How the liberal wish list could bite Democrats

You can't just increase minimum wage. All other wages would have to go up with it, and we're having a hard enough time keeping our employers in the country as it is.
Wow, how did we ever raise minimum wage all those times? If this right wing garbage were anything near true, unemployment would be 10000% and China would be this country's only employer. Get this weak ass rhetoric out of here...
You can't just increase minimum wage. All other wages would have to go up with it, and we're having a hard enough time keeping our employers in the country as it is.
Wow, how did we ever raise minimum wage all those times? If this right wing garbage were anything near true, unemployment would be 10000% and China would be this country's only employer. Get this weak ass rhetoric out of here...

In the past we were closer to their wages, that's why.

As time went on and much thanks to unions, when our wages went up a dollar, China's went up two cents. When our wages went up another dollar, China's went up three cents.

As time progressed and we kept distancing ourselves from other producers around the world, eventually it became more profitable to have goods made elsewhere and pay for the shipping to the US. So many companies left and did just that.
A Trump-inspired resurgence on the left has even many centrist Democrats embracing an outspokenly liberal wish list as their party hopes to capture one or both chambers of Congress in November. Just don’t count on any of it happening soon.

Even symbolic votes on the growing roster of progressive expectations could create political headaches for Democrats seeking the White House in 2020. That means "Medicare for all," debt-free college and a $15 minimum wage will remain more the subject of liberal aspirations than represent a real shift in the nation's policies.

President Donald Trump is already trying to tar progressive ideas as ballot-box poison, denouncing single-payer health care as Venezuela-style “socialism” (never mind that he endorsed it in 2000) and saying Democrats who want to abolish the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency must have a “death wish.” Democrats may have trouble uniting even on repeal of Trump’s $1.5 trillion tax cut, which received not a single Democratic vote in either chamber when it passed last year. - Source

Here are ten issues the article mentions along with my opinions;

1. Single-payer health care - I support universal health care. It's time is overdue

2. $15 minimum wage - Too much, too little, too late. Such a move will force further mechanization, cause permanent lay offs, close businesses and reward people whose work even now is marginal.

3. Abolishing ICE - Stupid idea. Just because tump is abusing it is no reason to eliminate it.

4. Repealing the tax cuts - I can definitely support this.

5. Debt-free college - Yes. Not Free college but loans without all the high interest rates.

6. Net neutrality - 100% support.

7. A $1 trillion infrastructure plan - It's needed, that's for sure. Working out funding will be difficult.

8. Defense cuts - Definitely. Use the savings for infrastructure.

9. Ending “too big to fail” - Yes....and work out plans to abolish or change the laws that allowed for the "Citizens United" ruling.

10. Climate change - I favor the eventual elimination of fossil fuels to renewable/green energy.

The problem here is that the clintonian democrats will not change a damn thing.

Oh if the Dems were in control they would get rid of Citizens United, stop the deregulations of Trump, go ahead and do universal healthcare, slowly raise the min wage to 15 an hour with yearly increases with inflation, and put the breaks on ICE, their arresting everyone and anyone, strengthen the boarder, etc.

For the love of God, it's "BORDER"!
Your party is dead in the water with number one, I hope you realize. The price tag, once Americans wrap their head around it, is a killer. Once they see the horde of people trying to come into our nation from Honduras and understand we are on the hook for them too, forget about it. Single payer will never fly. It's done. Your platform is done. Even Bernie knows this.
a) Too bad I'm not a democrat...or republican. I'm Independent and have no use for either "Party Before Country" cartel.

b) Immigration wasn't even on the list. ICE is an acronym for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Immigration and immigration was NOT mentioned in the article, which you did not read.

c) Single payer? You obviously didn't read the article but thanks for your opinion.

Independent of intelligence would be what you should have said.
Oh if the Dems were in control they would get rid of Citizens United, stop the deregulations of Trump, go ahead and do universal healthcare, slowly raise the min wage to 15 an hour with yearly increases with inflation, and put the breaks on ICE, their arresting everyone and anyone, strengthen the boarder, etc.

