How to Deal with Ultra-Left Academia

My you are in such a testy mood today knowing you have been proven wrong on so many diffenerent topics

You try to duck and hide from your liberalism when you are proved wrong

I damn near pity you

you have never proven me wrong about anything have only insulted my faith and my service to my country while having not served yourself. And you run away from your own mistakes all the time. again... why did you post this link?

it shows a constant rate of American casualties from Janaury right through into April.... the fact that the deaths in Baghdad may be down slightly is more than counterbalanced by increases in other areas... which proves what many of us have been saying all along..the surge was too little too late and the handful of extra troops in baghdad will only cause the insurgency to move somewhere else for a while.... the deaths are still there...DoD is clear: the rates of American casualties in Iraq are steady NOT down by 60% as you suggested...and the website that YOU posted proves that.
you have never proven me wrong about anything have only insulted my faith and my service to my country while having not served yourself. And you run away from your own mistakes all the time. again... why did you post this link?

it shows a constant rate of American casualties from Janaury right through into April.... the fact that the deaths in Baghdad may be down slightly is more than counterbalanced by increases in other areas... which proves what many of us have been saying all along..the surge was too little too late and the handful of extra troops in baghdad will only cause the insurgency to move somewhere else for a while.... the deaths are still there...DoD is clear: the rates of American casualties in Iraq are steady NOT down by 60% as you suggested...and the website that YOU posted proves that.

I do question the patriotism of libs like you who do nothing but smear, undermine, and support Dems who want deafet in Iraq

I have posted several links that show the surge is working, but since you and your party have based your political future on failure in Iarq - you do not want to know the good news

Military and Secuity 3/14/2007 11:30:00 AM

KUN0014 4 GEN 0266 KUWAIT /KUNA-QVN0 MIL-IRAQ-US SOLDIERS Baghdad security crackdown seriously curbs killings of US soldiers BAGHDAD, March 14 (KUNA) -- The rate of killings of US troops in Iraq has been on the decline, down by 60 percent, since the launch of the new security measures in Baghdad, according to statistics revealed by the Multi-National Force -Iraq Combined Press Information Centre. Only 17 members of the US military in Iraq have been killed since February 14 till March 13, compared to 42 from January 13 to February 13; the rate was on the decline during the first month of the security crackdown, compared to a month before. Two of the 17 soldiers died at US Baghdad camps of non-combat causes. The remarkable decrease in killings among the US troops came at a time when more of these troops were deployed in the Iraqi capital, especially in districts previously regarded as extremely hazardous for them such as Al-Sadr City, Al-Azamiyah, and Al-Doura. Meanwhile, US attacks on insurgent strongholds north of Baghdad curbed attacks against helicopters. Before the new security plan, many such craft were downed leaving 20 soldiers dead. The US army in Iraq had earlier said that sectarian fighting and violence in Baghdad had dropped sharply, by about 80 percent, since the launch of the plan. The statistics excluded US troops killed in other governorates such as Al-Anbar, Diyala, and Salahiddin. As to the latest human losses, the US army announced Wednesday that two American soldiers had been killed, one in southern Baghdad and the other northeast of the capital.(end) ahh.msa KUNA 141130 Mar 07NNNN
I have never smeared the troops and I want victory in Iraq as much as anyone.

I understand that you have posted news stories that talk about a decrease in violence in baghdad and that the "surge" therefore is "working"... I pointed out, and you keep running away from the FACT that the death rate among Americans has NOT decreased in Iraq one iota.... even the website you posted a link to proves THAT out. When we put more troops into baghdad...surprise surprise.... the insurgents take their fight to other less protected areas of Iraq....because, as I predicted, the "surge" was too little and too late and we do not have enough troops available to keep order everywhere and the insurgency is agile enough to simply move to where we do NOT have a predominance of power and continue their fight there.... the FACT remains...the very website YOU linked us to shows that Americans are dying at the same rate before and after the surge and we have NOT experienced a 69% decrease regardless of optimistic highly spun press releases to the contrary.
I have never smeared the troops and I want victory in Iraq as much as anyone.

