How Socialism Ruined My Country

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This video is obviously a propaganda piece. Socialism didn't Brazil. The corrupt government and extreme poverty did.

If they were actually practicing socialism, they wouldn't have people living in dumpsters. It sounds more like capitalism to me.

I don't think any country should be solely capitalist or solely socialist. But a mix of both is good.

America is definitely a place that needs a bit more socialism. People need to be given tools so they can exceed. Like healthcare and a university degree.

Socialism creates corrupt governments and extreme poverty. So yeah
Well, again, what they had wasn't Communism. It was this distorted bastardized view of Communism, like the USSR had, that wasn't anything like how Communism is supposed to be.

Again, I don't like Socialism or Communism, and Vietnam is using a free market policies, but that still doesn't say that Capitalism didn't destroy their country in the first place, pushing it towards those who would try and implement their view of Communism, forcibly, and then the wars that followed.

The US is the biggest threat to global security and has been for a long time.
That's what everyone calls communism. ! And utopian communism will never happen. Socialism (ALWAYS democratic, fair capitalism with a good safety net) is the end all. NEW ZEALAND, Australia, ok?

Yes, I know many people also use the word badly, but that doesn't stop it being a bad use of the word.
Socialism should be kept to yourselves, why force it on other people that want nothing to do with it and it would make their lives a living shithole?
What's the problem? ACA yes? That is the solution if the GOP goes after COSTS. ha ha.
Socialism makes the country's problems much much worse
In the USA lately, it's been not taxing the rich enough and not investing (cheap college, training) in Americans and infrastructure that's falling apart.

Explain what you mean please.

Well I have no idea what you're talking about, so I can't really explain.
HOW does socialism make the country's problem worse? ie, fair capitalism. NZ is fine.
Keep that rancid shit to yourselves... The rest of us want nothing to do with incestuous government...

Shall we list the countries destroyed by capitalism?

Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Vietnam etc etc?

Your talking about the effects of war. The OP shows that Brazil took the same course the Democrats would like to take the US economy on. The Op pretty much lays out the recipe for economic disaster pretty well.

So, am I to understand your position, that when capitalist countries go to war, especially economic wars like Iraq, that this isn't the impact of capitalism on countries?

Iraq wasn't an economic war, moron. They violated the ceasefire agreement from day one, and the socialist countries in Europe were talking bribes from sadaam to look the other way......then, after 3,000 people were murdered, we could no longer play games with morons like sadaam....

Thats very true, I had forgotten about Saddam's regeime paying off Europeans, and I know that was proven. Some would like to believe that socialists somehow don't suffer from greed and corruption but it's pretty far from the truth.
Socialism is the absolute foundation for communism. And the left pushes it all the live long day. THAT is how stupid they are. Do they think they are immune to it's ramifications? Public education has killed us
In the USA lately, it's been not taxing the rich enough and not investing (cheap college, training) in Americans and infrastructure that's falling apart.

Explain what you mean please.
A progressive tax of any sort is wrong headed and foolish... The nanny state is a symptom of spinelessness…
The corrupt fucked IRS have been taking in record revenues the last few year … If they cannot live within their means, they should fucking go without... a bunch of spineless kunts.
Is it fair that the richest get all the new wealth? If it's not progressive, tax is a giveaway to the rich.
Progressive taxation is all about envy... fact
BS. So why do rich Dems want to raise their own taxes (and invest in America)?
They can pay all the taxes they want with their own money, but they should never have a say what other people should be taxed... envy is a spineless emotion...
They've been pandering to the rich and screwing the rest fo 35 years, dupe.
Capitalism in the US just recently created The Bush Great Recessoin, and 20 trillion dollars of debt. The US has a president that hands out government jobs to his friends and family like candy on Halloween. He colluded with a foreign adversary to fix the US election. And he and his allies in Congress are working on a tax cut that will cut taxes on the poor by $40 but cut taxes on wealthy people by $1,000,000.

Yeah that shit is working like a well oiled machine in America.

All successful governments are a mix of Capitalism and Socialism. There aren't any Americans volunteering to pay for and pave their own roads, they expect the Society collectively to pay for that. One example out of thousands. People don't equate roads with 'socialism' because they've always been there. Someone has to pay for them, and 95% of the population could not afford to pay for even a 1/4 mile of a paved road.