Yes. The American people know this. This is why the Dems are not in power, and will not be any time soon.
The interesting thing about minimum wage increases is it seems the states are taking it on. Maybe no need for a federal hike.

Yes, when those state's unemployment and cost of living skyrocket, liberals will do what they are doing now and leave the state and try to implement their idiocy elsewhere. They are like locusts in that they move in, destroy everything, and then move on.
One definite thing that I agree with him about and he certainly got right, aside from confusing defense spending with military spending, is that all of that money could be put back in people's pockets and they'd be able to afford healthcare, instead of enrichng the politicians, weapons manufacturers and special interests like the oil industry and western agribusiness.

Universal Healthcare (UH) can be seen as an aside to all that. Freeing up the equivalent of a second mortgage to most homes paying for private insurance would spur our economy like no other. Lifting the burden of private insurance off of employers would free them up to hire almost twice as many people, spurring the new home buyer's market...more economic boon.

UH would also free up $billions spent on platoons of medical insurance billing staff paid and necessary as part of today's hodgepodge and war with insurance claims adjusters. Those people with a spurred economy could seek ample employment elsewhere.

The only people profiting from the current system of guaranteed ER-visit $900 for two tylenols are the tycoons at the top of the insurance industry racket. The country suffers horribly meanwhile; not to mention those hiding their illnesses and wounds for fear of bankruptcy should their high-deductables and "pre-existing condition" penalties tip the family over into immediate destitution...

The current system isn't merely sadistic, its' asinine. The numbers can't be justified. So instead you get their paid bloggers showing up to respond to posts like this one hoping to demonize any of its critics and use smokescreen to keep the gravy train in place for that handful of assholes ruining the US economy. One wonders if the ultimate decisions at the top on UH aren't being made by Chinese or Russians? I mean, it's that subversive, the current system.

"Oh my GOD!! How would we PAY for UH!!" Article I, Section 8. Tax junk food, sodas, tobacco & booze at every sale across the US, every day. Then, small co-pays at service to discourage abuse of the system while keeping it within reach for those who would otherwise hide their illness to save money for the family....making the illness worse (and more expensive) ultimately for the system.

The benefits of UH would outweigh any additional costs to maintain it by like 10-1. The overall boost to the economy would be immediately felt and in a tremendous relief. Imagine you, Joe taxpayer, getting basically the same level of healthcare your insurance claims adjusters whittle you down into anyway, only not having to pay for it at all, except small co-pays at time of visit? Imagine what you would do with all that free cash each month?

1. Driving to more events (Hello BigOil)

2. Taking more vacations (Hello struggling vacation industry)

3. Buying more gifts and durable goods (Hello sagging manufacturing)

4. Save up to buy a home and stop renting (Hello endangered housing market/banking/loans).


BigOil, BigVacation, BigManufacturing & BigRealEstate are not mamby pamby liberal outfits. They are the bedrock of the trickle-up conservative economy. Everyone wins. Yet the system remains beaten down like a rented mule.

What about the massive tax increases to pay for this system?

What about all of the workers in the insurance industry that would no longer be needed?

Libs never have answers to the touch questions. They choose the easier path through their own idiocy!
I bet in 10-15 years, we will see main stream politicians openly pushing for communism as a solution to the problems of the day.
A Trump-inspired resurgence on the left has even many centrist Democrats embracing an outspokenly liberal wish list as their party hopes to capture one or both chambers of Congress in November. Just don’t count on any of it happening soon.

Even symbolic votes on the growing roster of progressive expectations could create political headaches for Democrats seeking the White House in 2020. That means "Medicare for all," debt-free college and a $15 minimum wage will remain more the subject of liberal aspirations than represent a real shift in the nation's policies.

President Donald Trump is already trying to tar progressive ideas as ballot-box poison, denouncing single-payer health care as Venezuela-style “socialism” (never mind that he endorsed it in 2000) and saying Democrats who want to abolish the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency must have a “death wish.” Democrats may have trouble uniting even on repeal of Trump’s $1.5 trillion tax cut, which received not a single Democratic vote in either chamber when it passed last year. - Source

Here are ten issues the article mentions along with my opinions;

1. Single-payer health care - I support universal health care. It's time is overdue

2. $15 minimum wage - Too much, too little, too late. Such a move will force further mechanization, cause permanent lay offs, close businesses and reward people whose work even now is marginal.