I understand that you have posted news stories that talk about a decrease in violence in baghdad and that the "surge" therefore is "working"... I pointed out, and you keep running away from the FACT that the death rate among Americans has NOT decreased in Iraq one iota.... even the website you posted a link to proves THAT out. When we put more troops into baghdad...surprise surprise.... the insurgents take their fight to other less protected areas of Iraq....because, as I predicted, the "surge" was too little and too late and we do not have enough troops available to keep order everywhere and the insurgency is agile enough to simply move to where we do NOT have a predominance of power and continue their fight there.... the FACT remains...the very website YOU linked us to shows that Americans are dying at the same rate before and after the surge and we have NOT experienced a 69% decrease regardless of optimistic highly spun press releases to the contrary.

The left wants and needs a loss in Iraq for their political future. The terrorists are watching the Dems roll over and could not be happier.

The last things Dems want is any good news from Iraq - your blind loyality to trhe surrender monkies proves that point

What do you do for relaxation? Watch home moveis of Pearl Harbor with a laugh track?
The left wants and needs a loss in Iraq for their political future. The terrorists are watching the Dems roll over and could not be happier.

The last things Dems want is any good news from Iraq - your blind loyality to trhe surrender monkies proves that point

What do you do for relaxation? Watch home moveis of Pearl Harbor with a laugh track?

that is a lie... the left would LOVE for America to win in Iraq just as much as the right would. We are going to win the white house back because your guys have been inept, incompetent and corrupt in everything they have touched. We don't need a failure in Iraq... it already is a quagmire of your making... WE will be the white knights who pull victory from the jaws of defeat that your party's abysmal foreign policy has gotten us into. It is YOU who seeks to minimize the number of our casualties and make light of their sacrifice for political gain. How do you sleep at night?
that is a lie... the left would LOVE for America to win in Iraq just as much as the right would. We are going to win the white house back because your guys have been inept, incompetent and corrupt in everything they have touched. We don't need a failure in Iraq... it already is a quagmire of your making... WE will be the white knights who pull victory from the jaws of defeat that your party's abysmal foreign policy has gotten us into. It is YOU who seeks to minimize the number of our casualties and make light of their sacrifice for political gain. How do you sleep at night?

So how does the "Surrender At All Costs" bill make America safer?

Now Dems want to delete the word "terror" from the Global War on Terror. I guess libs do not want to offend the terrorists
So how does the "Surrender At All Costs" bill make America safer?

YOur cute misnaming of our initiative aside, it will make America safer by freeing up DoD assets to actually fight the war against islamic extremists instead of having them tied up in the middle of a civil war in Iraq that does not do anything to deal with our real enemies.
YOur cute misnaming of our initiative aside, it will make America safer by freeing up DoD assets to actually fight the war against islamic extremists instead of having them tied up in the middle of a civil war in Iraq that does not do anything to deal with our real enemies.

So handing the terrorists an entire country, with huge oil revenues, with influence from little Adolf in Iran will make the US safer?
So handing the terrorists an entire country, with huge oil revenues, with influence from little Adolf in Iran will make the US safer?

No one said we would hand terrorists Iraq. Do you honestly think that the "handful of deadenders" are going to take Iraq away from Iraqis?

Do you honestly think that the shiite majority in Iraq - finally freed from Saddam's iron fisted regime and now in power - are going to let a handful of terrorists from outside Iraq take their country over?

and you need to realize that Iran is more powerful today because of our invasion of Iraq.... with Saddam gone, Iran has been free to expand their influence in the region in ways that would have been impossible with Saddam sitting next door.

If Iran is now a bigger problem...we have created that.
No one said we would hand terrorists Iraq. Do you honestly think that the "handful of deadenders" are going to take Iraq away from Iraqis?

Do you honestly think that the shiite majority in Iraq - finally freed from Saddam's iron fisted regime and now in power - are going to let a handful of terrorists from outside Iraq take their country over?

and you need to realize that Iran is more powerful today because of our invasion of Iraq.... with Saddam gone, Iran has been free to expand their influence in the region in ways that would have been impossible with Saddam sitting next door.

If Iran is now a bigger problem...we have created that.

So now it is Bush's fault little Adolf is pulling the strings and providing weapons to kill our troops?

With Pelosi on her "Coddle A Dictator Tour" I see the Dems are going down the path of Neville Chamberlain
So now it is Bush's fault little Adolf is pulling the strings and providing weapons to kill our troops?