Everyone that believes they are pure capitalists you need to pry your lips off the socialist teet first. The video in the OP is simple minded and directed at simple minded people. Corruption leads to debt and disaster? Yeah no shit, just check with Wallstreet in September 2008.

No....20 trillion in debt came from the government spending more than it took in....that isn't capitalism, moron...that is as close to socialism as it gets.
And 80-90% of Obama's was to avert ANOTHER corrupt GOP depression and help the victims with the system already in place, dupe. 17 trillion of it is due to the disaster GOP.

The GOP elite has convinced their sordid base that "every man for himself" is the way to live. Only the GOP elite don't live that way. For them, it's "white and rich, but white first" against everyone else.

It is, we'll inherit the earth. You libs will die out and be forgotten.

Libs always win. It's called progress.

No it is REGRESSION to MONARCHY, the basis of all socialist states.

That makes no sense.

Shall we list the countries destroyed by capitalism?

Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Vietnam etc etc?

Your talking about the effects of war. The OP shows that Brazil took the same course the Democrats would like to take the US economy on. The Op pretty much lays out the recipe for economic disaster pretty well.

So, am I to understand your position, that when capitalist countries go to war, especially economic wars like Iraq, that this isn't the impact of capitalism on countries?

Iraq wasn't an economic war, moron. They violated the ceasefire agreement from day one, and the socialist countries in Europe were talking bribes from sadaam to look the other way......then, after 3,000 people were murdered, we could no longer play games with morons like sadaam....

Thats very true, I had forgotten about Saddam's regeime paying off Europeans, and I know that was proven. Some would like to believe that socialists somehow don't suffer from greed and corruption but it's pretty far from the truth.

Just less. Thanks for all the GOP depressions and recessions...and Iraq, the stupidest war ever.

Shall we list the countries destroyed by capitalism?

Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Vietnam etc etc?

Your talking about the effects of war. The OP shows that Brazil took the same course the Democrats would like to take the US economy on. The Op pretty much lays out the recipe for economic disaster pretty well.

So, am I to understand your position, that when capitalist countries go to war, especially economic wars like Iraq, that this isn't the impact of capitalism on countries?

The nature of those wars, and the right or wrong of them is another subject. The OP was talking about the economic effect that socialism had on Brazil, vs the more freer capitalist system it had before. For instance, if Brazil had a healthy economy because of capitalism, that doesn't mean capitalism is going to force them to go to war with anyone. If anything Brazil would have a better life for its people today if they hadnt fallen into the socialist rut. Just like the people of Venezuela by the way.

I understand what the OP was talking about. The problem is the US went to war in Iraq for economic reasons. Oil. The US went to war in Vietnam for ideological reasons, which have everything to do with economics as it was Capitalism v. Bastardized Communism.

If the OP wants to try and make an argument that misses out huge swathes of knowledge, they can do that, but they can't expect me to toe their thin line of ignorance.

Potentially Brazil, like Venezuela, like Cuba, would have had a better time of it without Socialism because then they wouldn't have ended up in an economic war with the US.

Then again Latin American countries are poor because the US was fucking them over for a hundred years. The reason they've struggled is because of the US and it's exploitation.

Shall we list the countries destroyed by capitalism?

Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Vietnam etc etc?

Your talking about the effects of war. The OP shows that Brazil took the same course the Democrats would like to take the US economy on. The Op pretty much lays out the recipe for economic disaster pretty well.

So, am I to understand your position, that when capitalist countries go to war, especially economic wars like Iraq, that this isn't the impact of capitalism on countries?

Ok so heres a problem I see with the socialist model. There is corruption in any system. With people it is always inevetable that some will use favors to get around the rules for themselves and their company. In a capitalist system, things are "run" by the free market. In that case, it works out well that the government sets up regulatory measures to keep things in check. Even then though there can be corruption, but at least there is a division in political parties and branches of government. and we can hope that they also keep each other in check.

But in a Socialist system, say Venezuela for example, The government is the one running things to a much greater extent than the market system is. So then if the government becomes corrupt, who is there left to hold the government accountable? No one. It's like having the fox taking care of the hen house so to speak.

Here's the thing. If you have Capitalism, it will fail. No state has managed to have pure capitalism and survive. Monopolies will be created, corruption will be insane, etc.

So Capitalism needs to have regulation in order to make it function.

