How to escape from Roy Moore's brand of Evangelicalism


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Good read - take it to heart Trumplings and Evangies!


All these people have one thing in common: the instinct that worship should be an act of humility, not hubris. It should be a discomfiting experience, not a doubling down on what’s easy and familiar. The battle for the soul of evangelicalism, the struggle to disentangle it from white supremacy, from misogyny — and from the instinct to defend politicians like Roy Moore — demands sound arguments grounded in evidence. But the effort must also advance at the precognitive level, in the habits and relationships of worshiping communities. Fellowship has the power to refashion angry gut feelings and instead form meek hearts and bounden duty.​

Opinion | How to Escape From Roy Moore’s Evangelicalism
I think your OP is a little unfair to a lot of the people supporting Judge Moore. I don't know that they're angry or prideful or hateful. He shares their beliefs and cultural values and they want someone speaking for them in D.C. Of course they do. They don't believe the allegations against him or they have said it's between him and God and got worked out long ago. They forgive him because judgment is the Lord's.

The political hacks here are a whole 'nother bag of beans.
Makes a lot of assumptions.

I have been defending Judge Moore because I believe in Due Process. I believe in a presumption of evidence and I've seen more than enough reasonable doubt to disbelieve the accusations.

When I was in law school I wondered how I could ever do criminal law because I thought I would have problems defending the guilty. I took a class in law and religion one year and i realized that Jesus is the greatest criminal defense attorney there is. He advocates for sinners. Some of us incredibly vile ones. And i came to the conclusion that if Jesus will then if I want to be Christ like I can too.

I've defended worse than Moore. Probably will again. Because I want to be like Jesus

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