With Pelosi on her "Coddle A Dictator Tour" I see the Dems are going down the path of Neville Chamberlain

it is Bush's fault that Iran has gained credibility and influence in the wake of our invasion of Iraq. Saddam kept Iran in check.... Iran would never have been able to pull off the Hezbollah support it did last summer if Saddam had been in power.
it is Bush's fault that Iran has gained credibility and influence in the wake of our invasion of Iraq. Saddam kept Iran in check.... Iran would never have been able to pull off the Hezbollah support it did last summer if Saddam had been in power.

So know the kook left says Saddam was a peace maker!

not at all...Saddam was a meanass prick...but he kept Iran from spreading their wings and exerting their influence throughout the region. Don't you wish Bush could do that?

Is that why ABC reported on the opposition groups last night and how, with advice from the US, is trying to take down the government?

Yes, the liberal media is always ready to help the enemies of the US if it hampers Pres Bush and our intel agencies
Is that why ABC reported on the opposition groups last night and how, with advice from the US, is trying to take down the government?

Yes, the liberal media is always ready to help the enemies of the US if it hampers Pres Bush and our intel agencies

that is nothing new.... we have been working with Iranian opposition groups for years.... Bush hasn't had much success, and Iran does have more influence in the region now that Saddam is gone.
that is nothing new.... we have been working with Iranian opposition groups for years.... Bush hasn't had much success, and Iran does have more influence in the region now that Saddam is gone.

So you have no problem with the liberl media keeping the opposition up to date with what we are doing?

Then you wonder why your patriotism is questioned. Of course one cannot question something that does not exist
So you have no problem with the liberl media keeping the opposition up to date with what we are doing?

Then you wonder why your patriotism is questioned. Of course one cannot question something that does not exist

I must admit that that poorly constructed and even more poorly spelled "sentence" is unintelligible.

I have no problem with the media reporting the news. Bush's inability to have any success with Iranian opposition groups has nothing to do with news media and everything to do with the fact that his invasion of Iraq has been like a shot of steroids for the regional influence of Iran...

My patriotism is based upon my love of country... when my country is headed in the wrong direction, I will stand up and try my damnedest to get her to change course.

Your "patriotism" is based on three things: 1. your love of party. 2. your love of George Bush 3. your pathetic ignorance. For you, anything the republican party or George Bush does is, by definition, just ducky, because you really are too fucking stupid to think for yourself.
I must admit that that poorly constructed and even more poorly spelled "sentence" is unintelligible.

I have no problem with the media reporting the news. Bush's inability to have any success with Iranian opposition groups has nothing to do with news media and everything to do with the fact that his invasion of Iraq has been like a shot of steroids for the regional influence of Iran...

My patriotism is based upon my love of country... when my country is headed in the wrong direction, I will stand up and try my damnedest to get her to change course.

Your "patriotism" is based on three things: 1. your love of party. 2. your love of George Bush 3. your pathetic ignorance. For you, anything the republican party or George Bush does is, by definition, just ducky, because you really are too fucking stupid to think for yourself.

You have shown over and over you have put your party ahead of your country. To you, America should be a haven of liberalsim, where misery is spread around equally, where you would live in a fantasyland of utopia, and where government is the solution to any and all problems.

Your contempt and sheer arrogrance oozes into every post and you are the one has allowed his hate and rage to cloud any judement and common sense you ever had (if you ever had any to begin with)
You have shown over and over you have put your party ahead of your country. To you, America should be a haven of liberalsim, where misery is spread around equally, where you would live in a fantasyland of utopia, and where government is the solution to any and all problems.

Your contempt and sheer arrogrance oozes into every post and you are the one has allowed his hate and rage to cloud any judement and common sense you ever had (if you ever had any to begin with)

nice tapdance.

I served my country for a quarter of a century. And YOUR service was????

I have served my country in harm's way... and your service was?????

I believe in progressive liberalism..and I realize that you are still licking your wounds from the last century which your side lost hands down, and I realize you love to mischaracterize liberals as utopians or socialists, but the fact remains: the list of our accomplishments over the last century is very long...just about as long as YOUR list of defeats.

women's suffrage
child labor laws
workplace safety
union protection
social security
minimum wage
environmental protection
civil rights

it must suck to be a conservative in America and KNOW that you never really WIN anything, you, at best, just delay losing.

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