Could it not be that Socialism could work that way too? The problem is that most, if not all, Socialist systems have been implemented through force, there's the first problem. Capitalism through force doesn't always work either, ask Zimbabwe.
Well, again, what they had wasn't Communism. It was this distorted bastardized view of Communism, like the USSR had, that wasn't anything like how Communism is supposed to be.

Again, I don't like Socialism or Communism, and Vietnam is using a free market policies, but that still doesn't say that Capitalism didn't destroy their country in the first place, pushing it towards those who would try and implement their view of Communism, forcibly, and then the wars that followed.

The US is the biggest threat to global security and has been for a long time.
That's what everyone calls communism. ! And utopian communism will never happen. Socialism (ALWAYS democratic, fair capitalism with a good safety net) is the end all. NEW ZEALAND, Australia, ok?

Yes, I know many people also use the word badly, but that doesn't stop it being a bad use of the word.
Socialism should be kept to yourselves, why force it on other people that want nothing to do with it and it would make their lives a living shithole?
What's the problem? ACA yes? That is the solution if the GOP goes after COSTS. ha ha.
Socialism makes the country's problems much much worse
In the USA lately, it's been not taxing the rich enough and not investing (cheap college, training) in Americans and infrastructure that's falling apart.

Explain what you mean please.

Well I have no idea what you're talking about, so I can't really explain.
HOW does socialism make the country's problem worse? ie, fair capitalism. NZ is fine.

I'd say that certain things need to be socialized, like healthcare, like the police, like the armed forces, roads etc.

However if you look at someone like Jeremy Corbyn, you can see the main problem with Socialism is that the only people who are ready to implement socialism are off their fucking rockers. I wouldn't trust Corbyn to look after Donald Trump's kids, and most of those are grown up, let alone with running a country. The guy is unionist, and plays the union game.

I knew a girl whose mother was health minister in the Welsh Assembly, at the time when the health service in Wales was the worst in the UK, and had so many more problems than elsewhere, former union leader.... I don't trust them.

Shall we list the countries destroyed by capitalism?

Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Vietnam etc etc?

Your talking about the effects of war. The OP shows that Brazil took the same course the Democrats would like to take the US economy on. The Op pretty much lays out the recipe for economic disaster pretty well.

So, am I to understand your position, that when capitalist countries go to war, especially economic wars like Iraq, that this isn't the impact of capitalism on countries?

The nature of those wars, and the right or wrong of them is another subject. The OP was talking about the economic effect that socialism had on Brazil, vs the more freer capitalist system it had before. For instance, if Brazil had a healthy economy because of capitalism, that doesn't mean capitalism is going to force them to go to war with anyone. If anything Brazil would have a better life for its people today if they hadnt fallen into the socialist rut. Just like the people of Venezuela by the way.

I understand what the OP was talking about. The problem is the US went to war in Iraq for economic reasons. Oil. The US went to war in Vietnam for ideological reasons, which have everything to do with economics as it was Capitalism v. Bastardized Communism.

If the OP wants to try and make an argument that misses out huge swathes of knowledge, they can do that, but they can't expect me to toe their thin line of ignorance.

Potentially Brazil, like Venezuela, like Cuba, would have had a better time of it without Socialism because then they wouldn't have ended up in an economic war with the US.

Then again Latin American countries are poor because the US was fucking them over for a hundred years. The reason they've struggled is because of the US and it's exploitation.

I agree with all that but Iraq for oil. It was just stupid- the Bushes hated Saddam. . And that's the only kind of communism that will happen, dictatorship.
That's what everyone calls communism. ! And utopian communism will never happen. Socialism (ALWAYS democratic, fair capitalism with a good safety net) is the end all. NEW ZEALAND, Australia, ok?

Yes, I know many people also use the word badly, but that doesn't stop it being a bad use of the word.
What's the problem? ACA yes? That is the solution if the GOP goes after COSTS. ha ha.
Socialism makes the country's problems much much worse
In the USA lately, it's been not taxing the rich enough and not investing (cheap college, training) in Americans and infrastructure that's falling apart.

Explain what you mean please.

Well I have no idea what you're talking about, so I can't really explain.
HOW does socialism make the country's problem worse? ie, fair capitalism. NZ is fine.

I'd say that certain things need to be socialized, like healthcare, like the police, like the armed forces, roads etc.