3. Abolishing ICE - Stupid idea. Just because tump is abusing it is no reason to eliminate it.

4. Repealing the tax cuts - I can definitely support this.

5. Debt-free college - Yes. Not Free college but loans without all the high interest rates.

6. Net neutrality - 100% support.

7. A $1 trillion infrastructure plan - It's needed, that's for sure. Working out funding will be difficult.

8. Defense cuts - Definitely. Use the savings for infrastructure.

9. Ending “too big to fail” - Yes....and work out plans to abolish or change the laws that allowed for the "Citizens United" ruling.

10. Climate change - I favor the eventual elimination of fossil fuels to renewable/green energy.

The problem here is that the clintonian democrats will not change a damn thing.
It’s a workable agenda that can be sold to the public
One definite thing that I agree with him about and he certainly got right, aside from confusing defense spending with military spending, is that all of that money could be put back in people's pockets and they'd be able to afford healthcare, instead of enrichng the politicians, weapons manufacturers and special interests like the oil industry and western agribusiness.

Universal Healthcare (UH) can be seen as an aside to all that. Freeing up the equivalent of a second mortgage to most homes paying for private insurance would spur our economy like no other. Lifting the burden of private insurance off of employers would free them up to hire almost twice as many people, spurring the new home buyer's market...more economic boon.

UH would also free up $billions spent on platoons of medical insurance billing staff paid and necessary as part of today's hodgepodge and war with insurance claims adjusters. Those people with a spurred economy could seek ample employment elsewhere.

The only people profiting from the current system of guaranteed ER-visit $900 for two tylenols are the tycoons at the top of the insurance industry racket. The country suffers horribly meanwhile; not to mention those hiding their illnesses and wounds for fear of bankruptcy should their high-deductables and "pre-existing condition" penalties tip the family over into immediate destitution...

The current system isn't merely sadistic, its' asinine. The numbers can't be justified. So instead you get their paid bloggers showing up to respond to posts like this one hoping to demonize any of its critics and use smokescreen to keep the gravy train in place for that handful of assholes ruining the US economy. One wonders if the ultimate decisions at the top on UH aren't being made by Chinese or Russians? I mean, it's that subversive, the current system.

"Oh my GOD!! How would we PAY for UH!!" Article I, Section 8. Tax junk food, sodas, tobacco & booze at every sale across the US, every day. Then, small co-pays at service to discourage abuse of the system while keeping it within reach for those who would otherwise hide their illness to save money for the family....making the illness worse (and more expensive) ultimately for the system.

The benefits of UH would outweigh any additional costs to maintain it by like 10-1. The overall boost to the economy would be immediately felt and in a tremendous relief. Imagine you, Joe taxpayer, getting basically the same level of healthcare your insurance claims adjusters whittle you down into anyway, only not having to pay for it at all, except small co-pays at time of visit? Imagine what you would do with all that free cash each month?

1. Driving to more events (Hello BigOil)

2. Taking more vacations (Hello struggling vacation industry)

3. Buying more gifts and durable goods (Hello sagging manufacturing)

4. Save up to buy a home and stop renting (Hello endangered housing market/banking/loans).


BigOil, BigVacation, BigManufacturing & BigRealEstate are not mamby pamby liberal outfits. They are the bedrock of the trickle-up conservative economy. Everyone wins. Yet the system remains beaten down like a rented mule.

What about the massive tax increases to pay for this system?

What about all of the workers in the insurance industry that would no longer be needed?

Libs never have answers to the touch questions. They choose the easier path through their own idiocy! much sympathy for the insurance industry that provides no value added to healthcare

Why don’t we shed a tear for all those multimillion dollar insurance executives?
I bet in 10-15 years, we will see main stream politicians openly pushing for communism as a solution to the problems of the day.

