How The Left Is Selling A Fake Race War with Hate Crime Hoaxes


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Right after Donald Trump’s election, the SPLC really stoked panic. A pro-gay Episcopal church in Indiana was vandalized w/“Heil Trump,” a swastika, & an anti-gay slur. Turns out it was the gay organ player who did it. He was only charged w/a misdemeanor.

Indiana church vandalized with slurs

Kayla-Simone McKelvey, a race activist & former pres of Pan African Student Union, brought attention to racist death threats at a campus rally. She had earlier left the event to write the threats & then returned.

Twitter threats to black Kean students made by black alum, police say

Number of racist graffiti found across Eastern Michigan U 2016–17. It included “KKK” & messages telling blacks to leave. Protest erupted. Uni offered $10k reward money. Eddie Curlin, a black student, was responsible. He even pretended to be an informant.

Ex-student pleads guilty in EMU racist graffiti case

I can give thousands of other examples. on and on and on and on it goes...
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my friends, the thing holding back blacks in not racism but rather the belief that the white world, which includes everything from indie techo music or kraft beer, is a racist place.
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hate crime hoaxes are dangerous. their perpetrators are PLAYING WITH FIRE. WITH FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRE!
Millenials will believe darned-near anything...

Minorities will believe anything that gives them permission to throw rocks at Whitey...

And The Left has grown quite adept at manipulating both.


Written on the 28th day of Black Patronizing Month...

Check out how that bastion of responsible Journalism, the New York Times describes a certain racist attack in their "This week in hate" column:

Four people have been charged with a hate crime, among other charges, in the beating in Chicago of a teenager with mental disabilities, which was broadcast on Facebook Live on January 3. The video shows one of the suspects shouting about Donald Trump and “white people.”

Hmm, sounds awful. Those mean old Trump supporters at it again am I right? Well...this is what they're talking about:
Video: Suspects Charged With Hate Crime in Chicago Torture Video
Don't feed the troll. I see you people are starting to wise up
in philidelphia's hardscrabble south philly neighborhood, William Tucker, a black man, was charged with criminal mischief for vandalizing a vehicle with the words “Black Bitches” and “Trump rules.” just before election day

Where Have All The Hate Criminals Gone?
when they play the race card, we play THE TRUMP CARD. SO WE CAN WIN! WIN! WIN! USA! LET'S WIN!

my friends, the thing holding back blacks in not racism but rather the belief that the white world, which includes everything from indie techo music or kraft beer, is a racist place.
I would go further. Slightly tan, pan sexuals, indo music and a love of a good beer, are crushing those individuals.
NYC firefighter Jason Stokes set his house fire with his own children inside and tried to blame Black Lives Matter. he claimed he had a blue lives matter sign on his home.

this happens on both sides...white and black

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