However if you look at someone like Jeremy Corbyn, you can see the main problem with Socialism is that the only people who are ready to implement socialism are off their fucking rockers. I wouldn't trust Corbyn to look after Donald Trump's kids, and most of those are grown up, let alone with running a country. The guy is unionist, and plays the union game.

I knew a girl whose mother was health minister in the Welsh Assembly, at the time when the health service in Wales was the worst in the UK, and had so many more problems than elsewhere, former union leader.... I don't trust them.
And other things need to be better regulated and higher taxes for the rich, at least here in poor old GOP USA.
Shall we list the countries destroyed by capitalism?

Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Vietnam etc etc?

Your talking about the effects of war. The OP shows that Brazil took the same course the Democrats would like to take the US economy on. The Op pretty much lays out the recipe for economic disaster pretty well.

So, am I to understand your position, that when capitalist countries go to war, especially economic wars like Iraq, that this isn't the impact of capitalism on countries?

The nature of those wars, and the right or wrong of them is another subject. The OP was talking about the economic effect that socialism had on Brazil, vs the more freer capitalist system it had before. For instance, if Brazil had a healthy economy because of capitalism, that doesn't mean capitalism is going to force them to go to war with anyone. If anything Brazil would have a better life for its people today if they hadnt fallen into the socialist rut. Just like the people of Venezuela by the way.

I understand what the OP was talking about. The problem is the US went to war in Iraq for economic reasons. Oil. The US went to war in Vietnam for ideological reasons, which have everything to do with economics as it was Capitalism v. Bastardized Communism.

If the OP wants to try and make an argument that misses out huge swathes of knowledge, they can do that, but they can't expect me to toe their thin line of ignorance.

Potentially Brazil, like Venezuela, like Cuba, would have had a better time of it without Socialism because then they wouldn't have ended up in an economic war with the US.

Then again Latin American countries are poor because the US was fucking them over for a hundred years. The reason they've struggled is because of the US and it's exploitation.
I agree with all that but Iraq for oil. It was just stupid- the Bushes hated Saddam. . And that's the only kind of communism that will happen, dictatorship.

I think if you actually look at the situation that was being played out at the time, you'll see why they did it.

Hugo Chavez was elected leader of Venezuela in 1998. He tried to get OPEC to be a strong cartel that would benefit OPEC countries. He held a meeting of all leaders, I believe only the second time it had ever happened.

There was a low of oil prices in December 2001, and then they went up

Crude Oil Prices - 70 Year Historical Chart

all the way up to 2008.

The US attacked OPEC. The leader of OPEC at the time was Chavez, a coup d'etat against him ultimately failed in 2002. 2003 was the war in Iraq, getting rid of Saddam Hussein.

There were four countries in OPEC who hated the US and were willing to show it. Iraq, Venezuela, Iran and Libya. 2011 Libya was gone, but not Syria. People didn't even know about the Ivory Coast, no oil, who cares? Iran has suffered because of US sanctions too in this time.

There's no coincidence that the only countries the US entered were Iraq and Libya. Syria they tried to keep away from, it's not OPEC, not enough oil, who cares? But it's next to Iraq and Syria has ISIS going on which is threatening oil production in Iraq, so... the US has a problem there.

Afghanistan was to help make Islam an enemy, and they utilized 9/11 for all it was worth.

The US wouldn't go to war just because the leader hated the leader of another country, you need more than that. And they had it.
Yes, I know many people also use the word badly, but that doesn't stop it being a bad use of the word.
Socialism makes the country's problems much much worse
In the USA lately, it's been not taxing the rich enough and not investing (cheap college, training) in Americans and infrastructure that's falling apart.

Explain what you mean please.

Well I have no idea what you're talking about, so I can't really explain.
HOW does socialism make the country's problem worse? ie, fair capitalism. NZ is fine.

I'd say that certain things need to be socialized, like healthcare, like the police, like the armed forces, roads etc.

However if you look at someone like Jeremy Corbyn, you can see the main problem with Socialism is that the only people who are ready to implement socialism are off their fucking rockers. I wouldn't trust Corbyn to look after Donald Trump's kids, and most of those are grown up, let alone with running a country. The guy is unionist, and plays the union game.