Baby steps baby steps. First it's going to be Democrat Socialism (whatever the hell that means) then it will advance to plain old Socialism. From there, it will go to Socialist Communism. Then finally to Communism.

Now isn't that progressive? :auiqs.jpg:
What about the massive tax increases to pay for this system?
What about them? We will be spending less on healthcare, not more. Taxpayers will have more discretionary money, not less.
What about all of the workers in the insurance industry that would no longer be needed?

I guess they will have to go hang around the bar with all the horse and buggy manufacturers, and the yoke and plow manufacturers. because, you know, they are all still unemployed...
Dems need to stand for something, they can sell the voters on that list

Trump rage will only get you so far
Dems need to stand for something, they can sell the voters on that list

Trump rage will only get you so far

Sure, higher taxes, MS13 at your door (and additional support coming), free rent and a monthly income. Sounds like a winning strategy, good luck.
A Trump-inspired resurgence on the left has even many centrist Democrats embracing an outspokenly liberal wish list as their party hopes to capture one or both chambers of Congress in November. Just don’t count on any of it happening soon.

Even symbolic votes on the growing roster of progressive expectations could create political headaches for Democrats seeking the White House in 2020. That means "Medicare for all," debt-free college and a $15 minimum wage will remain more the subject of liberal aspirations than represent a real shift in the nation's policies.

President Donald Trump is already trying to tar progressive ideas as ballot-box poison, denouncing single-payer health care as Venezuela-style “socialism” (never mind that he endorsed it in 2000) and saying Democrats who want to abolish the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency must have a “death wish.” Democrats may have trouble uniting even on repeal of Trump’s $1.5 trillion tax cut, which received not a single Democratic vote in either chamber when it passed last year. - Source

Here are ten issues the article mentions along with my opinions;

1. Single-payer health care - I support universal health care. It's time is overdue

2. $15 minimum wage - Too much, too little, too late. Such a move will force further mechanization, cause permanent lay offs, close businesses and reward people whose work even now is marginal.

3. Abolishing ICE - Stupid idea. Just because tump is abusing it is no reason to eliminate it.

4. Repealing the tax cuts - I can definitely support this.

5. Debt-free college - Yes. Not Free college but loans without all the high interest rates.

6. Net neutrality - 100% support.

7. A $1 trillion infrastructure plan - It's needed, that's for sure. Working out funding will be difficult.

8. Defense cuts - Definitely. Use the savings for infrastructure.

9. Ending “too big to fail” - Yes....and work out plans to abolish or change the laws that allowed for the "Citizens United" ruling.

10. Climate change - I favor the eventual elimination of fossil fuels to renewable/green energy.

The problem here is that the clintonian democrats will not change a damn thing.
we could start with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.

They won't pay you for being unemployed in prision, but you knew that already number 5631

the right wing refuses to pay wartime tax rates for our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. they must not truly exist under our form of capitalism and the right wing doesn't mind resorting to imaginary numbers and dilemmas.
Dems need to stand for something, they can sell the voters on that list

Trump rage will only get you so far

The dems are never transparent on their wishlist, because they know Americans reject their ideas. They have to resort to calling their opponents racist, sexist, homophobic, jingoistic, islamophobic, etc..

Your ideas are raise taxes, spread the wealth, and take away freedoms.

Prove me wrong
Dems need to stand for something, they can sell the voters on that list

Trump rage will only get you so far

Sure, higher taxes, MS13 at your door (and additional support coming), free rent and a monthly income. Sounds like a winning strategy, good luck.


MS13 is gunna kill us if we vote for Dems

I’m Skeered
Dems need to stand for something, they can sell the voters on that list

Trump rage will only get you so far

The dems are never transparent on their wishlist, because they know Americans reject their ideas. They have to resort to calling their opponents racist, sexist, homophobic, jingoistic, islamophobic, etc..

Your ideas are raise taxes, spread the wealth, and take away freedoms.

Prove me wrong

Republicans are racist, sexist, homophobic, jingoistic, islamophobic,
It is their base

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