How should the US respond to the "Balloon"

Sure, they shot it down, after it had been allowed to travel all across the US documenting it's findings to the Chinese, that is.

So how should the US respond?

Personally, I think maybe they should send a balloon to China while it drops leaflets to the Chinese people regarding Critical Race Theory

That should be enough to destroy that country.

After all, if it helped destroy the US, why would it not help destroy China?

Again, we should release a bunch of 'Trump' balloons into their airsace headed for Beijing:

Obscene gestures. A balloon seems so primitive I truly am not sure it is a big deal to start with.
It will be hilarious if it turns out to be just a weather balloon.

Of course if it is, our criminal government will likely just lie about it.
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It will be hilarious if it turns out to be just a weather balloon.

Of course if it is, our criminal government will likely just lie about.

Why would we need to lie about shooting down a planned, intentional, un-coordinated Chinese aircraft flying over the US?
Sure, they shot it down, after it had been allowed to travel all across the US documenting it's findings to the Chinese, that is.

So how should the US respond?

Personally, I think maybe they should send a balloon to China while it drops leaflets to the Chinese people regarding Critical Race Theory

That should be enough to destroy that country.

After all, if it helped destroy the US, why would it not help destroy China?

Tramp has 3 times flew over Ha, and he didn't do nothing. All hypocritical republicans.
Obscene gestures. A balloon seems so primitive I truly am not sure it is a big deal to start with.

It's not. China got exactly what it wanted and that was the raging Magats who are busy grabbing head lines.

I have been told, by Magats, that we should have shot it down when it first was over Alaska. I didn't say a thing. But it wasn't detected over Alaska or even Canada. It was riding the Jet Stream. Finding something visually over the path it took was about as hard as trying to catch a meteorite with a catchers mitt.

There was zero it could see. Like many weather balloons, it was over 60,000 feet and you could not see it from the ground because you won't know where to look. It was finally detected over Northern Montana. There is a major Air Force Military Base who could detect it from the ground and then respond to identify it. Since it was found to NOT have an threat, the Military made the suggestion to just leave it alone until it was over the ocean. The reason for that was, falling things from the sky have a tendency to cause fires and hit people on the little Pumpkin Heads (MAGAts.) We learned that during WWII when Japan sent ballons on about the same trajectory and tried to light our forests on fire. I wouldn't worry about one but I would if a few hundred or thousand were launched. It was allowed to transverse the US and when it got over the Atlantic, it was promptly dispatched. Biden may have given the final approval but it was the Military that suggest the action all along.
Sure, they shot it down, after it had been allowed to travel all across the US documenting it's findings to the Chinese, that is.

So how should the US respond?

Personally, I think maybe they should send a balloon to China while it drops leaflets to the Chinese people regarding Critical Race Theory

That should be enough to destroy that country.

After all, if it helped destroy the US, why would it not help destroy China?

I posed this question to some cult fucks and they refuse to answer because they know Xiden screwed the pooch.

The correct answer is it should have been shot down the moment it entered Alaskan Airspace. We knew it was there.

Does anyone think China would have let a US balloon fly over the interior of their nation for days? Does anyone seriously think that?
It's not. China got exactly what it wanted and that was the raging Magats who are busy grabbing head lines.

How do you figure?

The Chinese balloon - Biden's latest failure to handle a situation - is all over the news, and the latest is Joe lying about how it happened under Trump...except none of us - including him - knew about it ... until they made that shit up to try to make Joe's f*-up not look so bad.

Its amazing how every time Joe steps in shit you TDS-suffering Democrat / Biden-apologists try to blame and attack anyone talking about it.

I posed this question to some cult fucks and they refuse to answer because they know Xiden screwed the pooch.

The correct answer is it should have been shot down the moment it entered Alaskan Airspace. We knew it was there.

Does anyone think China would have let a US balloon fly over the interior of their nation for days? Does anyone seriously think that?
I bet we have a dozen satellites watching them right now. Dont need no stinking balloon.
I posed this question to some cult fucks and they refuse to answer because they know Xiden screwed the pooch.

The correct answer is it should have been shot down the moment it entered Alaskan Airspace. We knew it was there.

Does anyone think China would have let a US balloon fly over the interior of their nation for days? Does anyone seriously think that?
With a debris field that stretches 7 miles, it should have been shot down in a heavily populated part of South Carolina. BTW, Colonel Klink, three balloons were sighted here on Trump`s watch. What`s a Xiden? We don`t all speak MAGAese.
No, you don't.
Santos is a Prog incarnate. Of a different party is semantics. However, progs revel in the deflection of any Republican who does not live like they are in a monastery. It is not the voters fault they get these people fronted to them. Although that district and others can be marginal for election.
With a debris field that stretches 7 miles, it should have been shot down in a heavily populated part of South Carolina. BTW, Colonel Klink, three balloons were sighted here on Trump`s watch. What`s a Xiden? We don`t all speak MAGAese.

You are late to the party.

It should have been shot down the moment it entered Alaska airspace. We knew it was there.

Keep blindly following your corrupt leader. The laptop is fake, right? 10% to the big guy, huh?

You cult fucks are all the same it is bizarre. Let me guess…3 boosters? You wear a mask while you drive. You still swear Putin stole 2016.
It seems the Biden administrations has other fears other than balloons sent to the US by China that he seemed powerless to stop

Rumor has it the FBI is terrified of insurgents launching another attack on the Capital on the backs of turtles.
Sure, they shot it down, after it had been allowed to travel all across the US documenting it's findings to the Chinese, that is.

So how should the US respond?
Deploy a monstrous gasbag over Beijing!

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You are late to the party.

It should have been shot down the moment it entered Alaska airspace. We knew it was there.

Keep blindly following your corrupt leader. The laptop is fake, right? 10% to the big guy, huh?

You cult fucks are all the same it is bizarre. Let me guess…3 boosters? You wear a mask while you drive. You still swear Putin stole 2016.
How much money have you sent to "find me 11,780 votes"? A fact checker who`s been checking facts for 9 years has had a peak at some of the emails on the laptop. He`s found solid evidence that Hunter reads newspapers. That`s a no-no in MAGA land.

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