How a drug dealer from Arkansas got to be president of the United States.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Why was there a virtually 100 % media blackout on the criminal history of governor Bill Clinton when he ran for president in 1992 ? Because he was placed in power by the globalists shrouding over our government...this shadow government that now owns and controls 90% of our media, Wall Street and Congress, was largely put in place before Clinton made it to the White House, and they were the ones who pulled his strings while he was there--and got him elected to a second term in 1996 so he could sign their Telecommunications Act of 1996 and later repeal Glass-Steagall so they would deregulate Wall Street. Fast-forward through 16 years of Bush and Obama and here we are still in a recession bubble ( propped up by the Fed printing trillions of dollars out of thin air ), a trillion dollar deficit and $22 trillion National Debt . The MSM is still covering for the Clinton's obviously, with the exception of Fox News, but I sense a paradigm shift happening especially online where people are tired of the lies and independently seeking the truth on their own fueled by an increasing distrust in the media.

So what did Bill Clinton do, when he came to power in the White House? Just like the drug trading president before him, Freemason-Brother George Bush, he started a war against drugs(!). The interesting part is, though, that when different people have started talking about Clinton's affairs, they have suddenly and mysteriously died.

One of them was Barry Seal, the drug smuggler. He was killed in February 1987. By that time, several murders were committed in Arkansas. Two young boys were out walking late one night in the surroundings of Mena Airport. They were found dead on a railroad track. The examining doctor, sent by Clinton, said it was an accident. But their parents didn't agree. Later it was found that the boys had been stabbed and got their heads crushed.

Six other persons, who had talked to the police regarding the murder of the boys, were killed themselves! Some of them had said to their families they had to leave town urgently, as they knew too much about the murders, but they were all traced and shot to death. All this happened while Clinton was the governor of Arkansas and used Mena Airport for drug smuggling.

To make research on, or accuse Clinton has too often showed to be a lethal business. Danny Casoloro, who investigated Clinton's involvement in stock frauds, was found dead in West Virginia. A lawyer from Washington, Paul Wilcher, who had made an appointment with Casoloro's former attorney, was found dead in his apartment. Prosecutor Charles Black wanted more money from governor Clinton to be able to continue the investigations regarding drug smuggling on Mena Airport. He got no money, but Black's mother was killed. The director for Clinton's Finance-campaign Committee, Ed Willke, was shot with a nail-gun. John Wilson, politician in Washington, threatened to reveal Clinton's dirty business. He was found swinging from a rope in 1993. Kathy Furguson, police in Arkansas and Clinton's bodyguard, said that Clinton was promiscuous. She was found dead with a gun in her hand. Her husband Danny denies all sex-scandals related to Clinton. He is still alive. Jon Parnel Walker, one of the investigators in the Whitewater affair, "fell" from a balcony in Virginia. C. Victor Raider II had an argument with Clinton. Raider and his son Montgomery died when their sport plane crashed. Mr. Friday, member of Raider's committee, and a known skilled pilot, died when his plane exploded. Dentist Ronald Rogers was about to meet a journalist and give information regarding Clinton when his plane crashed in clear weather. Luther Parks had gathered information regarding Clinton's sex habits. Clinton owed him $81.000 for security during his election campaign.

He threatened Clinton to go public if he didn't get the money back. He was shot September 26th 1993.His son Gary said he had all the evidence at home and proof of Bill and Roger Clinton's drug abuse. The information was stolen shortly thereafter. Vincent Foster was a good friend of Clinton since childhood. His "suicide" occurred during the Whitewater investigation. The "suicide" couldn't have been such. He still had the gun in his hand when found, which is impossible after the reaction from the bullet. Also, he held the gun in his right hand, though he was left-handed! At the same time employees at "Rose Law Firm" started to destroy documents. In Arkansas there is a law saying that autopsy is not necessary if the deceased through a court-order can be classified to have committed suicide. This law was written by Bill Clinton. Almost every death around his person has been classified as suicide...

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It's funny, you can tell when the tRumpkins are having a bad week by how hard they are trying to distract themselves.
Why was there a virtually 100 % media blackout on the criminal history of governor Bill Clinton when he ran for president in 1992 ? Because he was placed in power by the globalists shrouding over our government...this shadow government that now owns and controls 90% of our media, Wall Street and Congress, was largely put in place before Clinton made it to the White House, and they were the ones who pulled his strings while he was there--and got him elected to a second term in 1996. Fast-forward through 16 years of Bush and Obama and here we are still in a recession bubble ( propped up by the Fed printing trillions of dollars out of thin air ), a trillion dollar deficit and $22 trillion National Debt . The MSM is still covering for the Clinton's obviously, with the exception of Fox News, but I sense a paradigm shift happening especially online where people are tired of the lies and independently seeking the truth on their own fueled by an increasing distrust in the media.

