Huge DNC/ Muslim brotherhood scandal ignored by MSM


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Paul Joseph Watson details the current scandal unfolding surrounding Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her IT Staffers, the Awan brothers, as the mainstream media ignores it all.

Huge DNC / Muslim Brotherhood Scandal Ignored By MSM

Are you that shocked oh of course not if you are a leftist democratic mental case, why it all goes right over their heads. Keeping the sheep locked up in their fantasy world works wonders . As Clinton said the Democrats are easy to manipulate they are that stupid.
Paul Joseph Watson details the current scandal unfolding surrounding Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her IT Staffers, the Awan brothers, as the mainstream media ignores it all.

Huge DNC / Muslim Brotherhood Scandal Ignored By MSM

Are you that shocked oh of course not if you are a leftist democratic mental case, why it all goes right over their heads. Keeping the sheep locked up in their fantasy world works wonders . As Clinton said the Democrats are easy to manipulate they are that stupid.

^ :cuckoo:
be patient----the scum will rise to the top-----this wasserman chick seems to be kinda strung out
A drunkard IT guy steals money from the government, and sends it to Pakistan where the Muslim Brotherhood has no presence.... Debbie Wasserman Schulz must be a MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD SPY!!! :eek:
A drunkard IT guy steals money from the government, and sends it to Pakistan where the Muslim Brotherhood has no presence.... Debbie Wasserman Schulz must be a MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD SPY!!! :eek:

kinda naïve to imagine that "MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD"-------(a rose by any other name is still a rose)
does not exist in Pakistan-------(reality check-----every permutation of sunni Islamic perversion exists
in Pakistan)
A drunkard IT guy steals money from the government, and sends it to Pakistan where the Muslim Brotherhood has no presence.... Debbie Wasserman Schulz must be a MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD SPY!!! :eek:

kinda naïve to imagine that "MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD"-------(a rose by any other name is still a rose)
does not exist in Pakistan-------(reality check-----every permutation of sunni Islamic perversion exists
in Pakistan)
Easier than imagining the psychotic delusions about the Muslim Brotherhood the inbred alt-righties have been suffering over
A drunkard IT guy steals money from the government, and sends it to Pakistan where the Muslim Brotherhood has no presence.... Debbie Wasserman Schulz must be a MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD SPY!!! :eek:
More like drunk on a power trip. He's an IT guy who gets escorts in Pakistan because he told them he is powerful in US Congress. He also manages to stay on DWS payroll even after he leaves and heads for Pakistan.....
Wasserman Schultz Seemingly Planned To Pay Suspect Even While He Lived In Pakistan

Add to this that Iwan threatened his step mother that he would have her family kidnapped back in Pakistan if she didn't keep quiet.

In public court documents filed in Fairfax, Va., Awan’s stepmother accused him of wiretapping and extortion. “Imran Awan did admit to me that my phone is tapped and there are devices installed in my house” and “Imran Awan threatened that he is very powerful and if I ever call the police again, [he] will … kidnap my family members back in Pakistan,” his stepmother, Samina Gilani, claimed in the documents (p. 21) filed April 14.
Read The Court Docs Detailing Greed, Ruthlessness of Democratic IT Guy
and then he did this to her..........
House Staffers In Security Probe Allegedly Kept Stepmom In ‘Captivity’ To Access Offshore Cash

Then there is this case against Iwan:
Americo vs. Abid Awan

And then there is this that was never investigated properly.......
Congress IT Probe Suspects Had Massive Debts, Years Of Suspicious Activity

and this.......
EXCLUSIVE: House Dem IT Guys In Security Probe Secretly Took $100K In Iraqi Money

and this.......
House Dem IT Staffers Owed Money To Hezbollah-Connected Fugitive

and if you wonder why people are reluctant to come forward, there is this one......
House IT Aides Fear Suspects In Hill Breach Are Blackmailing Members With Their Own Data

Suspect In House IT Security Probe Also Had Access To DNC Emails

House Hacking Suspects Could Read Every Email Dozens Of Congressmen Sent And Received
This pharse went over their heads this long ago and they still, still don't get what NWO means nor why . They don't get why Trump is being ousted at every turn and word he makes. They don't get how both sides are playing the fk out of these leftist SJW morons.

So now we have to start a war in order to distract, gain control and usher in a NEW WORLD ORDER and trust us when these dumb fk sheep realize just what they begged for isn't what they thought these same dumbasses will end up just like Hitler's gas chambers. They lead themselves to their own deaths just like today's jackasses.

"We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order. A world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this new world order. An order in which a credible United Nations can use its peace keeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the United Nations' founders." George H. W. Bush

A drunkard IT guy steals money from the government, and sends it to Pakistan where the Muslim Brotherhood has no presence.... Debbie Wasserman Schulz must be a MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD SPY!!! :eek:

kinda naïve to imagine that "MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD"-------(a rose by any other name is still a rose)
does not exist in Pakistan-------(reality check-----every permutation of sunni Islamic perversion exists
in Pakistan)
Easier than imagining the psychotic delusions about the Muslim Brotherhood the inbred alt-righties have been suffering over

I do not understand your post as a response to mine

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