How the US disaster in giving Afghanistan to the Taliban happened


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
America has established a pattern of running away.

Not something a great nation does.

Trump's actions are particuarly disturbing.

I think he me made a big mistake; not as big as Bidens but still a big mistake. Enough of one to keep him off the ticket next time.

Trump's deal was to leave if a peace deal was reached between the Taliban and the Northern Alliance. No deal was reached. Biden was in no way obligated to leave. He did it on his own and on his own terms.
By the spring of 2020 a deal had been worked out. Trump said it was “time to bring our people back home” after the US signed a deal with the Taliban aimed at bringing peace to Afghanistan, the BBC reported. Five thousand US troops would leave by May 2020, and within 14 months all the Americans and NATO-member troops would be gone. The Taliban was supposed to stop attacks.
By the spring of 2020 a deal had been worked out. Trump said it was “time to bring our people back home” after the US signed a deal with the Taliban aimed at bringing peace to Afghanistan, the BBC reported. Five thousand US troops would leave by May 2020, and within 14 months all the Americans and NATO-member troops would be gone. The Taliban was supposed to stop attacks.
It looks like the best liars lost. The Taliban are no different than the Christian extremists in this country.

So far, the enforcement of our laws have prevented these religious nuts from running amok. But, given the opportunity and the weaponry, America's Christian Taliban would resort to violence in the name of their god(s), regardless of any promises made by their leaders..

It looks like the best liars lost. The Taliban are no different than the Christian extremists in this country.

So far, the enforcement of our laws have prevented these religious nuts from running amok. But, given the opportunity and the weaponry, America's Christian Taliban would resort to violence in the name of their god(s), regardless of any promises made by their leaders..

Not enough morals to go around on the right-wing for any "gospel Truth"?
The Taliban (not Trump) has Joe on the political gallows! Joe and his ex-spurts put him there!!
lol. Nobody takes right-wingers seriously. Y'all just make stuff up and try to convince the rest of us y'all have nothing but the "gospel Truth" instead of only and merely, right-wing fantasy.

By the spring of 2020 a deal had been worked out. Trump said it was “time to bring our people back home” after the US signed a deal with the Taliban aimed at bringing peace to Afghanistan, the BBC reported. Five thousand US troops would leave by May 2020, and within 14 months all the Americans and NATO-member troops would be gone. The Taliban was supposed to stop attacks.
lol. Nobody takes right-wingers seriously. Y'all just make stuff up and try to convince the rest of us y'all have nothing but the "gospel Truth" instead of only and merely, right-wing fantasy.

By the spring of 2020 a deal had been worked out. Trump said it was “time to bring our people back home” after the US signed a deal with the Taliban aimed at bringing peace to Afghanistan, the BBC reported. Five thousand US troops would leave by May 2020, and within 14 months all the Americans and NATO-member troops would be gone. The Taliban was supposed to stop attacks.

And the Taliban stopped attacks.
Unfortunately Joe was installed and put an ineffective withdrawal strategy together with a 6 month leeway.
Joe closed Bagram in the middle of the night 6 months later without informing the Afghan military which leads us up to today's clusterfuck.
Joe owns this as he jerked off for 6 months after his installment then clandestinely closed Bagram.
Keep Trump outta this, TDS boi!!
America has established a pattern of running away.

Not something a great nation does.

Trump's actions are particuarly disturbing.

I think he me made a big mistake; not as big as Bidens but still a big mistake. Enough of one to keep him off the ticket next time.

Trump was the one who made the big mistake. Biden's mistake was not junking Trump's policies.
And the Taliban stopped attacks.
Unfortunately Joe was installed and put an ineffective withdrawal strategy together with a 6 month leeway.
Joe closed Bagram in the middle of the night 6 months later without informing the Afghan military which leads us up to today's clusterfuck.
Joe owns this as he jerked off for 6 months after his installment then clandestinely closed Bagram.
Keep Trump outta this, TDS boi!!
You have no "gospel Truth". Nobody takes right-wingers seriously about anything but their hypocrisy.