So what did Bill Clinton do, when he came to power in the White House? Just like the drug trading president before him, Freemason-Brother George Bush, he started a war against drugs(!). The interesting part is, though, that when different people have started talking about Clinton's affairs, they have suddenly and mysteriously died.

One of them was Barry Seale, the drug smuggler. He was killed in February 1987. By that time, several murders were committed in Arkansas. Two young boys were out walking late one night in the surroundings of Mena Airport. They were found dead on a railroad track. The examining doctor, sent by Clinton, said it was an accident. But their parents didn't agree. Later it was found that the boys had been stabbed and got their heads crushed.

Six other persons, who had talked to the police regarding the murder of the boys, were killed themselves! Some of them had said to their families they had to leave town urgently, as they knew too much about the murders, but they were all traced and shot to death. All this happened while Clinton was the governor of Arkansas and used Mena Airport for drug smuggling.

To make research on, or accuse Clinton has too often showed to be a lethal business. Danny Casoloro, who investigated Clinton's involvement in stock frauds, was found dead in West Virginia. A lawyer from Washington, Paul Wilcher, who had made an appointment with Casoloro's former attorney, was found dead in his apartment. Prosecutor Charles Black wanted more money from governor Clinton to be able to continue the investigations regarding drug smuggling on Mena Airport. He got no money, but Black's mother was killed. The director for Clinton's Finance-campaign Committee, Ed Willke, was shot with a nail-gun. John Wilson, politician in Washington, threatened to reveal Clinton's dirty business. He was found swinging from a rope in 1993. Kathy Furguson, police in Arkansas and Clinton's bodyguard, said that Clinton was promiscuous. She was found dead with a gun in her hand. Her husband Danny denies all sex-scandals related to Clinton. He is still alive. Jon Parnel Walker, one of the investigators in the Whitewater affair, "fell" from a balcony in Virginia. C. Victor Raider II had an argument with Clinton. Raider and his son Montgomery died when their sport plane crashed. Mr. Friday, member of Raider's committee, and a known skilled pilot, died when his plane exploded. Dentist Ronald Rogers was about to meet a journalist and give information regarding Clinton when his plane crashed in clear weather. Luther Parks had gathered information regarding Clinton's sex habits. Clinton owed him $81.000 for security during his election campaign.

He threatened Clinton to go public if he didn't get the money back. He was shot September 26th 1993.His son Gary said he had all the evidence at home and proof of Bill and Roger Clinton's drug abuse. The information was stolen shortly thereafter. Vincent Foster was a good friend of Clinton since childhood. His "suicide" occurred during the Whitewater investigation. The "suicide" couldn't have been such. He still had the gun in his hand when found, which is impossible after the reaction from the bullet. Also, he held the gun in his right hand, though he was left-handed! At the same time employees at "Rose Law Firm" started to destroy documents. In Arkansas there is a law saying that autopsy is not necessary if the deceased through a court-order can be classified to have committed suicide. This law was written by Bill Clinton. Almost every death around his person has been classified as suicide...

One would think that you could get the Barry Seal name spelled correctly and find out that he was killed by a drug cartel.

Or that Danny Casoloro had nothing to due with Clinton. Paul Wilcher thought the FBI was into mind control and killing people as Waco proved.....

Stupidity runs deep in this one.
The conspiracy board is the USMB equivalent to a media blackout, so that's
why I posted this here. In real life this story should've been in the headlines decades ago.
Then we wouldn't have NAFTA, or 6 companies that own the media or a deregulated financial system gone haywire, we wouldn't have gotten George w Bush in 2000 and the world would be on the right track to a great future. Now, we're fucked. Thanks Slick Willy and the Hillbillies.

We're at a a point where millions of Americans think Donald Trump is gonna save us.
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil... the 3 monkeys at Poppy's memorial.


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Well, a drug dealer from Hawaii also got to be president. Both Democrats. Democrats are the party of drug dealers.
Not even Fox will touch it - must be some deep shit.

And how, pray tell, would Clinton have 'killed' Epstein?

Remember, Epstein was in federal custody of the Executive Branch of the United States Government, headed by Trump himself when he died.

Bill Clinton was just a private citizen.

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