I knew a girl whose mother was health minister in the Welsh Assembly, at the time when the health service in Wales was the worst in the UK, and had so many more problems than elsewhere, former union leader.... I don't trust them.
And other things need to be better regulated and higher taxes for the rich, at least here in poor old GOP USA.

Well, I believe in fair taxes, not that everyone pays the same, but fair. Now, what fair is is complex, so I can't tell you exactly how that would work, other than it wouldn't work how it works right now.
That's what everyone calls communism. ! And utopian communism will never happen. Socialism (ALWAYS democratic, fair capitalism with a good safety net) is the end all. NEW ZEALAND, Australia, ok?

Yes, I know many people also use the word badly, but that doesn't stop it being a bad use of the word.
What's the problem? ACA yes? That is the solution if the GOP goes after COSTS. ha ha.
Socialism makes the country's problems much much worse
In the USA lately, it's been not taxing the rich enough and not investing (cheap college, training) in Americans and infrastructure that's falling apart.

Explain what you mean please.

Well I have no idea what you're talking about, so I can't really explain.
HOW does socialism make the country's problem worse? ie, fair capitalism. NZ is fine.

I'd say that certain things need to be socialized, like healthcare, like the police, like the armed forces, roads etc.

However if you look at someone like Jeremy Corbyn, you can see the main problem with Socialism is that the only people who are ready to implement socialism are off their fucking rockers. I wouldn't trust Corbyn to look after Donald Trump's kids, and most of those are grown up, let alone with running a country. The guy is unionist, and plays the union game.

I knew a girl whose mother was health minister in the Welsh Assembly, at the time when the health service in Wales was the worst in the UK, and had so many more problems than elsewhere, former union leader.... I don't trust them.
The problem with Socialism, is as I have said before, there are people on the left, who scam the system(Warren Buffet paying less tax rate than his secretary) yet get the most out of the system, while others have to foot the bill. When you do away with the incentive to be a lazy liberal schlob, then those people actually have to do something. The pilgrims found that out after starving, because no one wanted to contribute to Socialism, and then they got Capitalistic real quick.

In the USA lately, it's been not taxing the rich enough and not investing (cheap college, training) in Americans and infrastructure that's falling apart.

Explain what you mean please.

Well I have no idea what you're talking about, so I can't really explain.
HOW does socialism make the country's problem worse? ie, fair capitalism. NZ is fine.

I'd say that certain things need to be socialized, like healthcare, like the police, like the armed forces, roads etc.

However if you look at someone like Jeremy Corbyn, you can see the main problem with Socialism is that the only people who are ready to implement socialism are off their fucking rockers. I wouldn't trust Corbyn to look after Donald Trump's kids, and most of those are grown up, let alone with running a country. The guy is unionist, and plays the union game.

I knew a girl whose mother was health minister in the Welsh Assembly, at the time when the health service in Wales was the worst in the UK, and had so many more problems than elsewhere, former union leader.... I don't trust them.
And other things need to be better regulated and higher taxes for the rich, at least here in poor old GOP USA.

Well, I believe in fair taxes, not that everyone pays the same, but fair. Now, what fair is is complex, so I can't tell you exactly how that would work, other than it wouldn't work how it works right now.
Now, what fair is is complex, so I can't tell you exactly how that would work,
Are you a student of Common Core? I never graduated from college, yet my PHD in the school of life, has enabled me to figure out who is fucking you and who isn't. Liberals don't want a consumption tax, for then everyone must pay a fair tax. The rich(like Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barrack Hussein Obama would end up paying more taxes because being rich, they buy more things, while poor people pay less in taxes because they buy less, and that way, you wouldn't need the IRS which would be able to remove about 10% of the government waste. Liberals don't want to do this, because then the liberals don't have a wedge against dumbass people like those who vote Dumbocrat. Florida doesn't have a income tax, because they have a consumption tax of 7% which those rich tourists pay a lot of , and the rest of the Floridians pay making them have skin in the game and the state stays solvent.
No, that was done by Dems, denying there was a problem when warned

2005 REpublicans controlled both houses of Congress and could have done anything they wanted about GSE's.

They didn't. THeir friends were making too much money.
And that was why Nancy Pelosi assumed the gavel, because Conservatives saw how the establishment Repubs were against the people. Shame Joe that you are too stupid to know that establishment Republicrats and Demoblicans are in it for themselves, but hey when your head is way up Uranus, those establishment pukes can get away with even murder.
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