Mad Scientist
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- Sep 15, 2008
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A lot has been discussed about the Abortionist Dr. George Tillers' murder but not much has been said about why women and children have late term abortions. Here's a link to some reasons why:
Late-term abortion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I liked these reasons:
"8% Woman waited for her relationship to change" Huh? What would change? The man would stop doing drugs and/or beating them somehow?
"6% Woman didn't know timing is important" WTF does that mean? Are some idiots still doing the rythm method?
"8% Someone pressured woman not to have abortion". Oh as opposed to pressuring them TO have an abortion. That never happens right?
Late-term abortion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"2% A fetal problem was diagnosed late in pregnancy". Uh, isn't that what abortionists always describe as their main reason?In 1987, the Alan Guttmacher Institute collected questionnaires from 1,900 women in the United States who came to clinics to have abortions. Of the 1,900 questioned, 420 had been pregnant for 16 or more weeks. These 420 women were asked to choose among a list of reasons they had not obtained the abortions earlier in their pregnancies. The results were as follows:
71% Woman didn't recognize she was pregnant or misjudged gestation
48% Woman found it hard to make arrangements for abortion
33% Woman was afraid to tell her partner or parents
24% Woman took time to decide to have an abortion
8% Woman waited for her relationship to change
8% Someone pressured woman not to have abortion
6% Something changed after woman became pregnant
6% Woman didn't know timing is important
5% Woman didn't know she could get an abortion
2% A fetal problem was diagnosed late in pregnancy
11% Other
I liked these reasons:
"8% Woman waited for her relationship to change" Huh? What would change? The man would stop doing drugs and/or beating them somehow?
"6% Woman didn't know timing is important" WTF does that mean? Are some idiots still doing the rythm method?
"8% Someone pressured woman not to have abortion". Oh as opposed to pressuring them TO have an abortion. That never happens right?