How The Left Is Selling A Fake Race War with Hate Crime Hoaxes

"The Media In Just the First 3 Months of 2019: 1. The Buzzfeed story was a hoax 2. Covington kids narrative was a total hoax 3. Jussie Smollett story is a HOAX 4. Russian collusion was a total hoax

They have really earned the name FAKE NEWS"
“I have done a great deal of research on hate crimes in America, & the tragically underreported fact is that an enormous number of such incidents reported over the past decades turn out to have been hoaxes,” writes black academic Wilfred Reilly.
Hate Crime Hoaxes and Why They Happen - Commentary

The hate crime hoaxes have picked up
In frequency. KKK fliers, nooses on tree limbs, swastikas on tombstones..... these and similar incidents will occur but the chances increasingly is they are a hoax in 2019 and beyond thanks to the race hustling industry.
hate crimes have been increasing since 2013 and have nothing to do with Trump (according to Bill Barr)

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