How will democrats attract Republican voters?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
It seems like a lot of Democrats keep bringing up random topics. Like why would you vote for this guy because of his style of Christianity or why would you vote for this guy because he said something or she said something.

What do Democrats today think about the economy being so bad and what is their solution to our poor economy? What about the racism that many businesses practice with their racist hiring quotas ? What are the solutions to this?

There was one interesting and positive tactic recently from Joe Biden he was saying hey wait a second it’s the Republicans that want to defund the police. This was the first time in a very long time I saw Joe Biden say something that was in line with traditional Democrat values. Traditional values meaning we always stand by the police and the firefighters…. of course there is a war being waged on the police on traditional American values by so much of the left such as the squad and many parts of the mass left wing media. But that was one of the only good things I’ve seen Biden do recently.

This is a two-way street the goal of Republicans should be to attract as many Democratic voters as possible, and the goal of Democrats should be to attract as many Republican voters as possible. Therefore The point of this thread is how are Democrats going to attract Republican voters?
It seems like a lot of Democrats keep bringing up random topics. Like why would you vote for this guy because of his style of Christianity or why would you vote for this guy because he said something or she said something.

What do Democrats today think about the economy being so bad and what is their solution to our poor economy? What about the racism that many businesses practice with their racist hiring quotas ? What are the solutions to this?

There was one interesting and positive tactic recently from Joe Biden he was saying hey wait a second it’s the Republicans that want to defund the police. This was the first time in a very long time I saw Joe Biden say something that was in line with traditional Democrat values. Traditional values meaning we always stand by the police and the firefighters…. of course there is a war being waged on the police on traditional American values by so much of the left such as the squad and many parts of the mass left wing media. But that was one of the only good things I’ve seen Biden do recently.

This is a two-way street the goal of Republicans should be to attract as many Democratic voters as possible, and the goal of Democrats should be to attract as many Republican voters as possible. Therefore The point of this thread is how are Democrats going to attract Republican voters?
By acting sane and sensible.
The opposite of you.
It seems like a lot of Democrats keep bringing up random topics. Like why would you vote for this guy because of his style of Christianity or why would you vote for this guy because he said something or she said something.

What do Democrats today think about the economy being so bad and what is their solution to our poor economy? What about the racism that many businesses practice with their racist hiring quotas ? What are the solutions to this?

There was one interesting and positive tactic recently from Joe Biden he was saying hey wait a second it’s the Republicans that want to defund the police. This was the first time in a very long time I saw Joe Biden say something that was in line with traditional Democrat values. Traditional values meaning we always stand by the police and the firefighters…. of course there is a war being waged on the police on traditional American values by so much of the left such as the squad and many parts of the mass left wing media. But that was one of the only good things I’ve seen Biden do recently.

This is a two-way street the goal of Republicans should be to attract as many Democratic voters as possible, and the goal of Democrats should be to attract as many Republican voters as possible. Therefore The point of this thread is how are Democrats going to attract Republican voters?
No need to attract registered republicans. And, if anyone is inclined to still vote for Trump after witnessing his debacle in office, why would they ever convert for any reason. Besides, the independents are the ones to educate, not the dwindling republican party.
Biden's poll numbers tanking, economy is in the shitter, woke BS pissing people off...

Democrats are a cluster fck
The economy is fine. GDP growth under Biden has been better than under Trump. Unemployment is lower than under Trump.

There are 11 million job openings.

You have a funny definition of "in the shitter"!

And Biden polls higher than anyone else in the field.
The Democrats managed to attract many millions of Republican voters in 2018 and 2020 and 2022.
The real question is how will Republicans attract voters without dumping Trump?
Trump has now gone from, building a useless wall, to building “ freedom cities.” Guess that‘s a way of getting away from immigrants by using their labor to build their gated communities.
For the past several election cycles, Mitch McConnell's answer to the question of what Republicans will do if elected is, "I'm not telling you, you'll just have to elect us to find out."

Never was there a more clueless and cowardly response.

How's that been working for ya?
Was it the drag queens that attracted you?

I love you, baby!
Democrats are already running their playbook to attract Republican voters.

Help Republicans nominate unelectable candidates.

Trump, Dr Oz, Herschel Walker, Kari Lake, Doug Mastriano…..
All attracted fewer Republican votes than down ballot Republicans
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Gfy. I mean really.

Inflation killing budgets, groceries up 25%, fuel up more than that...

It's a freaking demoquack utopia. You can have it
Under Trump, there were no groceries, fuel etc. You couldn’t get shit. The country was literally closed down. At least now you can pay inflated prices while you attend Disney World.

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