And the Trump administration kept to the pact, reducing U.S. troop levels from about 13,000 to 2,500, even though the Taliban continued to attack Afghan government forces and welcomed al-Qaeda terrorists into the Taliban leadership.
You have no "gospel Truth". Nobody takes right-wingers seriously about anything but their hypocrisy.

And the Trump administration kept to the pact, reducing U.S. troop levels from about 13,000 to 2,500, even though the Taliban continued to attack Afghan government forces and welcomed al-Qaeda terrorists into the Taliban leadership.

When the troop reduction occurred, 6000 NATO troops were still there AND with air support as Bagram was still open for business.
You don't know spit except how to 'cut n' paste'.
When the troop reduction occurred, 6000 NATO troops were still there AND with air support as Bagram was still open for business.
You don't know spit except how to 'cut n' paste'.
lol. All y'all have is right-wing fantasy not any "gospel Truth". Your guy bragged about making the deal and how it could not be changed. Effectively "tying Biden's hands" regarding this issue.
You have no "gospel Truth". Nobody takes right-wingers seriously about anything but their hypocrisy.

And the Trump administration kept to the pact, reducing U.S. troop levels from about 13,000 to 2,500, even though the Taliban continued to attack Afghan government forces and welcomed al-Qaeda terrorists into the Taliban leadership.
The trump Nazis, regardless of their designation-of-the-moment (e.g., right-wingers, right-wingnuts, RWNJ, neocons, or the many others used over the years) changes with the political tide.

But, common to all, and despite their belief in their own overwhelmingly superior knowledge, has been that, the trump Nazis' "knowledge" is provided 100% by GOP spin-doctors and strategists.

The so-called conservative "experts" pick and choose facts and statistics, shake them up in a jar, then, pour them out and arrange them in the order that best suits their current situation.

The current situation in Afghanistan was predicted when invading Afghanistan was first proposed. The predictions were made by all Americans that remembered the Vietnam War.

However, the Bush/Cheney administration knew going in the "Bushbots" (as the trump Nazis were known back then) had long forgotten the lessons of the Vietnam disaster.

So, with the spin-doctors' and experts' shuffling of facts and statistics, the "Bushbots" (the future trump Nazis) were convinced defeating the Taliban would be a walk in the park for the mighty U.S. Military.

The people remembering the facts of Vietnam, of course, knew better, but the Bushbots wanted revenge for the WTC attacks on 9/11/2001.

So now, in 2021, the political games begin. The congressional Republicans will claim their "plan" for Afghanistan would have lead to victory. (In reality, they had no plan whatsoever.)

The trump Nazis will blame the democrats for the entire two decade debacle. And no one on the right will recognize that no army in history has conquered Afghanistan. From Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, the Soviets' Red Army, to the United States' Military (to name a few), the Afghan defenders, and there have been many, remain undefeated.

Naturally, this lesson, like the lesson of Vietnam, will quickly be forgotten by the trump Nazis, and, most right-leaning moderates.

Since WWII, Stormin' Norman's Operation Desert Storm is the only mark the U.S. has in the "win" column. (Don't anyone be an idiot and mention Grenada.)

Roaming Charges: When the Empire of Graveyards Falls in the Graveyard of Empires -

"It took three months, thousands of airstrikes, hundreds of special ops raids and thousands of civilian casualties for the US to drive the Taliban from power in the fall of 2001.

"Twenty years later, the Taliban retook control in less than two weeks with, so far at least, a minimum of bloodshed."

After the bombing of the USS Cole in October 2000 the Taliban moved Osama and his retinue from the outskirts of Kandahar to Daronta, thirty miles from Kabul.

Bin Laden and his horde were confined to house arrest.

This was done to facilitate a cruise missile strike on Osama which probably would not have stopped the 911 attacks, but it would have removed al-Qaeda's leadership almost one year before the attack.
Trump's deal was to leave if a peace deal was reached between the Taliban and the Northern Alliance. No deal was reached. Biden was in no way obligated to leave. He did it on his own and on his own terms.
The Northern Alliance hasn't been around for many years. I was just listening to two commanders discussing that same thing.
BertramN, you seem like you have the Delta strain of TDS. :cuckoo: Trump was elected as a rejection of the Bush Dynasty. :dunno:

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