How To End The Heroin Epidemic


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
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To end the heroin epidemic we first have to understand the politics behind it. Before states began legalizing marijuana, Mexico and other Central American countries made a BUNDLE off of it. I've heard estimates that it was around 1/4 of Mexico's economy, running pot to the US across the border. Then when states started making it legal, quasi-legal, what have you, the market dropped out for poor Mexico. So, adept and agile as Mexicans are, their "government" (read: white-collar cartel) simply shifted to a more addictive drug, still black market, they could also grow easily: opium poppies. All through Central America I'd imagine. But Mexico supervises the border and nothing gets through unless the I mean the Mexican government says so.

I'd bet you anything that if our boys behind the scenes cut a deal with the Mexicans, agreeing to return pot back to the controlled substance list nationwide, if the Mexicans agreed to clamp down on heroin "or else pot will be legal again in the US", the heroin would STOP crossing the border in a nanosecond.

Of course, now that the genie is out of the bottle and tons of Americans are hooked on heroin, their cartels may be comfortable with the new arrangement. Unless the US could figure out a way to cripple their poppy crops?

Dunno. It's bad though. Was inspired by this horrible story: 7 year old told her bus driver she can't wake her parents up

You cannot stop drug addicts. These people's fate is the predictable outcome!
Not to worry.
President Trump WILL 100% guaranteed bring the Israeli engineers who designed the WALL providing 100% protection against the Palestinians to the US.
The same type of WALL will be constructed using seized Mexican drug cartel money.
The WALL along with extreme border security will virtually stop the flow of illegal drugs from entering the US.
^^ dannyboys...when you get a minute, go visit the 1,000s of miles the Wall would cover and notice the terrain. Get a contractor to come out and quote you a price to build 10' of it as high and thick (and deep, Mexicans love to dig tunnels) it would have to be. Then multiply that figure by a mile. A mile is 5280 feet. So 1 mile would be 528 times more expensive than the price your contractor quoted you. Then multiply THAT figure by say 1,500. That's just the beginning. Then the manpower needed to patrol this vastly expensive wall, around the clock, forever, would likely quadruple that YUGE figure for just the cost. Then there's the constant maintenance of the wall; which from the damage the Mexicans would do to it on a daily basis, just for fun if not to breach it, would be that manpower figure again.

You cannot stop drug addicts. These people's fate is the predictable outcome!
Yes, but you could stop the flow of easy heroin into the country. An addict would be much better off smoking pot than not waking up at all for his 7 year old to find him dead in the morning after shooting up.
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Throw drug users, dealers, and manufacturers into prison, for a long, long time. Enforce border security, and bomb the fuck out of cartels in Mexico.
Until people get to the point where they can face life without being high, drug addiction will be a problem. There is no difference between the heroin user with a needle in his or her arm and a bong in someone's mouth. It's a matter of degree. None of them want to live. Life is too hard. They can't face it.

This woman had five children. The man had four children of his own and a biracial kid, probably as the price of more heroin from a black dealer. None of these children were worth getting up in the morning for. The mentality of potheads is exactly the same.
^^ Yes, it IS a matter of degree. Which is why the pot smokers have time to get help and the heroin users have much less time.

Throw drug users, dealers, and manufacturers into prison, for a long, long time. Enforce border security, and bomb the fuck out of cartels in Mexico.
Impossible and wouldn't work. It's a mushroom phenomenon where when there's money, a new body will fill the old hole you just made precisely one instant after you think you have the problem solved. It's why our approach to the terrorists is also so stupid. Whack a mole isn't going to solve the Mexican economy needing 1/4th of its revenue back. It will have that revenue no matter what we do. We should then acknowledge reality and at least tool it so that our people aren't having their kids finding them dead in bed from heroin overdose. Better to find their parents covered in twinkie crumbs late for work and a little red eyed than dead; wouldn't you say?

They will have their black market. It's up to us to negotiate which one would serve the US better.
I live in Oregon, and I can tell you, if you think legalization is the answer you're sadly mistaken. There is absolutely no doubt that legalizing pot has increased use. You absolutely cannot walk through any neighborhood without the stink of pot in the air. It is shocking, plants are in a huge percentage of backyards.
I live in Oregon, and I can tell you, if you think legalization is the answer you're sadly mistaken. There is absolutely no doubt that legalizing pot has increased use. You absolutely cannot walk through any neighborhood without the stink of pot in the air. It is shocking, plants are in a huge percentage of backyards.
READ THE OP. I think the opposite of that. Please folks, read the entire OP of any thread you go to reply in!

But you bring up a good point in your mistake. Yes, putting pot back on the federal "no" list would

1. Give the Mexicans their black market economy back using pot instead of heroin. and

2. Make pot way less available to the US.
In Colorado the roads are all paved, schools have record funding, construction on infrastructure is booming, and Mexican drug cartels have lost an estimated $1 billion per year. That and statistics show a decrease in use by the youth since legalization and about the same usage by adults. Great news all around. :thup:
Liberal solution

1. Give addicts free narcan and clean needles.
2. Make illicit drugs legal.
3. Increase voting population of stoned and drugged out citizens.
4. Continue unrestricted passage across Mexican border.
5. Refuse to articulate the terms "addict", "illegal drugs", or "illegal aliens" in public.

