How to improve the criminal courts especially in regards to the death penalty


Gold Member
Nov 15, 2009
In general I believe our court system gets it right. It makes the news when a rapist is released after xx years or an executed inmate is exonerated.

Could the system be made better? Yes. For one I'd let random governors view appeals from other states. Just another bit of randomness thrown in to make possible group think hatred of any minority or "type of person" less likely.

Other ideas???
Oh and good lord. Pay jurors better so they're less likely to want to go home quickly!
I would never serve on a jury that could result in the death penalty.

I am proud that the UK will not allow extradition of a criminal to a country that may use the death penalty in his/her case.

Abolish state sanctioned murder is my suggestion .
I would never serve on a jury that could result in the death penalty.

I am proud that the UK will not allow extradition of a criminal to a country that may use the death penalty in his/her case.

Abolish state sanctioned murder is my suggestion .

What do you do with a convict that starts murdering people in jail?
I would never serve on a jury that could result in the death penalty.

I am proud that the UK will not allow extradition of a criminal to a country that may use the death penalty in his/her case.

Abolish state sanctioned murder is my suggestion .

What do you do with a convict that starts murdering people in jail?

Assuming the death penalty is not an option, solitary confinement.
I would never serve on a jury that could result in the death penalty.

I am proud that the UK will not allow extradition of a criminal to a country that may use the death penalty in his/her case.

Abolish state sanctioned murder is my suggestion .

What do you do with a convict that starts murdering people in jail?
we use the due process of the Law as any civilized nation would.

On average over the last 10 yrs the average number of murders per yr is between 500 to 600.

We have about 65000 people in prison at present.

The UK has a population of around 60 million people
In NJ we dumped the death penalty. The court system became just too cumbersome with endless appeals eventually ending in the guy getting life anyway.
I'm just as happy with an initial life without parole sentence. Try him, convict him, then forget about him for the rest of his life as he rots away. With the death penalty, these guys got to be front page news every few years as they filed appeals and got retrials
Hold prosecutors accountable; a frequent tactics used by prosecutors is to compartmentalize information so they receive only that which would point toward the defendant's guilt. They have no desire to be presented with data which would exonerate the accused as hat would hurt their conviction ratio.
But if a prosecutor could get the same penalty as the defendant in a case where they grossly abused their position to "get a conviction" they might shy away from such unscrupulous tactics.
Hold prosecutors accountable; a frequent tactics used by prosecutors is to compartmentalize information so they receive only that which would point toward the defendant's guilt. They have no desire to be presented with data which would exonerate the accused as hat would hurt their conviction ratio.
But if a prosecutor could get the same penalty as the defendant in a case where they grossly abused their position to "get a conviction" they might shy away from such unscrupulous tactics.

Nice idea. A reminder teh court system isn't about winning or losing just getting it right.
Deffered adjudication in Texas needs to be abolished or changed from a tool that is used by sleezy lawyers and prosecutors to get scared offenders to plea out to something that truly gives defendants a second chance at life. I learned the hard way that deffered adjudication is just as bad..if not worst then regular probation. If you mess up, you still go to prison, employers still view it as a conviction since you plead guilty in order to get it, and you are subject to the same treament true convicts get by the probation office staff and authorities. I see no positive to taking deffered probation.

I took deffered adjudication in 2007 for a theft charge. I was charged because I had information that I couldnt tell the police because my life would have been in danger and I figured prison is better then death.. but anyways.. the lawyer made it seem like i was getting off easy since it wasnt a "true conviction" I lost my job..I couldn't get a job doing what I usually do because I was labeled as a theif despite the fact that I hadn't been convicted, I couldn't decent place to live because my unemployment was crap compared to what I was getting paid and land lords don't want criminals living in their apartments. I still cannot own a gun and I am forced to keep a shovel by my bed side just in case one of these crack heads try to break into my house. And the list goes on.. Had I known deffered probation would of been this bad I would of just taking regular probation and gotten off 6 months ago.

If I had actually committed the crime I might think I was given a good deal..but since i was forced into a rock and a hard place I feel like its totally unfair.. But anyways Im scheduled to go see a judge about getting off early on fed 5. I have been a good boy: no arrest, no drug use, never missed an appointment, did all my classes, completed 220 hours of community service, paid everything, and enrolled in a university (no community college for me!!) and yeah I know my grammar and spelling seems bad but thats cos im not trying to impress anyone with this posting!!

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