How's that "Drill Baby, Drill" Workin' Out For Ya', Governor Perry?

Texas accounted for 25% of "Obama's job growth"

So now that the oil and gas people have fucked themselves and going broke, don't blame Obama when Texas accounts for a 25% increase in unemployment, OK?

Actually the Saudi's are scared shitless about the fracking going on so they are driving the cost of oil down to try and put the frackers out of business. Big business at work. Enjoy the cheap gas while you can. I sure am.
that is exactly what is happening.....they are undercutting domestic drillers and refiners....and Obama is letting them do it.

Think he would allow it with solar panels?
I thought everyone wanted Obama to leave business alone to get on with doing business.
Now we want him to step in and help them?
Isn't this just 'the free market' in action?

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