with American bishops on a letter to President Trump in hopes that the Trump administration will expand the Mexico City Policy and “hopefully rid” United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funding for contraceptive programs abroad.

These people just want to keep women barefoot, pregnant and ignorant of their options and that makes me sick:

He said that he is working “with a couple of American bishops” on a letter to President Trump aimed at halting USAID’s financing of international programs that offer or provide education about contraceptive care. Since Trump was inaugurated, his administration has reinstated and expanded a “global gag rule”—also known as the Mexico City Policy—that prohibits the federal government from providing U.S. family planning aid to nongovernmental organizations that offer abortion procedures or provide information about the procedure. More recently, the administration has applied a similar policy to federal family planning funding for American groups that provide access and information to abortion procedures.

These people are so lazy and disingenuous. They'll 'send letters' and 'make proclamations' all day long because it doesn't cost them any money and they don't have to do any work. They'll never see the misery they cause around the world and to them if they can't see it it doesn't exist. There are no 'pro-lifers', they are only pro-birth. Once out of the womb they can't care less if the baby dies of hunger at their mother's feet. Disgusting people.
These people just want to keep women barefoot, pregnant and ignorant of their options and that makes me sick

Is it your opinion that other nations should adopt your opinion that fewer children and more recreational sex makes for a better quality of life? Children are just a blot on adult existence?
Is it your opinion that other nations should adopt your opinion that fewer children and more recreational sex makes for a better quality of life?
Actually yes. It is also my opinion that this country has no business imposing draconian theocratic moral principles on others as a condition of aide. The ban on even discussing birth control is stupid and will do more harm in the long run than the aide will do in the short term

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