How would you feel?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
How you would you if President Obama allowed the UN to deploy Blue Helmets on U.S. soil? A scenario could be a police department in the American south is employing too much force and the courts are abusing the law such as turning misdemeanors into felonies and as a result Obama allows the UN to deploy the Blue Helmets.




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How you would you if President Obama allowed the UN to deploy Blue Helmets on U.S. soil? A scenario could be a police department in the American south is employing too much force and the courts are abusing the law such as turning misdemeanors into felonies and as a result Obama allows the UN to deploy the Blue Helmets.





I think the blue helmets should be deployed to your house so we can be sure more stupid scenarios don't escape.
Blue helmets wouldn't last long around here.

Well with a UN force with tight ROE. The UN force I had in mind wouldn't be stonewalled by bureaucracy. They would have complete authority to defend against anyone threatening them. They would also have tanks and fighter jets.



I would like to see some backwoods rural cavemen try to take on MBTs and laser guided bombs.
Blue helmets wouldn't last long around here.

Well with a UN force with tight ROE. The UN force I had in mind wouldn't be stonewalled by bureaucracy. They would have complete authority to defend against anyone threatening them. They would also have tanks and fighter jets.



I would like to see some backwoods rural cavemen try to take on MBTs and laser guided bombs.

What the fuck are you babbling about? Remember not to drink and post, that's how accidents happen.
The UN is usually only deployed where a country or region has fallen into an intractable state of anarchy with no local force capable of restoring order, the US has ample resources to restore order no matter the circumstances so what you suggest is not possible in any conceivable scenario. Now go to bed.
I so enjoy these ignorant liberals, in one hand they bitch about local cops having surplus military equipment and then they get into fantasy island.

The US is NATO you dumb fuck OP, France has to use one of our Aircraft carriers to land and take off it's planes to bomb ISIS and you do know each state has at least a squadron of it's own fighter jets .

S.C. Air National Guard - Home
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Obama should allow EU troops on U.S. soil and have these troops invade Utah!

How you would you if President Obama allowed the UN to deploy Blue Helmets on U.S. soil? A scenario could be a police department in the American south is employing too much force and the courts are abusing the law such as turning misdemeanors into felonies and as a result Obama allows the UN to deploy the Blue Helmets.





I think the blue helmets should be deployed to your house so we can be sure more stupid scenarios don't escape.

Short of killing him what exactly do you think you can do to stop that?

And why would you want the corrupt U.N. to do it?

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