how patriotic are you these days about America


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
10- yes super patriotic . Stars and Stripes
5- average
1- We need a Civil WAR 2

I would say I used to be a 5-6 but now I am a ZERO. I am not calling for a war but I am calling for full succession for each state.

I wont even celebrate July 4th anymore and when I see an American flag I get triggered.
Thanks Joe, for destroying the entire country

I am a ZERO
10- yes super patriotic . Stars and Stripes
5- average
1- We need a Civil WAR 2

I would say I used to be a 5-6 but now I am a ZERO. I am not calling for a war but I am calling for full succession for each state.

I wont even celebrate July 4th anymore and when I see an American flag I get triggered.
Thanks Joe, for destroying the entire country

I am a ZERO
Leave the country you fucking traitor!
10- yes super patriotic . Stars and Stripes
5- average
1- We need a Civil WAR 2

I would say I used to be a 5-6 but now I am a ZERO. I am not calling for a war but I am calling for full succession for each state.

I wont even celebrate July 4th anymore and when I see an American flag I get triggered.
Thanks Joe, for destroying the entire country

I am a ZERO
Secession, idiot
I served in the Military and I care about the Republic. I fly Old Glory every day with a solar light to illuminate it at night. I want to MAGA and I don't want to deal with crazies who think a Civil War is the only way to regain a moral and just government.
10- yes super patriotic . Stars and Stripes
5- average
1- We need a Civil WAR 2

I would say I used to be a 5-6 but now I am a ZERO. I am not calling for a war but I am calling for full succession for each state.

I wont even celebrate July 4th anymore and when I see an American flag I get triggered.
Thanks Joe, for destroying the entire country

I am a ZERO
I would love to more split up the states. Say, have a Michigan social security and medicare system. And you have your Kentucky system. You get what you paid in. So as a guy who has paid in $30-$100K for 30 years, I should expect a pretty good retirement.

If you look at the politicians, all they have to do is win election twice and they get a $80K pension. They would need to cut down on those generous pensions to people who only served 8 years to make it work but of course Michigan will buy into Obamacare so old people won't move to low tax red states because the social services are shit.

I just saw that most people in rural America don't have access to even a close pharmacy let alone a doctor. And a lot of people in red states are trying to figure out how to get around their ignorant republicans leaders who refuse to buy in to Obamacare. It's been how many years now?

I am a 10 as far as my love for this country. Where else could an immigrant like my father move to and find work at a unionized company like Ford Motor Company? A company that paid him a fair wage and pension. And a country where college is affordable so his son, one generation American can get accepted to a top school and get his masters and then rise the corporate ladder all the way to VP of a fortune 500 company. Who makes $1 million a year.

What other country could a person move to where that could happen?

The problem with America today is there are no good paying Ford jobs. It's walmart now. And college is unaffordable for the masses. That's why Republicans say don't go to college. Become a plumber.
I love this country and the ideals it was founded upon. I have zero faith in the federal government as an entity that can competently govern. Not because of the structure, but because of the inhabitants.
I served in the Military and I care about the Republic. I fly Old Glory every day with a solar light to illuminate it at night. I want to MAGA and I don't want to deal with crazies who think a Civil War is the only way to regain a moral and just government.
I love this country, even when it votes for guys like Reagan/Bush/Trump.

I just really love America when it supports Carter/Clinton/Obama and Biden

Who said this?

“You know you look at the country then … The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean, we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy,” he said.

“A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell. You know people get jealous and they hate you.”
Leave the country you fucking traitor!

What country ?? We have become the Soviet Union and our demographics are becoming Central America.
WE have zero functional Govt
WE have zero borders
WE have zero Judges
We have zero Senate

There is no country
I love this country, even when it votes for guys like Reagan/Bush/Trump.

I just really love America when it supports Carter/Clinton/Obama and Biden

Who said this?

“You know you look at the country then … The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean, we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy,” he said.

“A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell. You know people get jealous and they hate you.”
The Clinton years? The Federal Government used tanks and poison gas to incinerate members of a quirky religious cult in Waco, Tx. who violated no law. Bubba Bill engaged the American public in a debate about the difference between a B.J. and sex with an intern in the freaking Oval Office. Clinton used American bombers to destroy a European country when he was literally caught with his pants down. Everything you think you know about the Clinton administration is fiction written by propaganda writers employed by WAPO .The truth is that we had no war when Trump was president and we had a stable economy with gas prices less than $2
The Clinton years? The Federal Government used tanks and poison gas to incinerate members of a quirky religious cult in Waco, Tx. who violated no law. Bubba Bill engaged the American public in a debate about the difference between a B.J. and sex with an intern in the freaking Oval Office. Clinton used American bombers to destroy a European country when he was literally caught with his pants down. Everything you think you know about the Clinton administration is fiction written by propaganda writers employed by WAPO .The truth is that we had no war when Trump was president and we had a stable economy with gas prices less than $2

WORST of all: Clinton is the one who destroyed US manufactoring forever and he gave China all of our secrets
What country ?? We have become the Soviet Union and our demographics are becoming Central America.
WE have zero functional Govt
WE have zero borders
WE have zero Judges
We have zero Senate

There is no country
You are an idiot.
I would love to more split up the states. Say, have a Michigan social security and medicare system. And you have your Kentucky system. You get what you paid in. So as a guy who has paid in $30-$100K for 30 years, I should expect a pretty good retirement.

If you look at the politicians, all they have to do is win election twice and they get a $80K pension. They would need to cut down on those generous pensions to people who only served 8 years to make it work but of course Michigan will buy into Obamacare so old people won't move to low tax red states because the social services are shit.

I just saw that most people in rural America don't have access to even a close pharmacy let alone a doctor. And a lot of people in red states are trying to figure out how to get around their ignorant republicans leaders who refuse to buy in to Obamacare. It's been how many years now?

I am a 10 as far as my love for this country. Where else could an immigrant like my father move to and find work at a unionized company like Ford Motor Company? A company that paid him a fair wage and pension. And a country where college is affordable so his son, one generation American can get accepted to a top school and get his masters and then rise the corporate ladder all the way to VP of a fortune 500 company. Who makes $1 million a year.

What other country could a person move to where that could happen?

The problem with America today is there are no good paying Ford jobs. It's walmart now. And college is unaffordable for the masses. That's why Republicans say don't go to college. Become a plumber.
Thanks to shit stains like you.
10 here. The government and Big Corp. could use a big dose of Castor Oil. But the U.S. Constitution is fine as is the American people.

The Clinton years? The Federal Government used tanks and poison gas to incinerate members of a quirky religious cult in Waco, Tx. who violated no law. Bubba Bill engaged the American public in a debate about the difference between a B.J. and sex with an intern in the freaking Oval Office. Clinton used American bombers to destroy a European country when he was literally caught with his pants down. Everything you think you know about the Clinton administration is fiction written by propaganda writers employed by WAPO .The truth is that we had no war when Trump was president and we had a stable economy with gas prices less than $2
This reply proves my point. You can be so fucking petty when it's a Democrat in the White House.

Isn't it funny that you republicans were the ones defending pedophiles back during waco? Cults.

Remember you were bashing Obama because of the BP Oil spill? How fucking petty you can be when a Democrat has a great economy. You even went after Bill over a blowjob.

In an October 2008 interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Trump, then a real estate mogul and TV reality star, also called former President Bill Clinton’s impeachment “nonsense.” I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant and they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And yet Bush got us into this horrible war with lies. By lying. By saying they had weapons of mass destruction. By saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true.”

Look how hard you went at Bill for a BJ. But you're giving Trump a pass on 4 crimes and 91 counts?

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