How Obamacare Is Ruining Health Insurance


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I read hundreds of stories of the horrors of Obamacare. So, to me, this article makes a great deal of sense. Here's the final paragraph of it:

There is no reason why the health insurance marketplace cannot work just as well as the market for homeowners insurance and auto liability insurance.

Read the full story @ How Obamacare Is Ruining Health Insurance - Forbes
Here's a lie: "I read hundreds of stories of the horrors of Obamacare." S

Here's a sad truth: "There is no reason why the health insurance marketplace cannot work just as well as the market for homeowners insurance and auto liability insurance."

Here's a fact: We have ACA because the health insurance marketplace killed itself in the pursuit of greed.
Here's a lie: "I read hundreds of stories of the horrors of Obamacare." S

Here's a sad truth: "There is no reason why the health insurance marketplace cannot work just as well as the market for homeowners insurance and auto liability insurance."

Here's a fact: We have ACA because the health insurance marketplace killed itself in the pursuit of greed.
you repeat everything your hear regardless right?
historically insurance company see about an 8 % profit margin,yep they are just rolling in cash, Now if you had said the cost of services,you would have done much better,but then hacks do what hacks do.
Here's a lie: "I read hundreds of stories of the horrors of Obamacare." S

Here's a sad truth: "There is no reason why the health insurance marketplace cannot work just as well as the market for homeowners insurance and auto liability insurance."

Here's a fact: We have ACA because the health insurance marketplace killed itself in the pursuit of greed.
Dumping people onto insurance companies that have not been paying, and accepting them with pre-existing conditions on a equal basis with people who have been paying for decades is not insurance, it is theft.
No, it is not. It is a system that makes sure all have decent health insurance, which is a national security issue, among other things.
No, it is not. It is a system that makes sure all have decent health insurance, which is a national security issue, among other things.

If the government gave a damn about health, they would build hospitals and clinics, and eliminate the use of food stamps for junk food and drinks.

The health insurance industry brought this on.

It is the right thing to do to resolve the issue.

But you are probably right that we will end up with a single payer system because of industry greed.
If the government gave a damn about health, they would build hospitals and clinics,

dear, they tried that in the USSR and Red China. Govt is very very very inefficient. A monopoly has no incentive to be efficient. The second Red China switched to Republican capitalism
40% of the entire world's poverty was eliminated.
Is this still over your head??
The hospitals there are good, and if China switched to far right capitalism, world poverty would double within five years.
I don't know exactly when it flipped over (a couple years ago, I think), but at some point the right started using the language and rationales of the left to argue against the ACA.

But aren’t these insurers worried that if they mistreat their customers, their enrollees will move to some other plan? Here’s the rarely told secret about health insurance in the Obamacare exchanges: insurers don’t care if heavy users of medical care go to some other plan. Getting rid of high-cost enrollees is actually good for the bottom line.

Goodman is essentially arguing that market competition doesn't work in the health insurance industry, period (he wants to pretend his argument no longer applies if you use individual rating instead of community rating, yet it does--in fact it's even more potent under those circumstances). That's the left's argument.

I understand why the left uses that argument: they want single-payer, not marketplaces. I don't understand why the right is starting to use it. Did they all sign on to single-payer too at some point and I just missed that memo?
Has anyone on the left ever compared what an office visit would cost if they offered to pay cash for it?

So you're sick in the hospital. In pain. Try taking your own aspirin or Tylenol some time.
Has anyone on the left ever compared what an office visit would cost if they offered to pay cash for it?

So you're sick in the hospital. In pain. Try taking your own aspirin or Tylenol some time.
Your comment means nothing.
Well, we could go Dr. Ben Carson's route?

Regulate insurance companies as non-profit services
Today, insurance companies call the shots on what they want to pay, to whom, and when. Consequently, even busy doctors operate with a very slim profit of margin.
This is an ideal place for the intervention of government regulators who, with the help of medical professionals, could establish fair and consistent remuneration. To accomplish this, essentially all of the insurance companies would have to become non-profit service organizations with standardized, regulated profit margins.

This is not the paradigm that I see for all businesses, [but] is uniquely appropriate for the health-insurance industry, which deals with people's lives and quality of existence. That may sound radical, but is it as radical as allowing a company to increase its profits by denying care to sick individuals? In the long run this would also be good for the insurance companies, who could then concentrate on providing good service, rather than focusing on undercutting their competitors and increasing their profit margin.
Ben Carson on Health Care

What do the conservatives think of Carson's idea? It smells like anti-capitalism and radical socialism.
I don't know exactly when it flipped over (a couple years ago, I think), but at some point the right started using the language and rationales of the left to argue against the ACA.

The "left" and the "right" in the US, as represented by Democrats and Republicans in Congress, and the same bunch of corporatists. They take turns defending the interests of their sponsors, or their constituents depending on whether they are in a leadership position or not. Republicans will argue for freedom and justice up until the point they're back in power, then it will be the Democrat's turn once again.
Has anyone on the left ever compared what an office visit would cost if they offered to pay cash for it?

So you're sick in the hospital. In pain. Try taking your own aspirin or Tylenol some time.

dear, aspirin and tylenol are mild medications for people who are sick and in pain who self administer 20 million times a day. I think the major point is that if you had capitalist healthcare prices would be down about 80%.

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