Rinse, wash, repeat.
^^ dannyboys...when you get a minute, go visit the 1,000s of miles the Wall would cover and notice the terrain. Get a contractor to come out and quote you a price to build 10' of it as high and thick (and deep, Mexicans love to dig tunnels) it would have to be. Then multiply that figure by a mile. A mile is 5280 feet. So 1 mile would be 528 times more expensive than the price your contractor quoted you. Then multiply THAT figure by say 1,500. That's just the beginning. Then the manpower needed to patrol this vastly expensive wall, around the clock, forever, would likely quadruple that YUGE figure for just the cost. Then there's the constant maintenance of the wall; which from the damage the Mexicans would do to it on a daily basis, just for fun if not to breach it, would be that manpower figure again.

You cannot stop drug addicts. These people's fate is the predictable outcome!
Yes, but you could stop the flow of easy heroin into the country. An addict would be much better off smoking pot than not waking up at all for his 7 year old to find him dead in the morning after shooting up.

The heroin addict started on pot, but it didn't have enough kick to it.
^^ dannyboys...when you get a minute, go visit the 1,000s of miles the Wall would cover and notice the terrain. Get a contractor to come out and quote you a price to build 10' of it as high and thick (and deep, Mexicans love to dig tunnels) it would have to be. Then multiply that figure by a mile. A mile is 5280 feet. So 1 mile would be 528 times more expensive than the price your contractor quoted you. Then multiply THAT figure by say 1,500. That's just the beginning. Then the manpower needed to patrol this vastly expensive wall, around the clock, forever, would likely quadruple that YUGE figure for just the cost. Then there's the constant maintenance of the wall; which from the damage the Mexicans would do to it on a daily basis, just for fun if not to breach it, would be that manpower figure again.

You cannot stop drug addicts. These people's fate is the predictable outcome!
Yes, but you could stop the flow of easy heroin into the country. An addict would be much better off smoking pot than not waking up at all for his 7 year old to find him dead in the morning after shooting up.
Jobs jobs jobs. Every time we find a tunnel we will just drop a bunker buster into it!
The heroin problem in this country is not because of marijuana or Mexico...or Colombia, or any other producer in Central America. It's based out of our very own U.S. pharmaceutical industry. Rolling your eyes? Think again.

Twenty or so years ago Big Pharma came out with a "safe and non-addictive" pain killer for post-surgery patients and patients with chronic pain. It was called oxycodone, in case all you Rush Limbaugh fans have forgotten.

Big Pharma reps ASSURED the doctors in this country that it was not addictive, so docs started prescribing it for all kinds of pain problems. Then Big Pharma made an announcement: Guess what, docs? IT IS addictive! (How A Big Drug Company Inadvertently Got Americans Hooked On Heroin | Huffington Post) So physicians started cutting back on prescribing and cutting off their patients. But too late. So our neighbors to the south started filling in that gap:

"""The heroin scourge has been driven largely by a law-enforcement crackdown on illicit use of prescription painkillers such as oxycodone and drug-company reformulations that make the pills harder to crush and snort, drug officials say. That has pushed those who were addicted to the pills to turn to heroin, which is cheaper and more plentiful. "Basically, you have a generation of ready-made heroin addicts," said Matthew Barnes,special agent in charge of the DEA's Seattle division.""" Heroin Makes a Comeback
Adult use in Colorado has increased, and as pot becomes mainstream, use will eventually increase all around.
Adult use in Colorado has increased, and as pot becomes mainstream, use will eventually increase all around.

As it should. The government ban on marijuana was initiated by the Department of Prohibition, which had nothing to do after alcohol was made legal again. I personally know of many people in their 50s and 60s who have smoked a lot of weed over the years, meaning since they were in their 20s, and none of them have become raging, brain-damaged lunatics. Personally, it's not for me or else I would have to move to CO.
^^ dannyboys...when you get a minute, go visit the 1,000s of miles the Wall would cover and notice the terrain. Get a contractor to come out and quote you a price to build 10' of it as high and thick (and deep, Mexicans love to dig tunnels) it would have to be. Then multiply that figure by a mile. A mile is 5280 feet. So 1 mile would be 528 times more expensive than the price your contractor quoted you. Then multiply THAT figure by say 1,500. That's just the beginning. Then the manpower needed to patrol this vastly expensive wall, around the clock, forever, would likely quadruple that YUGE figure for just the cost. Then there's the constant maintenance of the wall; which from the damage the Mexicans would do to it on a daily basis, just for fun if not to breach it, would be that manpower figure again.

You cannot stop drug addicts. These people's fate is the predictable outcome!
Yes, but you could stop the flow of easy heroin into the country. An addict would be much better off smoking pot than not waking up at all for his 7 year old to find him dead in the morning after shooting up.

The heroin addict started on pot, but it didn't have enough kick to it.
The pot addict started on cigarettes and alcohol. So when will you support criminalizing them?

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